"Celestial Court occupies Heaven Realm and Taining Realm, Ruthless Hall occupies Dongyang Realm, our Demon Domain occupies Hunyuan Realm, Nine Nether Heaven is missing, and Holy Kingdom occupies Poisonous Zee Realm, Bipolar Realm, Tianchen Realm."

Mu Qing frowns in the magic hall conference hall, tapping the handle of the seat with his finger.

In the ten realms of the universe, except for the Void Wind Realm and the Black Realm, where there are no resources and no creatures, the situation in the other eight realms is almost clear.

Celestial Court occupies two realms, Demon Domain and Ruthless Hall each occupy one realm, and the Holy Kingdom occupies three realms even more.

The remaining Blue Moon Realm is also being invaded by the Holy Kingdom, and I am afraid it will be annexed soon.

Finally, there is a high probability that the Blue Moon Realm will also fall into the hands of the Holy Kingdom.

In this situation, no one can stop the Holy Kingdom, and no one dares to stop it!

Even Great Influence hopes that there will be no more traitors in their own forces, which is already thankful.

Today's Holy Kingdom has suddenly become the largest force in the Chaos Universe, and the limelight is bigger than Celestial Court.

The evil god swallows all forces recklessly, and his strength is extremely powerful.

In order to survive, I don’t know how many people will choose to seek refuge in the Holy Kingdom.

Mu Changya and Xuanmu are like this!

"After the Blue Moon Realm, will the next target be the Hunyuan Realm?"

Mu Qing whispered.

He really doesn’t know!

After all, after annexing the Lordless Blue Moon Realm, all the remaining realms have rulers.

Among them, Demon Domain, the ruler of the Hunyuan Realm, can be said to be the weakest. As the master of the Demon Domain, Mu Qing has the highest strength.

On the other side, Celestial Court, Ruthless Temple, including the hidden Nether Heaven, at least have Supreme sitting.

The faces of everyone in the conference hall of the Magic Temple are very heavy and their expressions are not very good-looking.

No matter how you look at it, the next goal of the Holy Kingdom is likely to be the Hunyuan World.

"Wind and rain are coming!"

Mu Qing sighed.

His biggest hole card is to be able to resurrect.

But if the battlefield is in the Demon Domain, then the evil god should be able to spot the abnormality.

When the time comes, the evil god destroys the starry sky directly, Mu Qing is really dead, and it is even more impossible to resurrect.

"Be prepared for the war first, consume all resources to improve your strength!"

Mu Qing is low shouted.

Luo Daozhong did not leave immediately, but reported a message to Mu Qing.

"Emperor Anwu has built twenty Holy War factories on a star, and now five thousand God Sovereign Realm Holy War angels have been created."


Mu Qing frowned.

Too many things happened recently, and it was another major event that made him almost forget the existence of Emperor Anwu.

Mu Qing broke through the sky and came to a star in the outer zone of Demon Domain.

Although the stars are not very good, Demon Domain still allocated a lot of medium Divine Stone veins and high Divine Stone veins to Emperor Anwu to build the Holy War factory.

Seeing Mu Qing, Emperor Anwu laughed.

"Domain Lord, 5,000 God Sovereign Realm Holy War angels have been created, and at the same time three Holy War angels of the lower emperor have been born."

" This is just the beginning, and the number of production will become faster and faster."

When the Emperor Anwu saw Mu Qing's arrival, he wisely handed an angel scepter to Mu Qing.

This is the hub that controls all Holy War angels!

Mu Qing accepted it, and then faintly muttered to oneself.

"Can you create a batch of Holy War angels of the Great Emperor Realm in a short time?"

Mu Qing asked.

The Emperor Anwu was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "According to common sense, there is no problem. As long as there are enough resources, at least the strength of the lower emperor can be guaranteed."

"As for the upper emperor, it depends on luck, and the extreme emperor has a very small probability. Unless there is a Peak Divine Stone vein, the upper emperor and the extreme emperor can be mass-produced."

These Holy War angels, like robots, are extremely powerful.

It’s not that simple to create.

God Sovereign Realm's Holy War angels are already very rare. If you want the upper emperor and the Holy War angels of the extreme Great Emperor level, you must have the Peak Divine Stone mineral vein.

Unfortunately, although Mu Qing has a lot of Demon Domain resources, only the Peak Divine Stone mineral vein is not available.

"Create Holy War angels as much as possible. If the resources are not enough, go directly to Luo Daozhong to ask for it."

Mu Qing left a word and left.

The Great Emperor Anwu squinted his eyes while looking at the direction Mu Qing was leaving.

He is thinking about whether to prepare to escape.

The news of the Holy Kingdom, he naturally also knows, after all, the entire ten realms of the universe are spreading.

Even the Holy Kingdom has released news, accepting all those who seek refuge!

It can be said that after the Holy Kingdom has annexed the Blue Moon Realm, the next target is likely to be Mu Qing's Hunyuan Realm.

"Forget it, my other Half Divine Soul is in the hands of the demon ancestor. It's dead anyway, it doesn't matter."

An Wudi's shrugged bladder.

If he escapes, where can he go?

At first he thought that after he defected from Celestial Court, he could do as one pleases. After all, there is a body of an extremely great emperor. After conducting research, not to mention his own cultivation base, at least his dragon demon The strength can reach the extreme realm.

However, after that, he was tricked by the Demon Ancestor.

Now, he goes to take refuge in other people, and it is estimated that no one wants to accept him.

The reputation of Celestial Court is still there!

Rather than escape, it is better to stay in Demon Domain. Even Demon Domain has very rich resources. After all, the resources of the entire Hunyuan World will be transported to Demon Domain!

Emperor Anwu didn't use all of his resources to build these factory lines that specialize in the production of Holy War angels.

He has been secretly thinking of ways to rely on these resources to try to get rid of the control of the Demon Ancestor.

Mu Qing returned to his land of cultivation.

Throw away all distractions, take out a storage ring, and start the long-lost cultivation.

No matter what the next situation will be, even one's own opponent may no longer be the extreme Peak, but the Holy Lord of the Holy Kingdom!

So the improvement of strength is very necessary!

Mu Qing intends to condense the Star Condensation empty road!

More than one hundred indestructible heavenly materials and earthly treasures donated by Lord Xuan Fire Dao are very useful to Mu Qing.

During the retreat, Mu Qing absorbed refining these heavenly materials and earthly treasures, sending all the vigorous energy into the light group at Dantian.

A dazzling starlight surrounds Mu Qing, and it can be seen that there is an illusory avenue stretching out in Mu Qing dantian.

Where the avenue passes, there is a gorgeous starry sky, a vast, vast and unknown starry sky that even permeates a trace of frightening charm.

This is the Avenue of Stars!

An avenue cultivated by Star Supreme!

Mu Qing tried his best to refining to absorb the power of these indestructible heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and the illusory shadow of the Avenue of Stars also gradually began to solidify.

Then, the Avenue of Stars turned into a picture scroll with Boundless Starry Sky imprinted on it, which was radiant.

This is Starry-Sky Diagram!

The manifestation of the Avenue of Stars!

Mu Qing felt very familiar with a glance, and immediately thought of the ten thousand domain star map left by the star Supreme.

That is the Supreme Item of the eighth-generation Star Supreme. Obviously, when the opponent condensed the Supreme Item, it was made by imitating the avenue manifestation artifacts of the Avenue of Stars.

Many Supremes will do the same, and Thunder Punishment, after discovering that his avenue manifests as a thunder hammer, he condenses his Supreme Item into a thunder cone.

The two can work together perfectly, and the fit is quite high.

"If it were me, what would I condense the Supreme Item into?"

Mu Qing sat cross-legged and fell into thinking.

In the storage ring, more than one hundred immortal heavenly materials and earthly treasures have been completely absorbed.

The Avenue of Stars has only condensed about half.

The Avenue of Stars that has not yet formed has no power to increase Mu Qing.

Mu Qing puts his hands on his chest, frowns, looked towards the starry sky.

What is the better way to condense his Supreme Item?

Although the eight characters have not yet been written, the Avenue of Stars has not been able to condense, but it is only a matter of time, the lack of only resources that's all.

After thinking about it for a long time, Mu Qing didn't think of a reason.

Finally, Mu Qing temporarily gave up thinking about this aspect of things. Just after leaving the customs, he met Luo Daozhong and came to the door again.

"Domain owner, it's not good! A huge list suddenly appeared in Hunyuan Realm!"

Luo Daozhong hurried over.

Now that he has broken through to the emperor, he will no longer lose one's head out of fear when he encounters things. Anyway, he sticks to a principle in his heart, that is, just report things directly to Mu Qing!

"List? What list?"

Mu Qing was taken aback for a moment, but didn't react.

"You are at the center of the Hunyuan World, then you were originally a natural Secret Realm, and part of our Demon Domain's usual resources is sent from there."

"But just today, a list suddenly appeared, and it was even bigger by a Star Domain, covering that Secret Realm, and even destroying most of the ecology of this Secret Realm."

Luo Daozhong handed Mu Qing a piece of crystal, which showed a picture.

The huge silver white list is so towering that it cut off a Secret Realm and hangs it in the starry sky.

"There are some content on this list, but it needs to be touched by Divine Soul to know. It seems that our Demon Domain’s Law Enforcers are not due to insufficient cultivation base to know the content on the list. , And even got hurt."

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