Mu Qing and Xinrui looked at each other, and both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

They thought that Demon Realm came to them again, in order to unite them with the Hunyuan World to continue the so-called beheading operation.

As a result, Mono Supreme said these words, which shocked Mu Qing.

It turned out that the situation where the Tianchen Realm and the Demon Realm army have been at a stalemate is an illusion!

It's no wonder Monster Realm has not blended into it. The three realms have been united behind the scenes!

The real intention is to test the black world!

Mu Qing understands that Demon Realm really wanted to seize the Celestial Realm at first, but it failed to seize it later, and instead changed the goal.

Originally, Demon Realm and Monster Realm giving tit for tat, but now they suddenly unite.

"A top Divine Stone vein is a apology, and a top Divine Stone vein is reward."

The corner of Mono Supreme's mouth slightly raised, said with a smile: "In order not to beat the grass to scare the snake, so our powerhouses in the Three Realms will not send much. We mainly rely on you. Of course, besides you, there are other powerhouses that are willing to cooperate with me and so on."

"The main goal is to explore everything in the black world, and find clues as much as possible. Of course, it doesn’t matter if we can’t find clues."

"If we find clues that are useful to me, then our Three Realms Additional rewards will be given."

Mono Supreme looked at Mu Qing with a smile.

This reward is already quite generous, a top-level Divine Stone vein, just for them to explore the black world.

Even if you can't find any clues, just enter the black world and stroll around and go back, there is still a reward for the top Divine Stone vein.

And if you find the information of the black world, there may be even greater rewards.

Mu Qing raised his eyebrows, these three realms seemed to be afraid of the black realm.

touched the chin, Mu Qing was lost in thought.

"80% of these three realms are not bad and they will definitely treat us as cannon fodder."

"And so generously to give the Peak Divine Stone veins, I’m afraid it was planned when the time Comes wait until all the cannon fodder falls in the black world, and then collect it, there is no plan to send it all out at all."

Mu Qing secretly said in one's heart.

Perhaps for others, the so-called cooperation of these three realms is an extremely easy action, and the rewards are extremely rich, even Supreme can't help but be moved.

For others, isn’t it just exploring the dark world!

Nothing at worst.

I don’t know how long the black world has existed, and it’s not that no one has gone in to explore it. There are black holes everywhere, without any creatures.

As long as you have enough strength, you can enter and return safely.

But Mu Qing knows that, now in the Black Realm, Jianxin Supreme is the Supreme powerhouse of Supreme Ten Heavens. If people from the outside dare to enter, I’m afraid it’s ten deaths without life!

After pondering for a while, Mu Qing immediately chose to join the operation.

There are no benefits, why refuse?

Others may be killed when they enter the black world, but he is actually a person from the black world!


"After three days, gather outside the bounds, hope not to be late."

After obtaining Mu Qing's approval, Mono Supreme , Laughed, then turned and left.

"Are we really going?"

Xinrui frowns, he always feels something is wrong.

"I can go there alone, you don't need to mix."

Mu Qing waved his hand, it is better to stay in Hunyuan World, King of Chaos, Xinrui and the others .

even more how Xinrui has just broken through, and he needs to cultivation as much as possible and ponder the magical use of Great Dao of Reincarnation.

Mu Qing left the conference hall and returned to his land of cultivation.

Just one day of retreat, a message interrupted.

"The leader of the black world?"

Mu Qing's face changed slightly, he quickly took out the Qi Luck Pearl, only to see it trembled slightly, and immediately a burst of white rays of light bloomed , Swallow Mu Qing.

This blazing rays of light is very familiar, and Mu Qing also knows that it is the power of luck!

After being wrapped by the force of Qi Luck, Mu Qing's consciousness was pulled into the Qi Luck Pearl, which was a gray Heaven and Earth.

Mu Qing looked all around, there was no gain, except for the gray mist, it was difficult to see things in the distance.

Nothing else!

Soon, the gray mist vibrated, and a huge illusory shadow floated out of the mist. It was a silhouette wearing a white robe, his face was covered by a white hood, completely invisible clear!

Mu Qing frowns, I don't understand what is going on.

"Don't be surprised, this is the leader of the black world."

Suddenly, a voice came.

An illusory shadow appeared beside Mu Qing, white-haired, Jianxin Supreme!

Mu Qing was stunned and found that Jianxin Supreme's body was the same as him, it was an illusory shadow.

After that, one after another illusory shadow appeared all around, and Mu Qing saw the astrological emperor and the pale Demon God.

There are also some illusory shadows appearing at the same time, most of them are strangers.

Mu Qing glanced at it roughly. There were probably more than 3,000 people, but because in this case, he couldn't feel the breath at all, so he didn't know what level of these people's specific strengths were.

"This is the space inside the Qi Luck Pearl."

Jianxin Supreme explained.

He chuckled and continued: "Every member of the black world will have a Qi Luck Orb, and the main function of the Qi Luck Orb is to pull in our consciousness, and through the Qi Luck Orb. , Let us in all walks of the universe communicate."

"Of course, communication is a small matter, mainly for concealment. If you do this, you will almost never be discovered, and because the members of the black world are the leaders of the black world I personally screened it, so there is basically no traitor."

Mu Qing hearing this, nodded.

This Luck Bead really pulls his consciousness into it, but as long as he raises the thought of resistance, he will immediately withdraw, and it will not affect him himself.

"The members of the entire black world, are the only ones?"

Mu Qing asked immediately.

Because the number of people is a bit too small!

Billions and tens of billions in other fields are not considered small. Monster Realm alone can produce tens of billions of Monster Race forces.

Even God Sovereign Realm can easily come up with millions!

In comparison, there are too few thousands of people in the Black Realm right now!

"The members of the black world are all elite."

"Don't underestimate these three thousand people. Everyone present has at least the strength of the extreme Peak. Supreme has a lot more."

Jianxin Supreme touched the chin, and at this time, the astrological emperor and the pale Demon God also came together.

"I received a commission from Monster Realm. I plan to let me go to the black world with them to explore the secrets of the black world."

The situation came out, and it was similar to Mu Qing, but Monster Realm came to him.

"I know this, wait and see what the leader of the black world says..."

Jianxin Supreme nodded, he knew about it.

After that, everyone stopped whispering, but cast their eyes on the huge white robe illusory shadow.

Under the white robe, fuzzy, his face is invisible at all.

But the leader of the black world can be seen spreading his arms and making a thunderous sound.


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