Jiang Saint’s small universe.

For the sake of safety, Mu Qing also entered here.

"The Celestial Emperor saved me."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

"Sure enough."

Jiang Saint was not surprised at all. After feeling the breath of Celestial Emperor from Mu Qing, he almost guessed this.

"There is another important news..."

"Celestial Emperor, I know you exist!"

Mu Qing looked towards Jiang Saint with a solemn expression Incomparable.


Jiang Saint's body was shaken, and his pupils shrank sharply.

"Don't be kidding, how could this be..."

Mu Qing looked at Jiang Saint directly, opened the mouth and said: "This is true, Celestial Emperor personally Tell me!"

Jiang Saint took a deep breath, and it took a long time before he digested the news.

"What about your cultivation thinking secret technique? And my small universe, he also knows it?"

Jiang Saint hurriedly asked.

Mu Qing frowned, think about it a little bit.

"I don’t know, I’m sure that Celestial Emperor knows your existence, and also knows that you are the seventh-generation Xingkong Supreme possessed Jiang Saint."

"But Celestial Emperor doesn't know where you are or what you are doing."

"That's good!"

Jiang Saint sighed in relief, feeling relieved.

"The Celestial Emperor's methods are indeed extraordinary, but he is not an omnipotent existence!"

Jiang Saint's eyes revealed a jealous look.

"He is a very conceited person, of course his strength can really make him feel conceited."

"Although the Celestial Emperor knows a lot, there are also things he doesn't know. For example, my small universe, your thinking secret technique."

At this time, Jiang Saint looked towards the other side.

There is a devil blade floating there.

"There are demon ancestors!"

"The Celestial Emperor must have never imagined that the demon ancestor who entered Sovereign Road would still have the ability to interfere with the outside world. This is something he never expected!"

Jiang Saint soon cheered up.

There is still a chance!

Celestial Emperor may be able to know that Thunder Punishment will help Mu Qing, and will know that Jiang Saint still exists, but he absolutely does not know that Jiang Saint’s condensed small universe and the magic ancestor in Sovereign Road!

After all, Celestial Emperor himself had never entered Sovereign Road. He had no idea what was inside Sovereign Road, and what it looked like.

For so many years, Supreme, who entered the Sovereign Road, has never heard anything about it, nor has it sent any information to the outside world.

Celestial Emperor impossible guessed this point.

And Jiang Saint's small universe, what is the role, only he himself knows, even Mu Qing did not tell!

"Apart from this, does the Celestial Emperor really know the secret technique of your cultivation thought?"

"Celestial Emperor may know that our generations of Supreme Supreme are sending messages to each other, He even conspired something, but he certainly didn't know the details."

"If the Celestial Emperor knew about these details, then the eighth-generation Xingkong Supreme had also impossible to compete with the Celestial Emperor for so long."

Jiang Saint is sure, there are many things Celestial Emperor doesn't know.

"There is still a chance."

Jiang Saint kept saying this, seeming to give himself some confidence.

Mu Qing is also a little relieved.

Indeed, if the Celestial Emperor really knows the secret technique of thinking, then the other party is also impossible to come directly to save himself.

Because Mu Qing's Divine Soul has long been transformed into a will of thinking, covering the starry sky of Demon Domain.

There is no way to kill Mu Qing, just smash the starry sky directly.

There are even special means to hit this starry sky through Mu Qing's body.

But Celestial Emperor obviously didn't know, so Celestial Emperor shot and saved Mu Qing.

Actually, the so-called strength of Divine Soul that escaped from Mu Qing's body was actually disguised by the singularity of the starry sky!

"By the way, what is the avenue of the Celestial Emperor? I saw the Celestial Emperor before. It was a bit... weird?"

Mu Qing frowns, he recalled the Celestial Emperor When you do it, it seems that you will open a mouth at any time, swallowing everything.

"The Supreme Avenue of the Celestial Emperor is indeed very weird, even terrifying!"

Jiang Saint's face condensed.

He obviously knew it.

Before Mu Qing's strength was still relatively low, it was useless to talk to Mu Qing.

But now, Mu Qing's strength has reached the extreme Peak, and then he will be able to reach Half Supreme immediately. Jiang Saint thinks it would be better to talk to Mu Qing.

"When the Celestial Court was still in charge of the old Celestial Emperor, the Celestial Emperor showed unimaginable talent and reached the level of semi-Supreme at a very fast speed."

" After reaching the half Supreme, Celestial Emperor had already condense the Supreme Avenue, and his Supreme Avenue was called..."

"Swallow the Avenue!"

Jiang Saint's expression was heavy, and he continued to give Mu Qing explained.

"The Celestial Emperor's ability to improve so quickly has a lot to do with his understanding of swallowing. According to legend, Celestial Emperor from the very beginning cultivation Divine Ability and cultivation technique are both related to swallowing. ."

"Generally speaking, the swallowed power is used for quick success. The foundation will be unstable. The more difficult it is to break through."

"But Celestial The Emperor is not the same. His innate talent in this area is beyond imagination, almost as enchanting!"

"After the Celestial Emperor condense swallows the avenue, it is advanced by leaps and bounds. He can It swallowed everything and turned it into a force that was fully compatible with itself, and its strength soared at an astonishing speed."

"Later, Celestial Emperor condense the Supreme Item, named Swallowing Heaven!"

"Swallowing the sky is the mouth that swallows everything. It can appear anywhere, and the ability is also swallowing."

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes, swallowing the sky?

He immediately thought of the mouth in the palm of the Celestial Emperor, is it possible that that is the Supreme Item of the Celestial Emperor?

"Do you know where the Avenue of Stars came from?"

"It came from a certain Supreme cultivation in the universe, but because of its huge potential, it was picked up by the Celestial Emperor, and then With the Heaven Devouring Force, the Avenue of Stars was forcibly deprived."

"After that, the Celestial Emperor began the plan of the Star Supreme. Generations of star Supreme appeared, and every Supreme breakthrough, the self collapsed. After it breaks, the Avenue of Stars will be more perfect!"

After Jiang Saint heave a long sigh.

The enemy is too strong.

Celestial Emperor has never failed, relying on a Devouring Power, no opponent.

"Is it possible for the evil god to fight the Celestial Emperor first?"

Mu Qing looked towards Jiang Saint.

The strength of the evil god is also very strong. If it is possible, let these two guys fight first, maybe there will be a both sides suffer!

Jiang Saint shook the head, it's not realistic!

"These two guys have their own ambitions. They will not die."

"Before Celestial Emperor and Laojun were able to contain the evil gods together. But do you really think that the Celestial Emperor is just this way?"

"Celestial Emperor is acting!"

"Before completing their ambitions, these two guys It's impossible. It's really dead."

Half of the words, Jiang Saint seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at Mu Qing.

"Speaking of which, these two people seem to have a lot to do with you. Naturally, Celestial Emperor, it seems that the evil god wants to kill you too, right?"

"You better hope that these two guys won't come together to deal with you!" Mu Qing laughed awkwardly and touched his nose.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

"It won't be long before you can reach the semi-Supreme realm, and then you need to accumulate strength!"

Jiang Saint suddenly became serious.

"In the process of breakthrough Supreme, even the Celestial Emperor can't intervene."

"Before breakthrough Supreme, you should delay as much as possible, and by the way, you will also give the Supreme Item to Condense. Come, with the increase of Supreme Avenue and Supreme Item, the strength will be even stronger."

"Although the Avenue of Stars belongs to the Celestial Emperor, when you break through Supreme, it will naturally belong to you, and you will be able to fully display the starry sky. The power of the avenue."

"The Celestial Emperor is also unpredictable, your Supreme Item!"

Mu Qing hearing this for a moment, Supreme Item?

"Yes." Jiang Saint said solemnly, "The Supreme Avenue from each generation of Star Supreme Condense is the Avenue of Stars, but the Supreme Item is different."

" Supreme Item also has strengths and weaknesses. If you condense a strong Supreme Item, it will increase your strength a lot."

so that's how it is.

Mu Qing nodded, from this point of view, there are still many ways to deal with the Celestial Emperor.

But there is no denying that it was definitely a fierce battle!

After chatting with Jiang Saint for a long time, Mu Qing walked out of the small universe.

As soon as he came out, Luo Daozhong came to the door to report the news.

"The Holy Kingdom has begun a large-scale operation, completely occupying the Tianchen Realm, the Poison Ze Realm, and the Bipolar Realm. It is now beginning to annex the Blue Moon Realm!"

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