"No! That is!"

Suddenly, the Emperor Zhentian eyes shrank.

He looked towards the jade bottle that broke the big seal, his face was surprised.

If he read it right, it is the Supreme Item of Lao Dijun!

"Isn't the Sky Forbidden Bottle in the Ancient Immortal world? Why does it appear here?"

The Emperor Zhentian wrinkled frowned.

He just took a casual blow, because Yintian said that there is a suspected powerhouse on Earth, so his attention has been on guarding that famous powerhouse.

But didn't expect, the extreme powerhouse that appeared this time does not seem to be the one on Earth.

"Mu Qing?"

It's easy to see a silhouette not far away, and I'm overjoyed.

At the critical moment, Mu Qing made a move!

"Fifth-level extreme position?" Emperor Zhentian narrowed his eyes.

Mu Qing naturally recognizes that not only is the Heaven's Chosen of the Ancient Immortal world, but the identity of the Demon Domain domain owner is enough to enter the eyes of the top leaders of the Supreme forces.

It's just that Emperor Zhentian didn't expect, the current Mu Qing is so different from the original strength.

"Mu Qing, retreat quickly, otherwise the Great Emperor Zhentian will take action, regardless of the Ancient Immortal world behind you!"

Yintian shouted in a deep voice.

"What do you really want to do with Earth?"

Mu Qing frowned, his eyes flashing cold.

A shocking imposing manner erupted from him, and he sacrificed the Sky Forbidden Bottle. Under the blessing of the two halos, his power suddenly reached its zenith.

Detecting the breath of Mu Qing, Emperor Zhentian was also taken aback, almost thinking that he was facing a powerhouse that was also extremely Peak.

"I didn't want to do anything. Earth violated Celestial Court, so naturally it is about to be punished by us." Yintian shrugged.

After that, Yintian looked towards the Great Emperor Zhentian, said with a smile: "Give him to me, you dignified the powerhouse of the extreme Peak. If the shot is too heavy, you may take Mu Qing It was killed."

He can't let the Zhentian Emperor deal with Mu Qing.

There is probably another extreme powerhouse on Earth, and Emperor Zhentian needs to stare at it.

even more how Emperor Zhentian himself is considered irritable among the powerhouses in Celestial Court. Once Mu Qing provokes him, it is really possible to directly suppress him.

Although Mu Qing is also an extreme powerhouse, the gap between Tier 5 and Peak is really big.

"Let's do it, he will leave it to you."

The Great Emperor Zhentian waved his hand and looked indifferent.

Tell him to slay the Earth humans who are not in front of the Imperial Capital. He really doesn't have much interest.

The only thing that interests him is a powerhouse like Mu Qing.

However, Mu Qing's strength is lower than him, so he is really bullish the weak. He is still more interested in the mysterious extreme powerhouse in Earth.


The Great Emperor Zhentian raised his hand and punched, the space broke, and he walked out swaggeringly.

The sky forbidden bottle trembled slightly, one after another rays of light burst out, and two halos appeared on it.

A halo is gravity, and the 2nd halo is blockade.

Mu Qing urged the sky forbidden bottle, which naturally caused significant formidable power to the 100,000 celestial troops and generals of Celestial Court. Under the pressure of gravity, even the peak elite of Celestial Court unable to move even a little bit.

However, the two aura abilities of the Sky Forbidden Bottle seem to have little effect on Emperor Zhentian.

The effect of gravity cannot be seen at all if it has an impact on Emperor Zhentian.

As for the ability to block, Mu Qing had blocked all around space beforehand, but was broken by the Great Emperor Zhentian with a punch.

It's not that the bottle is too weak, but that there is still a gap between Mu Qing and Emperor Zhentian.

The gap in the extreme powerhouse is also very obvious.

With the Supreme Item of the Sky Forbidden Bottle, the power is missing.

Most of the power is not under Mu Qing's control, so Mu Qing can't use the Sky Forbidden Bottle to affect the Emperor Zhentian.

"Mu Qing, can you stop this guy in front of you?"

Just when Mu Qing's heart was heavy and he didn't know how to deal with it, Ping Yi suddenly spoke aside.

"Naturally, what do you want to do?"

Mu Qing frowned and looked towards Pingyi.

He is not an opponent of Emperor Zhentian, but if it is only Yintian, he will definitely be able to fight.

Even kills!

If I remember correctly, before I met Yintian, the opponent was just the realm strength of the upper emperor.

Now the opponent seems to have reached the realm of the extreme emperor, but it is only the first time.

What Mu Qing regrets at this moment is that he should have called everyone in the Ancient Immortal world to come and help. Not to mention Thunder Punishment, the powerhouse of the level of Lord Xuan Fire Dao can stop the Emperor Zhentian. .

Mu Qing alone can solve the rest.

"Do you know? Earth is really mysterious. There has always been a Saint on Earth, called the Supreme Saint, but unfortunately he has been in a deep sleep."

"I The reason why I didn’t contact you is because Celestial Court is eyeing Earth. In order to hide Earth’s whereabouts, we have been very low-key. This place is also the Supreme Saint who took action and moved Earth to this place."

"Supreme Saint As I said, Celestial Court will find Celestial Court again one day, and let me contact you at that time. As long as you can stop some people, the Supreme Saint can solve everything else!"

Ping Yi said solemnly.

The many human powerhouses behind him are also expressionless, looking like death at home.

"Wait, didn't you say that the Supreme Saint has been sleeping all the time?" Mu Qing suddenly had a bad premonition.

"We naturally have a way to wake him up, Mu Qing, this guy in front of you depends on you."

Ping Yi's face is dignified.

He loudly shouted and took out a short sword in his hand.

The whole body of the dagger is jade-colored. With the easy-to-use jade-colored dagger across the wrist, the blood imprints mysterious and strange blood-colored lines on the body of the jade-colored dagger.

An extremely gorgeous silver brilliance burst out, and the rays of light ten thousand zhang suddenly enveloped Ping Yi and hundreds of people behind him.

"You are willing to guard Earth with his own life?!"

Ping Yi almost ranted this sentence.


Hundreds of people roared, and their bodies fell apart in an instant, turning into rays of light and entering the jade dagger.

"Earth is actually an extreme Emperor Treasure of the Supreme Saint. We Earth humans are actually instrument souls."

"It is better to be buried in others than to awaken the Supreme Saint. Destroy these guys in front of you!"

Ping Yi looked towards Mu Qing and said the last paragraph.

Next moment, the easy body also fell apart.

At this moment, Yintian in the distance was stunned. Mu Qing was also pupil shrink.

This blocked space didn't stop the rays of light from the body of Pin Yi and the others, and rushed out with the jade dagger.

At the same time, on the cyan Earth, one after another white beam burst out, and the densely packed white light drilled into the jade dagger.

Billions of white light is as dazzling as the sun in the universe.

Countless white light jade daggers gathered together, their speed soared, and they suddenly penetrated Earth.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the moment the jade dagger pierced Earth, layers of white ripples spread.

Earth, in this brief moment, gradually becomes smaller and turns into a cyan ball.

A light and shadow appeared beside it.

That is a huge silhouette, slowly opened his eyes!

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