The scene was very chaotic for a while.

The battle between Xinrui and the Senna clan emperor made this cold-hanging star trembling, and it would burst at any time because of the energy aftermath of the battle between the two.

Emperor Ai Te and the three Elders fled frantically.

The Devourer followed closely behind, in the sky, an abyss emerged, swallowing it together with the space!

Emperor Aite ran fairly fast, but Aite patriarch, the three lower emperors, did not have such a fast speed.

A little carelessness, half of the body was swallowed!

Mu Qing will naturally not be idle. Eighty Demon Gods are fused, and the whole body is filled with explosive energy.

He stepped out of the black hole and appeared next to an old patriarch.

punched out, lightning and thunder, countless catastrophes.

Heavenly Tribulation print!

The fist mark penetrated directly through the old body of Aite patriarch, the fleshy body and Divine Soul burst in an instant!

A guy who can't reach the lower-rank Imperial Capital in the fifth rank, even if Mu Qing hasn't broken through to become a great emperor, he can still kill him.

Mu Qing's demonic energy blasted into the sky, and a Thunderclap Spear condensed and threw it violently.


? The remaining two patriarchs exclaimed, their scalp tingling.

They moved towards Ai Tehuang cast their eyes for help.

Emperor Aite didn't even look at it, and kept cursing unlucky in his heart. In the Star Domain of his Aite clan, there would be such an existence as the extreme emperor.

Now he doesn't have time to care about the life and death of these two Elders.

A mournful scream came from behind.

Emperor Aite couldn't help turning his head to look, but saw an Aite patriarch who had been nailed to death in the sky by a thunder lance.

You don’t have to look at it.

Divine Soul has been broken.

The last Aite patriarch was old and was swallowed by the Devourer in one bite. Fleshy body Divine Soul was completely digested and became the energy of the Devourer.

For Devourer and Mu Qing, the ordinary lower emperor is not their opponent at all, and can even do one hit instant kill!

You must know that in ordinary spiritual eyes, the Imperial Capital is Supreme Existence, and it can be said to be quite an exaggeration to kill the powerhouse in one punch.

"Senior Brother!"

Mu Qing shouted.

He ignored the emperor Aite who was fleeing, but returned to the past, ready to help Xinrui and fight against the emperor of the Sena tribe.

It was easier to deal with Ai Tehuang than Mu Qing thought.

Mu Qing thought he and the Devourer would be able to hold the Emperor Aite by joining forces.

Who knew that as soon as the aura on Devourer's body exuded, Emperor Ai turned and ran away!

Mu Qing and the four patriarch elders killed by the devouring demon did not resist much and were killed in the process of fleeing.

Mu Qing's Divine Soul state is also quite stable. Without fierce fighting, it will not be affected much.


Xin Rui loudly shouted.

He held the black coffin high and smashed it directly.

The Senna emperor did not dare to resist. After a short battle, he had already realized that Xinrui's black coffin was an extremely special artifact, enough to threaten his high-ranking emperor.

But as soon as the Senners took refuge, Mu Qing immediately used the black hole power to teleport with Devourer and Xinrui, disappeared.

"Will it work?" The Senner tribe great emperor snered, his strength of Divine Soul and Qi machine immediately followed.

Although the battle strength of these two people is much stronger than that of the same level, his realm is here, and it is almost impossible to escape directly in front of him!

This is the suppression of realm. The Senna clan emperor can fully capture the breath of creatures whose realm is lower than himself.

But soon, the face of the Senner tribe's emperor changed suddenly.

He couldn't even feel the other party's energy!

Soon, the breath of Mu Qing and the others emerged from far away, but immediately disappeared.

After catching a little breath, the Senner tribe's emperor rushed over immediately, but he still couldn't feel anything afterwards.

"Damn it!"

The Senner clan emperor roared and couldn't help but slapped the mountains around him to extinguish the fire.

Mu Qing’s black hole teleportation, when surrounded by black hole power, even the extremely large Imperial Capital cannot capture the breath.

"No! Move immediately!"

After chasing Mu Qing and the others thoroughly, the Senner tribe's emperor sank in his heart, gritted his teeth and left.

Xinrui was not killed today. After that, they will inevitably be slaughtered by Xinrui.

even more how, the Samsara Power on Xinrui's body makes him jealous.

The Senner clan emperor is already a high-ranking emperor, but Xinrui is able to compete with him by virtue of the strength of the new high-ranking emperor.

If he grows up in the future, he is definitely not a comparable existence!

"Leave the Tianchen Realm quickly, I can't stay here any longer!" The Senner tribe great emperor had a trace of fear.

Ghost knows if there is more powerful existence in the remaining party of Star Dynasty.

The Senners can never stay in this realm anymore, otherwise they will be annihilated sooner or later.

After leaving Lengxuan Star, the Senner tribe emperor saw Emperor Aite.

At this moment, Emperor Aite is ordering everyone to evacuate here.

But soon, Aitehuang's face showed a trace of suspicion.

The former extremely large Emperor Qi disappeared!

The violent battle fluctuations also stopped.

"Am I safe?" Emperor Ai was stunned, and stopped his escape.

He couldn't help looking in the direction of moving towards Leng Xuan Xing, but suddenly found a silhouette approaching at a speed visible to naked eye.


The terrifying power burst out, and a fist hit Emperor Ai Te's chest, directly hitting his body across, and Divine Soul was injured.

Emperor Aite flew away, fleshy body torn apart.

Coldly snorted, the great emperor of the Senner tribe, turned and left.

"What kind of thing, when you encounter extreme aura, you will be frightened like this." Senna the Great gnashing teeth.

He has left the Aite Star Domain.

Unwilling to explore all around, there is still no breath of Mu Qing and the others.

During the battle with Xinrui, the Senner clan emperor could clearly feel that Xinrui was about to be unable to hold on.

If Emperor Ai can entangle a little, maybe he can really leave Xinrui.

But the extreme aura erupted by Devouring Demon directly scared away Emperor Aite, causing Mu Qing to take Xinrui away directly.

"That shouldn't be the real powerhouse. The giant beast may have something related to the great emperor, so it can explode the aura of the great emperor." The Senner tribe great is not quite right. I'm afraid, although I felt a little panicked when I immediately felt the demonic energy swallowed.

After all, if it were really an extremely great emperor, he would have slapped him to death a long time ago, instead of fleeing with Mu Qing.

"Still not...just migrated." The Senner clan emperor sighed, and finally sprinted away at an extremely fast speed.

It was said that it was the migration of the clan. In fact, there are not many Senners anymore. Most of the clansman were killed by Xinrui.

The emperor of the Sena tribe is really scared. Since he didn't kill Xinrui with his shot, he should hide farther, lest the remaining party of the Star Empire come to the door.

"Where to go? The ten realms of the universe, there are not many places to go. Many realms are occupied by Supreme forces. In the past, it was estimated that they could not develop..."

"In that case, go Hunyuan World!"

The Senner tribe great emperor quickly decided where he would move to.

At the same time, the central star of the Aite clan.

Mu Qing and the others appeared near the super-large Transmission Formation in the outer area of ​​imperial city.

"Who?" A patrol team from the Ai Te tribe found the silhouette of Mu Qing and the others and immediately surrounded them.

The Devouring Devil takes a big mouth, and eats it all!

"Let's go!"

Mu Qing is pulling Xinrui, at this moment Xinrui's breath has gradually declined, and he can't stand still.


The super-large Transmission Formation was activated, bursting out dazzling rays of light.

"Divine Stone mineral vein!" The Devourer yelled upon seeing this.

Mu Qing leaned out his palms and changed the sky. Ten high-grade Divine Stone veins were stripped out in the air.

He took Xinrui and Devourer into the super-large Transmission Formation!

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