Hunyuan World, the central star of Angel Race.

Mu Qing and the three came out of the super large Transmission Formation.

The Devourer is already possessed by Mu Qing. In the eyes of outsiders, there are only Mu Qing and Xinrui.

"cough cough..." Xin Rui coughed up blood.

His state began to weaken rapidly. It seems that it is the same as the Devourer said. Although his reincarnation power can make him return to the peak state when he is seriously injured, there is a time limit.

Mu Qing supported Xinrui and found that a hideous wound on the opponent's chest was gradually expanding.

I originally used Samsara Power to recover from my injuries. Now that the time has passed, my injuries have become more serious.

"Which race are you from? Come and register!"

Several Angel Race powerhouses walked up to the front, not at all polite.

Mu Qing and Xinrui have both reduced their auras, and these Angel Race Heavenly Gods can't feel their specific strength.

"Shut up! You all retreat to me!"

At this time, the three silhouettes came quickly, and the headline was naturally a chant.

The chant brought the two god emperors in the middle stage and strode forward.

"This is the distinguished guest I invited. I can't tolerate you impudent! Don't leave quickly!" The chant is facing the few Angel Race Heavenly God scolded.

Those Heavenly Gods didn't even dare to say anything, for fear that they would offend people by saying more, they broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly withdrew.

"Here, please." The hymn smiled lightly at Mu Qing, turned aside, and motioned Mu Qing and Xinrui to walk towards him.

Behind them, the two emperors looked at each other, a little surprised.

The hymn has recently improved its status in Angel Race and has entered the high-level vision. It is Heaven's Chosen that may be the focus of training next.

These two gods didn't expect, the hymn is usually very arrogant, but there is such a polite side.

Of course, they might not have imagined that if it weren't for the crowds of people around now, the hymn would be a look of awe.


Angel Race a certain star.

Mu Qing and Xinrui are arranged in a palace by chants.

This star belongs to the chant alone, and the Angel Race on the star is also completely loyal to him.

"Master, do you need me to send someone to pick up some medical pill or heavenly materials earthly treasures?"

The hymn sent away all his subordinates, came to Mu Qing, and took a look Xin Rui, who was seriously injured, couldn't help but say.

Mu Qing looked towards Xinrui.

Xin Rui shook the head and said: "No, my injury can recover on its own."

The injury on his fleshy body looks serious, but it is mainly Senner The reason why the power of the clan emperor is left in the body.

Before, there was no time to get rid of the alien power in the body, but now I have time, and the fleshy body will soon recover.

As for the Divine Soul state, it is not very serious, at least it is much better than Mu Qing's Divine Soul state.

Mu Qing waved his hand, "Go out, we need some time to meditate next."

When Xinrui Senior Brother recovers from his injury, he almost returns. Black Tortoise Star Domain is now.

"Master..." The hymn did not leave immediately, and hesitated.

Mu Qing frowned, and said: "What do you want to say?"

"That's it, master." The chant took a deep breath and quickly said: "When the master leaves Since then, I have been secretly inquiring about the Holy War angel controller."

"After consulting many ancient books and records, I have basically determined that the controller is in the hands of a certain high-level Angel Race. "

"The controller is an Emperor Treasure. It was originally planned to build many controllers, but then there was an error in the Holy War Angel Project, and now only the Angel Race executives are left. That controller."


The hymn was obviously investigating a lot of news, and now he told Mu Qing all brainstorming.

The Holy War Angel Project failed, and many controllers were destroyed.

The only thing left is an Emperor Treasure mastered by a certain Angel Race executive!

The Emperor Treasure is the main hub of the controller. At the same time, because of its high grade, it was made at a great price, so it was not destroyed.

"This is the appearance of the Emperor Treasure. Although it is the lower Emperor Treasure, it has a special symbolic meaning in the Angel Race."

The secondary pattern, it is a scepter, the whole body is golden-yellow, and there is a small statue of a twenty-four-winged angel on it.

He cautiously said: "I haven’t found out whose hand this angel scepter is in, but it is very likely in the hands of Emperor Shengyao. This angel scepter used to represent the leadership position, but now Angel Race is unified, only patriarch has no leader."

It is very likely that it is in the hands of Emperor Shengyao!

Mu Qing's eyes lit up.

This is good news for him.

The Holy War angel, Emperor Tianxun, is very powerful, and Mu Qing values ​​the opponent's potential even more.

After all, the other party also created a secret technique that allows Emperor Treasure and even Supreme Item to self-destruct!

If Tianxun the Great becomes his subordinate, it will definitely be a big help.

Of course, Emperor Tianxun would definitely not be willing to be Mu Qing's subordinate. He also knew his future. Even if he wasn't Supreme, he could become a supreme emperor.

Such a character will not easily acknowledge allegiance.

But Mu Qing will not let him go like this.

After all, Emperor Xun had fought him this day before, and exploded his fleshy body dozens of times. This hatred must not be forgotten.

Since Emperor Tianxun will definitely not acknowledge allegiance Mu Qing, then use other means to force him to acknowledge allegiance himself.

Holy War angel controller is the best choice!

Holy War angels are powerful, but Divine Soul is passive.

The angel scepter can directly control the Holy War angel. As long as Mu Qing obtains the angel scepter, he can control Emperor Tianxun and let him do things for himself.

"Emperor Shengyao, what strength is it?" Mu Qing solemnly asked.

He only knows that Emperor Shengyao's strength has reached the upper emperor, but the specific upper emperor is not clear.

The hymn is clear about this, as his status is not a secret to him.

The hymn thought for a while, and said: "It should be the realm of the upper emperor Peak. At the beginning, Emperor Shengyao helped Celestial Court destroy the Taiyue Palace. Although he was not able to join Celestial Court like Demon Race in the end, I also got some benefits and improved my strength."

"There was news that Emperor Shengyao was preparing to break through to the extreme position, and recently Angel Race began to expand its power. Various signs indicate that Emperor Shengyao It is very likely that he has reached the peak of the upper emperor, and even has a certain confidence to break through to the extreme emperor, so it is so high-profile."

Mu Qing hearing this, frowned.

The angel scepter is probably in the hands of Emperor Shengyao, but Emperor Shengyao's strength is not comparable to him at present.

If it's only First Rank and Rank 2 high-ranking emperor, then he might even plan.

Higher emperor Peak, I am afraid that there will be no play in a short time.

"No matter what, this is an important news for me. You are very good this time." Mu Qing took a deep breath and then praised.

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