Mu Qing's face is gloomy.

The information passed by Yiyi is one-off, and he can no longer learn more.

However, combined with the recent big moves of Celestial Court, I am afraid that the news that is usually delivered is true!

"What the hell does Celestial Court want to do?! And Pingyi, why are you telling me the specific location of Earth now?"

Mu Qing muttered.

Soon, Mu Qing stepped into Black Hole Vortex and left Demon Domain.

No matter what, he must go to Earth if something happens.

Mu Qing did not bring anyone else, because there are many powerhouses in Celestial Court, and the 100,000 celestial troops and generals are all powerhouses of the Emperor Peak, all of them are elite!

Plus the peak powerhouse of Zhentian Emperor.

Mu Qing is not an opponent at all even with many Law Enforcers of Demon Domain.

It's just to die. It's better to go alone, because it's really not an opponent that can escape.

"Is the Celestial Emperor wanting to destroy Earth?"

Along the way, Mu Qing frowns guessed that he didn't understand whether the Celestial Emperor was aimed at Earth or directed at him?

"Jiang Saint, Celestial Court has taken an action against Earth."

Mu Qing quickly contacted Jiang Saint.

"Well, this is also expected." Jiang Saint hearing this is not surprising.

"Since the Celestial Emperor has already taken action, then you have to be careful, that guy is definitely not only as simple as taking action on Earth, and he is likely to deal with your Demon Domain afterwards."

" Celestial Emperor likes this set. When everything around you is destroyed, then you have to cultivation desperately to avenge him. It just falls into his trap."

Mu Qing frowned, Celestial Emperor He didn't expect to shoot at this juncture.

It is clear that the threat of the Holy Kingdom is right in front of us, why does Celestial Court act on this juncture?

After Earth, there is Demon Domain!

Mu Qing felt a burst of pressure, Celestial Court's comprehensive strength far surpassed Demon Domain.

Even if the Celestial Emperor himself does not take action, he can destroy the Demon Domain with no difficulty.

Although Mu Qing's current strength is already very strong, it is far inferior to Extreme Peak.

"But you can rest assured that you are luckier than our previous Star Supreme, because you have the Ancient Immortal world behind you, and at this time there is a powerful force of the Holy Kingdom."

"The Ancient Immortal world will definitely not sit back and watch the Celestial Court take action against you, plus there is the Holy Kingdom. Once the Celestial Court and the Ancient Immortal world conflict, when the time comes, the cheap one will be the Holy Kingdom."

"I think Celestial Court should be aware of this, so at most it will take action on Earth, and it is unlikely that it will actually take action on your Demon Domain."

Jiang Saint said.

"I hope so." Mu Qing said solemnly.

There was a cold glow in his eyes, and Celestial Court shot at this time, causing him to produce a violent killing intent.

"In this way, only the Ancient Immortal world in the entire universe is thinking about how to deal with the Holy Kingdom. Other forces have ghosts and different ideas." Mu Qing gloomy face murmured.

Last time, the ruthless palace made a small action that killed Heaven's Chosen of Celestial Court. Now the Holy Lord powerhouse has an extra Holy Lord powerhouse, and when it begins to stir, Celestial Court comes out to do things again.

Mu Qing's speed was very fast, passing through the boundary wall, and came to the blue moon world.

"Speaking of which, the New Moon Palace seems to be in the Blue Moon Realm. I don’t know what happened to the Holy Spirit and Yueya?"

Mu Qing suddenly remembered that back then The Moon Ya and the others who met in the Taiyue Palace created a new force in the Blue Moon Realm, called the Crescent Moon Palace.

The will of the Taiyue Palace is inherited from the New Moon Palace.

"I hope that nothing will happen to Earth, but Jiang Saint said that there is an extremely powerful Saint on Earth, who is a direct subordinate of the old Celestial Emperor. I don't know if the opponent can withstand the Celestial Court army. "

Mu Qing breathes deeply, no matter what, he is going to visit.

I can only help as much as possible to keep Earth safe.

The runes that are usually passed over contain the location coordinates of the Heavenly River Star system, so Mu Qing does not need to deliberately ask about the specific location of the Tianhe system.

With the position coordinates, Mu Qing's speed is faster, Black Hole Vortex is enveloped, and it is hundreds of thousands of light-years away in an instant.

Outside the Tianhe system.

Mu Qing stopped near the Heavenly River Star system. He hid his breath and looked forward with a solemn face.

An incomparable gigantic cosmic spaceship is completely comparable to the cosmic spaceship of the Red Pirates.

"Celestial Court people!"

Mu Qing expression congeals, didn't expect just ran into it!

The cosmic spaceship of Celestial Court rushed into the Tianhe system, and Mu Qing immediately followed along.

In the Heavenly River Star system, Earth is in the unremarkable peripheral zone, and the cyan star is particularly eye-catching.

The huge spaceship rushes towards Earth at a very fast speed.

At this moment, a group of people rushed out of Earth.

Hundreds of people were scattered, but with an imposing manner of seeing death at home, they intercepted in front of the spaceship of Celestial Court.

The headed person is just plain!

But what makes people feel weird is that the easy cultivation realm has reached the upper emperor!

This is simply unimaginable!

The hundreds of people behind Pingyi also have an even strength. The powerhouse has a god emperor, and the weaker has Heavenly God.

"The high-ranking emperor? Trifling, an Earth that is not even a low-level race, would have such a powerhouse."

The great emperor Zhentian stepped out of the sky, condescendingly. Looking at Ping Yi, there was a trace of doubt on his face.

This is indeed a bit weird. It seems that Yintian is right. There is indeed an extreme powerhouse on Earth. If it were not for the help of that extreme powerhouse, it would be absolutely impossible to give birth to a high emperor. .

"The realm king?"

Ping Yi breathes deeply, his face is heavy, and the enemy is more powerful than he thought.

"Emperor Zhentian, let's do it directly, Celestial Emperor Your Majesty gave us an order to directly obliterate all the creatures on Earth without communicating with them."

Yintian Walking out with a black edged blade in hand.

"Che, you know how to call people, if it weren't for Your Majesty's face, I would slap and kill you sooner or later!" Zhentian Great Emperor shouted loudly.

After that, he looked towards Pingyi, shrugged, "No way, little brother, you saw it too, the order is here, I can only let you all die."

After saying this, the Emperor Zhentian made a quick move, and a giant seal came down to suppress it, directly covering Pinyi and the others.

The space squeezed, making a harsh sound.

Ping Yi and the others showed pain on their faces, blood splattered on their bodies, just that aura, they couldn’t bear it!

"celestial troops and generals order!"

Yintian suddenly drank, "Guard the Quartet to prevent any creatures from Earth from escaping, and the rest will follow me in!"

"Not good!"

Complexion changed, if the Celestial Court people enter the Earth, with the strength of the Earth people, it is basically impossible to be an opponent!

At this time, a rays of light suddenly penetrated.

The jade bottle crossed the sky, and two halos emerged. While the boundless gravity crushed it down, it blocked the space all around.

"Is the man behind him making a move?"

The attention of Emperor Zhentian was immediately drawn to him, thinking that the man who made the move was the extremely powerful powerhouse on Earth.

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