At the moment when the huge silhouette opened his eyes, two lights illuminated the universe.

Cyan Earth turns into a crystal ball and falls into the hands of giants.

"Damn! Yintian! You bastard lied to me!"

The Great Emperor Zhentian roared while pulling his throat.

His face is a bit ugly.

Where is this breath of powerhouse?

It is clearly the breath that Supreme level can possess!

The air waves hiding the sky and covering the earth spread all around, the Supreme Saint holds the cyan crystal ball and stands in the starry sky.

Earth is in its hands, only palm-size!

It can be seen how huge this Supreme Saint is!

Even Primal Chaos Giant is not as huge as him.

Everyone thinks that the Supreme Saint is sleeping on Earth, who would have thought that he has been sleeping in this starry sky.

"Supreme Saint... his strength seems to be stronger than I thought."

Mu Qing's attention is also placed on Supreme Saint.

The opponent's breath escaped, and the all around space was frozen, completely sealed off!

The people present did not do anything. Yintian, Emperor Zhentian and the others also watched and watched the changes.

Mu Qing is even more surprised by the imposing manner of Supreme Saint, which seems to be more terrifying than Jiang Saint.

According to some things Jiang Saint told him, Saint this realm actually claimed to be.

Realm of Saint is more powerful than semi-Supreme, comparable to Supreme.

But in fact, whether it is Saint or semi-Supreme, it belongs to the category of extreme realm.

It’s just that the half Supreme is far more than the average extreme emperor, so it is called the half Supreme.

And Saint is more terrifying in strength. Although it is not True Paragon and does not have Supreme Avenue, it develops bloodline to the extreme and possesses Supreme’s battle strength, so it has the title of Saint.

Under normal circumstances, Saint is equivalent to the weaker Supreme.

After all, Saint does not have Supreme Avenue.

Counting the increase in power of Grand Dao, True Paragon is still much better than Saint.

Mu Qing has been in contact with Jiang Saint. From the bottom of my heart, he knows what level of Saint's strength is. Even more how Jiang Saint is still a stronger category among Saints.

But the Supreme Saint in front of you, from the perspective of breath, is more terrifying than Jiang Saint!

Mu Qing has not seen the power of Supreme after the real explosion, but guess that the Supreme Saint is probably not much worse than the real Supreme.

"Unfortunately, I didn't expect to wake up from my deep sleep in the end."

The Supreme Saint finally speaks, resounding through the universe.

"Billions of creatures, it's not worth waking up for a while..."

The Supreme Saint heave a long sigh.

After that, his gaze looked towards Emperor Zhentian.

Supreme Saint's body is extremely large, as if it is made up of countless lights, it looks like a huge light and shadow.

The Emperor Zhentian was flustered by the two line of sights, and the dignified emperor felt scared for the first time in history!

But even so, Emperor Zhentian did not act.

Because the supreme Saint's aura has locked him down, he has a premonition that if he makes a little action, he will be killed!

"Celestial Court...For many years, since Your Majesty entered Sovereign Road, I left Celestial Court. I didn’t expect billions of living things to pray today. It turned out that I wanted to kill Celestial Court. People."

Supreme Saint shook the head, he was originally from Celestial Court!

Of course, the Your Majesty he said is not the current emperor, but the old emperor!

"Old Emperor, really entered Sovereign Road?"

Yintian and Zhentian Great Emperor eyes shrank were shocked in their hearts.

Yintian didn’t know the Supreme Saint, but Zhentian the Great was the veteran powerhouse of Celestial Court. When he was a celestial troops and generals, the Supreme Saint had already become famous and belonged to the old emperor. Confidant.

He knows that the identity and strength of the Supreme Saint is far above the extreme Peak.

If anyone knows the words of the old emperor best, then it must be the supreme Saint in front of him, not the current emperor who is dísciple.

Previously, everyone had guessed about the disappearance of the old emperor. Most of them believed that the emperor killed the old emperor by murdering him. Some people believed that the old emperor entered the Sovereign road.

Now, once the words of the Supreme Saint come out, it is almost certain that Lao Dijun has really entered the Sovereign Road!

This is also more reasonable. After all, in that era, Supreme powerhouses such as Mozu and Monster Ancestor, which were comparable to the old emperor, also entered Sovereign Road with great fanfare.

It’s just that Lao Dijun has no news and suddenly disappeared, so some people think that Lao Dijun was killed.

"I'm the top of Celestial Court Immortal Palace, Emperor Zhentian, please come to Saint show mercy."

While hesitating, Emperor Zhentian saluted and spoke, and to put it bluntly is to admit counsel Up.

He doesn't want to be slapped in front of him for fear of death.

"Naturally I know that you are from Celestial Court, but what to do with me?"

Supreme Saint is a combination of countless rays of light, and you can't see his expression at all how is it.

The next sentence made the heart of Emperor Zhentian flutter.

"After Your Majesty entered Sovereign Road, I had already demarcated the boundary with Celestial Court, even more how my current state was also due to the current emperor. That guy took office as the emperor, but it was very arrogant. "

There is still no emotional turmoil, and grandiose spreads.

But these words fell in the ears of Emperor Zhentian, but they contained boundless killing intent and anger!

Emperor Zhentian is bitter in his heart. He really doesn't know that the Supreme Saint and Emperor have this kind of hatred.

I thought that the other party would be able to let him make a living for the sake of Celestial Court, but now it seems unlikely.

The Emperor Zhentian fiercely stared at Yintian, wishing to tear him apart.

This guy relied on the emperor behind him, and even handed over this kind of errand to him. He also said that there is an extreme powerhouse on Earth.

Can this be called an extreme powerhouse?

The gaze of Supreme Saint fell on Mu Qing.

"I feel a lot of auras in you, such as demons, immortals, chaos, etc., but your Source Aura is an Earth human. I can help you get rid of the extreme Peak guy in front of you. I’m afraid you need to deal with the rest yourself."

Supreme Saint’s state is a bit weird, even if ordinary people wait for Earth’s creatures to turn into light to awaken him at the cost of life, but he does not seem to be true Awakening.

Mu Qing's face turned straight, and he hurriedly saluted.

"Many thanks Senior takes action, and for the rest of these people, Junior alone is enough to deal with!"

The biggest enemy is the Emperor Zhentian.

As long as the Supreme Saint can solve the Emperor Zhentian, then Mu Qing will have the confidence to kill the remaining celestial troops and generals and Yintian!

Yin Tian's original strength was mysterious, but now Mu Qing is stronger.

"That's good."

Supreme Saint tone barely fell, suddenly took out the crystal ball in his hand, one after another white light burst, piercing all around.

A huge broadsword appeared in the hands of the Supreme Saint, and Earth was actually the core of this broadsword, located at the end of the hilt.

Suddenly, the supreme Sage Cuts made a sword, and the terrifying imposing manner swept all around like a storm.

This sword!

The power of splitting heaven and earth apart!

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