The hymn was so happy that he retired.

Although Mu Qing did not give him any substantial benefits, he at least left a good impression in Mu Qing's heart.

In the future, maybe one day I will become the emperor!

Even more how, Mu Qing gave him the method of tempering the Taoist rules several times before. Now he tempering twice, his strength is much stronger than before.

"There is no way to obtain the angel scepter for the time being. I want to control the Emperor Tianxun, and I will talk about it later." Mu Qing touched his chin.

He is not in a hurry.

The news brought by the hymn can only be accessed by the lineage of the holy surname.

The Emperor Tianxun didn’t know!

If Tianxun the Great is a descendant of a holy surname, I am afraid that the controller has already been found.

Unfortunately, he is not.

Of course, if Emperor Tianxun had a holy surname, he would not become an angel of Holy War.

A few days later, Mu Qing and Xinrui left Angel Race with the help of chants.

Xinrui’s power of reincarnation is very useful for recovering injuries. The trauma has almost healed. Then the injuries of Divine Soul can be completely recovered in about one or two months.

This aspect is much better than Mu Qing.

Now Mu Qing's Divine Soul still has severe pain from time to time.

Without one or two years of recuperation, it is impossible to recover.

"Mu Qing Junior Brother, I will not leave with you. Although you have got the inheritance of the Starry Sky Dynasty, you have already walked out from this road after all, and you don’t have to intervene in our affairs anymore, rest assured Cultivation is fine."

"Although I did receive it, I went to reincarnation, but the memory before reincarnation is still there. I will ask for the enmity of Star Empire one after another."

Xin Rui lightly said with a smile.

After that, he glanced at the black coffin behind him again, and there was determination in his eyes.

He knows that Mu Qing wants to develop strength, and if his upper emperor's strength can join, it will definitely help Mu Qing clear many obstacles.

But Xinrui still has important things to do, and that is to resurrect Emperor Xingfeng!

Almost all of the dísciples of Xingkong Supreme were dead. Only Xinrui, the emperor of the stars, reincarnated and rebuilt Samsara Power.

Now, the corpse of Emperor Xingfeng is preserved in the black coffin. He wants to rely on his special Samsara Power to completely resurrect Emperor Xingfeng, whose Divine Soul has collapsed!

It is extremely difficult to resuscitate the dissipated Divine Soul.

Xin Rui needs to kill constantly, slaughter frantically, seize the strength of Divine Soul, and raise the corpse of Emperor Xingfeng.

He is destined to provoke many races, many of which are Peak, because these races are those who hit a person when he's down to Star Dynasty.

Xin Rui is worried that if he joins Mu Qing's power, he will cause unnecessary trouble to Mu Qing.

He lightly said with a smile: "When I resurrect Xingfeng, I will take refuge in you."

"Be careful." Mu Qing's face was solemn.

Xin Rui is likely to find some powerful races, even if the opponent was originally an extremely powerful emperor, but now it is different and may be in danger.

"Don't worry."

Xin Rui waved his hand and walked towards Boundless Starry Sky, finally disappeared.

"You Senior Brother, you will grow up to be the number one person in the future, and you may be able to break through to Supreme." The Devourer appeared beside Mu Qing, looking at the place where Xin Rui left, said solemnly.

"breakthrough Supreme?" Mu Qing was a little surprised, didn't expect Devourer to give such a high evaluation.

The devouring demon nodded, said; "Samsara Power is a brand-new power. So far in the entire universe, no such power has appeared."

"Want to breakthrough Supreme, this Powerhouses like powerhouses are easier to break through. For example, Mozu and the old Celestial Emperor are the first cultivated powerhouses that are different from divine force. Breakthrough to Supreme Realm is much easier than other powerhouses."

The demon has been with the demon ancestor for many years, and he still knows a little bit about how to break through Supreme.

"What about my demonic energy? I only tempered for nine times, but I cultivated demonic energy. Does it mean that I will be a lot easier when I break through Supreme?" Mu Qing asked curiously.

The devouring demon shook the head, "Although your demonic energy was figured out by yourself, after all, the demonic path already exists. The demon ancestor is the first to create the demonic energy, unless... …You transform the demonic energy into another form of power to create a new power."

Mu Qing’s demonic energy is created by himself, but after all, the demonic energy itself exists. Therefore, if Mu Qing reaches the extreme Peak in the future, it will not be easy to break through Supreme.

As for the power to change the demonic energy into another form, Devourer just mentioned it casually.

After all, Mu Qing can create demonic energy on his own. It is already very difficult to deal with, and the power of demonic energy is of high quality. It is difficult to transform demonic energy into other powers. !

"But..." The Devouring Mohua turned around and said: "Although you have been tempering and becoming emperor nine times, you can also become Supreme."

It has contempt in its tone. And disdain, said; "What the group of people said about Supreme is completely nonsense, nine tempering and ten tempering. Although there is a gap, it is not as big as you think."

" In fact, as long as the Tao is tempering many times, no matter how many times, it has the qualification of breakthrough Supreme."

"The number of tempering of Tao affects a person's battle strength!"


"I have seen a powerhouse where the Tao is only tempering once, and finally it is a breakthrough to Supreme, and even the battle strength is enough to fight three Supremes at the same time!"

Said solemnly : "That person is called Jixi Supreme!"

Mu Qing startled, the person said in the mouth of the Devourer, turned out to be Jixi Supreme!

He didn't expect that Supreme is so old.

Be able to be known by the Devourer. If you want to come to the period when the demonic path is prosperous, the Supreme of Nirvana has become famous.

Mu Qing thinks of the Sea of ​​Silence, and he knows it clearly. According to the rumors, the strength of the Supreme Item is not too strong, but he has created a secret technique that allows the Supreme Item to infinitely improve and grow, so he has The strength of fighting Three Paragons alone.

Slightly talked with Swallow, Mu Qing's face showed a touch of joy.

Although it is far from the realm of Supreme, when he learned that he still has the opportunity to break through to Supreme in the future, Mu Qing relaxed in his heart.

Subsequently, Mu Qing thought of another question.

He asked suspiciously: "Who created the divine force? Now in the entire universe, almost 90% of the creatures have to be cultivated by the divine force. Compared to the Supreme who created the divine force, it should be very Powerful?"

The Devourer shook the head, and said concisely: "I don't know."

"Don't know?" Mu Qing was shocked, he thought the Devourer knew all.

"It's not just you, but many powerhouses have raised this question. The cultivation system of the power of divine force has existed long, long ago."

Eyes, said: "But when I asked the Demon Ancestor, the Demon Ancestor also shook his head. I don't know which Supreme is the source of the dao divine force."

Mu Qing is surprised, to know that the Demon Ancestor is quite old. That batch of Supremes, didn't expect even the Demon Ancestor didn't know it!

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