"Sorry, I will only stay in Demon Domain at the moment."

After Xinrui breakthrough Supreme, he came to the demon ancestor and rejected the demon with a tougher attitude. Zu's solicitation.

Different from other people's breakthrough Supreme, after Xinrui breakthrough Supreme, his aura is restrained. It seems that he has completely mastered Supreme's power in a flash.

One breakthrough is Peak status!

Mu Qing stood beside him, with a feeling of being involved. Samsara Power continued to rotate, creating an illusion of birth, aging, sickness and death.

It seems that this is the characteristic of Samsara Power. Now Xinrui can even make people die in the blink of an eye or become a child in the blink of an eye.

And this is just the initial use of Great Dao of Reincarnation. Xinrui, who has a 90% increase in growth rate, will definitely not lower his achievements in the future!

After the Mozu was rejected, he was not angry, laughed at the two of them, and then broke through the air and crossed the boundary.

Mu Qing and Xinrui's faces sank in unison.

"Although this Mozu saved us, and even treated us well, he may not be an ally afterwards."

Xin Rui said solemnly.

At present, the two parties have no interest relationship. The Devil Ancestor is so kind to help them, there must be ghosts!

"I understand."

Mu Qing nodded, he naturally knows this.

Even more how, before the Mozu invited them to cooperate, saying that they are rewarded with the top Divine Stone mineral vein, but in fact?

After the accident, Demon Realm made no sound!

Mozu did not mention this at all just now.

Maybe Demon Realm at first treats them as cannon fodder!

"Except Jianxin Supreme, Yaoyan Supreme and Mozu both harbor malicious intentions......"

"no! Be careful over the black world!"

Mu Qing's face is solemn.

Although they are considered to have joined the black world, in fact, no one on the black world contacted them until now.

Jianxin Supreme is a person who keeps his promises. Mu Qing can trust him, but there is no news from the black world. Even now, Mu Qing still doesn’t know what the leader of the black world looks like. Know who the other people in the dark world are.

"However, Jianxin Supreme said that the Black Realm would shelter the Hunyuan Realm. It shouldn't be something too big a problem."

In fact, Mu Qing still has some worry.

He was afraid that the Black Realm would use their Hunyuan Realm as cannon fodder and go to fight with other realms.

After all, the black world is more mysterious than the other three worlds. At least the ideas of the other worlds are on the surface, which is to rule the entire universe!

"Strengthen ourselves first!"

"Only when we become strong can we control our own destiny." Xinrui sighed.

He came to his planet.

Because the breakthrough Supreme ushered in the Thunder Tribulation arranged by the universe's instinct, and the aftermath that escaped has already destroyed this star without any vitality.

Xin Rui landed from a high altitude on the lonely earth, slowly spreading his hands.

In the eyes, the Reincarnation Disk illusory shadow rotates, and the Great Dao of Reincarnation behind it goes straight to the sky, almost infinitely extending. Unfortunately, the nine chains are firmly imprisoned and there is no breakthrough.

The divine force of reincarnation spreads from Xinrui's body and permeates the entire planet.

In an instant, amidst the loneliness, the green shoots appeared out of thin air, while breathing, the mountains rose, the forests were dense, and the rivers flowed endlessly!

Only the influence of Samsara Power has revived the entire destroyed planet!

Mu Qing was also a little surprised when he witnessed the whole process. To know his resurrection ability, it is a bit difficult to achieve this level.

Xinrui’s Samsara Power surpasses the rules, even if it is a dead thing, it is possible to reincarnate and resurrect!

"Now you, maybe you already have the possibility of resurrecting the divine soul destroyed, right?"

Mu Qing came next to Xin Rui and exclaimed.

From Xinrui's Great Dao of Reincarnation, Mu Qing can feel an oppression!

This oppression is a little weak, but it doesn't actually affect it. At most, it makes Xinrui's growth rate of Jiucheng Dadao more powerful than that of the same level.

Mu Qing suddenly understood that this is probably the oppressive nature of the perfect road that Mozu said!

Perfect Avenue has oppressive restraint on all other avenues, which will make the owner of Perfect Avenue an invincible existence of the same order.

Although Mu Qing’s characteristic of the Avenue of Stars is extremely against the sky, it only lacks that kind of oppression and restraint.

After all, the Avenue of Stars was created by the Celestial Emperor. Although the level has been reached, the inherent oppression and restraint of the Avenue of Perfection cannot be created.

Unless Celestial Emperor's cultivation realm can reach Sovereign!

Mu Qing feels Xinrui’s Great Dao of Reincarnation. From the perfect Dao level, he was forcibly hit by the cosmic instinct. Now, even if the Jiucheng Dao is incomplete, it still has the oppressive and restrained power of the perfect Dao.

"It's a pity."

Mu Qing shook the head, if Xinrui can also have a perfect road, then their Demon Domain will become more powerful.

"There is nothing to regret, it's not the right time, even more how, the 90% increase has surpassed most people in the universe."

Xin Rui laughed, look. Looking at the rejuvenating planet in front of me, I didn't care at all.

"As for the resurrection of the Divine Soul, I feel that now with my strength, I am confident that I can do it!"

Xin Rui chuckled lightly.

He had figured out this ability a long time ago, but before it was all about luck. It was a miracle to be able to resurrect Emperor Xingfeng before.

"At most, the Great Emperor Realm should be resurrected, and it can only be resurrected in the same place on the day of death!"

"And if the Divine Soul is wiped out the second time, then Even I can't help."

Xin Rui explained.

His Samsara Power allows him to see the fragments of Divine Soul that have been wiped out.

As long as the cultivation base is below the extreme emperor, he can resurrect it.

But if it is the extreme emperor or even semi-Supreme and Supreme, there is still no way to resurrect!

And if Divine Soul is crushed for the second time, there will be no Divine Soul fragments left. Even if Xinrui possesses the strength of Supreme Tenth Heaven, it is impossible to resurrect.

Even so, Xinrui's ability is already very amazing, resurrecting the existence of Divine Soul dispersed, even if there are certain conditions.

In the entire universe, I am afraid that only Xinrui can have this ability.

"By the way, if it is possible, I even think that Great Dao of Reincarnation has a certain possibility and can return to the perfect road."

Xin Rui touched the chin, whispered Whispered.

Great Dao of Reincarnation itself is special. Even if Xinrui himself is dead, he can walk out of Great Dao of Reincarnation and be resurrected directly!

The universe instinctively broke the Great Dao of Reincarnation, but after Xinrui became stronger, it might not be possible to reincarnate the Great Dao of Reincarnation and reach the level of perfect avenue again.

Later, Mu Qing bid farewell to Xinrui, he made Xinrui familiar with Samsara Power as much as possible.

After leaving Xinrui, Mu Qing returned to the moon, but he was thinking about his own way.

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