"Are the people from the Holy Kingdom doing ghosts?"

After Mu Qing got the news from Luo Daozhong, he immediately moved towards Hunyuanjie Center and hurried away .

The first thing he suspected was the Holy Kingdom.

In this period, the Hunyuan world suddenly appeared strange, and Mu Qing himself was uneasy and planned to explore it.

"This is?"

With the power of void black hole, Mu Qing came to the list in the blink of an eye.

It's really huge.

The entire silver white list reveals fluorescence, and even haze lingers, making it impossible to see through the content.

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes and could find that there was text on this list!

But these words need to be explored by the strength of Divine Soul. They are not real words, but information left by someone with the amount of Soul Power.

Mu Qing explored the fluctuations of thinking and will head towards this list.

I feel a resistance immediately!

Of course, this power does not pose any threat to Mu Qing at all. As long as it is the powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm, it can probably resist this power and really see the powerhouse on this list. content.

"Qiyun list?!"

Mu Qing eyes suddenly shrank.

The name of this list is called Qi Luck List!

And the first place on the list is the Holy Kingdom!

The name of the holy country, showing a dazzling golden, shining brightly.

The second place is not Celestial Court, but Land of Primal Chaos!

But the color is not golden, but dark purple.

Mu Qing was surprised again, even Land of Primal Chaos has records.

He will continue to look down.

The third place, Celestial Court, deep purple!

The fourth place, ruthless palace, purple.

Fifth place, Ancient Immortal, light purple.

Sixth place, Nine Nether day, deep blue.

Mu Qing is deeply frowned.

All of these are Supreme forces!

Basically all Supreme forces are listed!

"Since this list is an air luck list, these colors, is it possible that mean the strength of the air luck of these forces?"

Mu Qing guessed in his mind.

He continued to read, looking for the name of Demon Domain.

Unexpectedly, the seventh place is not Demon Domain.

Mu Qing believes that if you remove all the Supreme forces in the universe, Demon Domain should be the most powerful. After all, it rules the entire Hunyuan realm.

However, the seventh name is demonic path and the color is dark blue.

"Does the demonic path mean our Demon Domain? Or is it a demonic path re-developed by the demon ancestor?"

Mu Qing remembers that with the demon ancestor leading the demonic path, many powerhouses After entering Sovereign Road, the demonic path is completely gone.

It may also be somewhere in the universe, and some experts with hidden demonic paths may not be necessarily.

And since Nine Nether's luck is deep blue, the demonic path is also deep blue, which means that the demonic path is likely to have a Supreme!

The eighth place, destroy the Holy Party, deep blue.

Ninth place, Monster Race, shallow blue.

Tenth place, Taiyue Palace, shallow blue.

11th name, Demon Domain, white.

Out of ten, Mu Qing found his Demon Domain name, and the color of Qi Luck is white.

Of course, compared to those forces behind, the white of Demon Domain is brighter, with dazzling rays of light blooming, and even a slight sign of turning into blue.

Mu Qing glanced down.

This list is too big, I don’t know how many forces have been recorded.

Mu Qing saw many Peak races, followed by high races, medium races, and low races!

The color of the Peak race is ordinary white, far inferior to Demon Domain.

As for the higher races behind, they are all gray.

It is estimated that most of these races have little bit luck.

"Who made this thing?"

Mu Qing frowns, doubted many people in his heart.

But none of them match.

He originally thought it was some crafty plots and machinations of the holy country, but it doesn't seem to be the case now.

And there are some things on the Qi Luck List, which also attracted Mu Qing's attention.

Never mind the appearance of the demonic path, and then there will be the ninth Monster Race, and the tenth place is Taiyue Palace!

All these three should be forces that no longer exist!

If it is said that this Qi Luck List will also record the forces that perished, it is not right!

Because there are no other forces such as Star Dynasty.

Neither Angel Race nor Titan Race have been seen.

The forces that were destroyed did not appear on the Qi Luck List, but these three existed.

Even the richness of luck is even higher than Mu Qing's Demon Domain!

"I can understand that the demonic path and Monster Race have not been completely destroyed, but why is the Taiyue Palace also?"

Mu Qing is puzzled.

Demonic path and Monster Race, if there are still some forces hidden in the universe, that makes sense.

But Mu Qing is too familiar with Taiyue Palace.

Ming Ming Taiyue Palace has been completely destroyed, and even the Crescent Palace of the inheritance Taiyue Palace has been destroyed by the Holy Kingdom.

is it possible that Emperor Tianyue and Holy Spirit together can have a shallow blue luck that surpasses Demon Domain?

Mu Qing obviously doesn't believe it.

"Couldn't Taiyue Palace also have an amazing power hidden?"

Mu Qing checked the Qi Luck List several times again, but did not feel any familiar aura .

He has only one doubt now.

Who made the thing? What is the purpose?

On the Qi Luck List, Mu Qing can obviously feel the power of Qi Luck.

Unfortunately, I can only watch...

"Try it?"

Mu Qing suddenly be eager to have a try, and I don’t know the top of the luck list Can you absorb the power of luck?

If he can, maybe he can be improved!

Thinking about this, Mu Qing directly took out the ancient dead tree, close to the Qi Luck List.

Suddenly, the luck list trembled, and a dazzling beam of light came out through the hole and hit the old dead tree.

The old dead tree trembled lightly, and suddenly burst out a force, resisting fiercely.

"Not good!"

Mu Qing complexion changed, and quickly wanted to take back the ancient dead tree.

But it's too late.

Death Power diffuses above the old dead tree.

However, the light beam of air luck on the air luck list hit the ancient death tree, and all the death power was washed away.

Mu Qing wanted to stop it, but the beam of Qi Luck passed through his body, still impacting on the ancient dead tree.

The Death Power that was washed away did not disappear, but actively poured into Mu Qing's body.


The death singularity began to tremble, almost greedily absorbing these Death Power.

The ancient tree of death was originally the Ancient Life Tree, which contained almost endless vitality, but after being infected with Death Aura, all vitality was transformed into Death Power.

Although Mu Qing can control the ancient dead tree to fight for himself and do some other things, he cannot directly absorb the Death Power in the ancient dead tree.

Otherwise, the death singularity will take shape long ago, and it won't take that long.

But now, Mu Qing found that after he touched the Qi Luck List, this Qi Luck List condense a beam of Qi Luck, impacting the ancient dead tree.

All Death Power has been washed away.

The rest is pure luck!


Mu Qing was stunned, looking at the pure white ancient tree in front of him.

The aura is completely different from before, and a strong force of luck is released.

An ancient tree of air luck that is completely condensed by the power of air luck!

The ancient dead tree turned into an ancient tree of luck in a short period of time!

And those Death Powers merged into the death singularity in Mu Qing's mind, which changed the death singularity.

How vast is the power of the entire ancient dead tree?

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

Death Singularity presents a kind of black red, infiltrating extremely terrifying power.

Transformed into the final singularity!

The final singularity is also promoted, and like the void black hole singularity, it has reached the same level as the chaotic singularity.

Now that there are four singularities on Mu Qing's body, only the blue moon singularity level remains at the peripheral level.

"This Qi Luck List... is helping me!"

Mu Qing is not a fool, took a deep look at the Qi Luck List, he naturally knows the intention of the scene just now.

Cultivation thinking secret technique, Mu Qing uses the boundless starry sky to fuse a part of the starry sky covering the universe, making it his own.

And what is the core of all this?

Naturally, it is an ancient dead tree.

The power of luck on the ancient dead tree is the powerful core of Mu Qing.

As for the singularity, it is a "weapon" to enhance strength!

Now, the ancient tree of luck no longer contains Death Power, and is more pure than before. On the contrary, it once again helped Mu Qing improve his strength and promoted the death singularity to the final singularity!

"Who is the person behind the scenes?"

Mu Qing thought hard, but still couldn't think of who was helping him.

"Anyway, many thanks, thank you for your help, and I will return it in the future."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

After that, regardless of whether the person behind the Qi Luck list could hear this, Mu Qing turned and left.

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