"The old Celestial Emperor said that I still have a perfect road that belongs to me, but how should I induce it?"

Mu Qing touched the chin, thinking.

As the reincarnation of the old Celestial Emperor, in fact, he is already in the third life, he should have a perfect road.

But Mu Qing has never found the perfect road.

From the situation of Xinrui breakthrough Supreme, Mu Qing discovered that the real perfect road does not seem to need to go through a great self-destruction.

There will be a special breakthrough method.

"Ai, I can only go one step at a time, but I am now majoring in Qi Luck, with the infinite energy support of the Avenue of Stars, even if there is no real perfect Avenue, it will not be too bad."

Mu Qing sighed, and then stopped paying attention to this matter.

He has never been able to find the perfect road that exists in him.

I simply ignore it.

His Avenue of Stars is not bad, even more how he still has the Immortal Avenue as a weapon, and his strength has far surpassed the Supreme of the same level.

Mu Qing of Supreme Rank 2, with true strength, can compete with Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer and even 5 Heavenly Layer!

A few months later.

The battle between Tianchen Realm and Demon Realm continues, as if it doesn't want to stop at all.

Mu Qing is cultivation, but this day was interrupted by a news.

"The people of Demon Realm are here again?"

Mu Qing frowns, looked towards Luo Daozhong.

Luo Daozhong was nodded, and he was also very surprised.

Although he is not strong, he is still clear about some things at the top.

Since the last time Demon Realm talked about cooperation with Mu Qing and the others, Luo Daozhong knew that Mu Qing seemed to have some conflicts with Demon Realm.

People from Demon Realm came this time, but didn't know what it meant.

"The person here is a Demon Realm Supreme, who is not a familiar person. He should have come out of Sovereign Road with the demon ancestor. He is called Mono Supreme, but the specific cultivation base is not clear."

Lord Luo Dao informed Mu Qing of the information he could obtain.

After all, he is only a great emperor. He can perceive that the envoy from Demon Realm is a demonic cultivator, but he does not know the specific cultivation realm of the other party.

Mu Qing nodded, "I will meet him."

He teleported to the meeting hall.

At this time, the Demon Realm messenger has been waiting there for a long time, and on the opposite side is Paragon Samsara Xinrui.

Xin Rui's face is dignified, staring at the messenger of Demon Realm.

Mono Supreme alone, looked towards Xinrui with a smile.

When Mu Qing came to the conference hall, Mono Supreme turned his gaze to Mu Qing again, and a terrifying coercion suddenly rolled over!

Mu Qing frowned, not even think, exploded directly, the golden arrogance burst out, and the starry sky avenue appeared behind him.

"Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer!"

At the same time, Mu Qing also understood the specific strength of Mono Supreme.

It is Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer!

Mu Qing only has the cultivation base of Supreme 2nd Layer, but the true strength is more than that. Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer is not his opponent at all!

Seeing Mu Qing’s imposing manner, Mono Supreme’s eyes also showed a touch of surprise. It was obvious that Mu Qing was only the Supreme 2nd Layer, but it gave him the feeling that he was facing a Supreme 5. Heavenly Layer’s powerhouse!

Mono Supreme quickly put away the coercion he released and put on a smiling face.

"The ruler of the Hunyuan realm, the Supreme Star, is really deeply hidden. No wonder that even the masters of the demon ancestors are in our Demon Realm and praise you very much. Only the cultivation base of Supreme 2nd Layer is so powerful. Powerful."

Mono Supreme said with a smile, full of mouthfuls.

Where did he know the true strength of Mu Qing, he just guessed it based on his feelings.

In the end, he still believed in his own feelings.

"Your Excellency, come to my Demon Domain, what do you do?"

Mu Qing's face is gloomy, quite rude.

The cooperation with Demon Realm is not too pleasant. If it wasn't for Jianshin Supreme to rescue him last time, I'm afraid he would be dead with the King of Chaos and Paragon Appear!

Mono Supreme chuckled, he naturally understood the reason for Mu Qing's anger, so he took out a dark crystal and handed it to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing frowns, he took the pitch black crystal, and a large amount of demonic energy suddenly gushed out of it, but it was directly shattered by Mu Qing.

Through the crystals, he suddenly found a small golden dragon tied up inside.

The small dragon is struggling madly, but unfortunately it can't break through the dark crystal.

Mu Qing expression congeals.

Top Divine Stone vein!

This pitch-black crystal is the same as the diamond-shaped crystal in the hands of Saint Nine and Saint Eight of Unextinguishable Mountain. It has the same effect, and is used to seal the top Divine Stone veins.

"What do you mean?" Mu Qing shouted.

Mono Supreme laughed and hurriedly said: "Last time we Demon Realm cooperated with you in the decapitation plan, but unfortunately we encountered the demon flame Supreme in the middle of the trouble, which caused you to get into trouble and almost fell."

"This Peak Divine Stone vein was brought by the ancestor personally instructed me to apologize, and at the same time, we want to discuss the next cooperation."

Mono Supreme took the space artifact again A dark crystal was pulled out, and a small golden dragon was also held in it.

He handed it to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing perceives carefully, he can be sure that the golden small dragon among the two dark crystals is indeed the Peak Divine Stone vein, there is nothing wrong with it!

Mu Qing was a little surprised, and looked at each other with Xinrui.

didn't expect Demon Realm to be so rich, he directly sent two top Divine Stone veins over!

Mu Qing breathes deeply, frowns looked towards Mono Supreme.

"The next cooperation?"


As far as he knows, the Celestial Realm and the Demon Realm army are still in a stalemate. Demon Realm doesn't have many advantages here.

In the beginning, if there were no demon-flag Supreme’s troubles, the so-called decapitation was indeed feasible. As long as Holy Seven Day died, then the remaining powerhouses of the Holy Realm in the Tianchen Realm were clay chickens and pottery dogs. Rout arbitrarily!

But this time was missed, Holy Seven, relying on the support of the Holy Realm behind, can compete with the Demon Realm army for a long time.

Now I can find Mu Qing again, but it will not help. The Holy Realm will definitely send more powerhouses.

Mono Supreme laughed, he saw through Mu Qing's thoughts, and whispered softly: "It's not a matter of the Tianchen Realm. For example, today Chen Realm and my Demon Realm army are deadlocked. It's just an illusion."

"In fact, in the dark, our Demon Realm, Sacred Realm, and Monster Realm have united."

"Now we need more powerhouses to act together."

Mu Qing frowns deeper.

Sure enough, these guys only value profit!

A few days ago, Demon Realm also planned to attack the Celestial Realm under the Holy Realm, and on the way, the Demon Flame Supreme even took action to cause the fall of Demon Lord.

But now, these three realms are suddenly united again, and the speed of changing faces is almost faster than turning a book!

Mu Qing almost guessed their intentions in his heart.

At this time, Mono Supreme lowered his voice, opened the mouth and said: "Our goal is to test the black world and obtain a certain level of intelligence!"

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