Three days later...

Still the principal's residence.

dong dong..

"Come in."

As soon as the headmaster's voice fell, he saw the head of the bureau walk in excitedly.

After seeing the bureau seat coming in, the principal stood up and hurriedly asked, "Accurate?"

"Report to the principal! The information is completely accurate!"

The bureau said excitedly.


The principal said excitedly.

After he finished speaking, he thought of something and hurriedly said to the guard outside the door: "Order an emergency military meeting! The meeting will be held in an hour!"


The guard hurriedly responded.

An hour later, all the generals of the National Army Headquarters in the conference room were present. After the principal arrived in the conference room, he started giving orders without any nonsense!

However, many generals who do not know the intelligence are all puzzled after receiving the order!

Someone stood up to ask questions but was directly rejected by the principal!

The principal, who was still under discussion before, has become extremely domineering and firm at this moment, leaving many generals confused, but after all, he is the principal, and the order must be executed!


29 On the second day, at 3:15 a.m. in the middle of the night, Xinjing Airport, the largest airport of the National Army, because of the beginning of the war and many large-scale air battles with the Japanese army, all 270 aircraft with combat effectiveness of the entire National Army are assembled here. Standby!

At four o'clock in the morning, all the planes took off and flew towards the marked point of the mission! Once you reach the place, drop the bomb!

boom! boom!

The sudden air attack by the national army made the Japanese army not react at all. After the reaction, it was too late, because the planes of the national army had already withdrawn!


Japanese Army Headquarters!

"Baga! What the hell is going on! All the strategic points in the entire South China battlefield were bombed! Why did they go to these places! Tell me what's going on!"

Army Commander Okamura Ning roared angrily at the generals below.

No one speaks below, and no one dares to speak!

"A bunch of rubbish! A bunch of idiots! Now that our ammunition depots, supply points, and material stations are all gone, how can the soldiers of the empire fight?"

Gang Cunning continued to curse.

"Now I order all the brigades in the South China Theater to immediately withdraw to the South China Theater. At the same time, the 18th Division and the 31st Division in West China... Immediately go to the front line of the South China Theater to build fortifications!"


The generals below nodded hurriedly.


"General, urgent information!"

At this time, a lieutenant hurried in! Pick up a piece of information and hand it to Gang Cunning.

Gang Cunning took a look at the information, and then frowned together!

"The ** army has already started a counter-offensive! Four armies! Attacking at the same time, South China can't be defended!"

Gang Cunning said solemnly.

Hearing Gang Cunning's words, all the generals below were stunned.



Zhuang Xiaoman's villa,

At this moment in the secret room, Zhuang Xiaoman looked at the information just passed from above with a smile on his face.

"The Japanese army in South China has withdrawn."

Zhuang Xiaoman said with a smile to Gao Feng who was sitting there.


Gao Feng smiled and nodded.

Although he knew that his intelligence would bring a victory to the national army, he did not expect to achieve such a big victory!

He thought that the principal would have doubts when he saw his information. After all, some later generations commented that the principal's character was indecisive, but he did not expect to be so decisive!

Had it not been for the resoluteness of the principal, such a great victory would not have been achieved.

Sure enough, some history is a lie!

"To celebrate the good news, I'm going to open a bottle of wine?"

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoman said with a smile.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoman's words, Gao Feng thought for a while and then nodded.

"Go, go to the living room for a drink.."

Zhuang Xiaoman said and dragged Gao Feng towards the living room downstairs.

After arriving in the living room, Gao Feng sat on the sofa, while Zhuang Xiaoman went to get wine.

When Zhuang Xiaoman brought the wine over, Gao Feng was stunned!

At this moment, Zhuang Xiaoman was wearing a close-fitting cheongsam, with light makeup on his charming face.

The hair is loosely scattered, a bit more lazy and more charming at the same time!

Anyway, this is a very charming and all-in-one woman!

"You're dressed like this..."

Gao Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Hearing Gao Feng's emotion, Zhuang Xiaoman asked with a smile on his beautiful face, "What should I do with this outfit?"

"very beautiful."

Gao Feng asked with a smile.

Gao Feng's words made Zhuang Xiaoman's mouth rise slightly. She walked to Gao Feng's side and sat down directly, then whispered, "Is it really beautiful?"


Just as Gao Feng was about to speak, he saw a figure appearing at the opposite door.

Gao Feng was taken aback when he saw that figure, and Zhuang Xiaoman's body was also stiff.


"Miss Junko.."

Gao Feng and Zhuang Xiaoman shouted.

Junko Muto stood there at the door, looking at Gao Feng and Zhuang Xiaoman dumbfoundedly.


Junko Muto opened his mouth.

"Junzi, don't get me wrong. Miss Ryoko had a business talk with a representative from Baodao tonight. She just came back. To celebrate the conclusion of the business, we're going to have a drink."

Looking at Junko Muto who was dumbfounded, Gao Feng walked up to her with a smile and said with a smile.

"Yes.. is that so?"

Junko Muto looked at Gao Feng, and then at Zhuang Xiaoman.

"Yes, Miss Junko."

Zhuang Xiaoman hurriedly smiled and nodded.

"Well, I believe you..."

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoman's words, Junko Muto nodded with a smile on his face.

"Ryoko, I don't think I'll drink tonight's wine, I'll drink it tomorrow when I have time..."

Gao Feng said to Zhuang Xiaoman at this time.

After he finished speaking, he pulled Muto Junko away.

Back at their villa, Gao Feng and Junko Muto lay on the bed to rest after washing up.


At this time, Junko Muto exclaimed softly.

"What's wrong, Junko?"

Gao Feng turned his head to look at Junko Muto.

"Actually...actually, Miss Ryoko came back in the afternoon, I saw it."

Junko Muto whispered.

Gao Feng was stunned when he heard Junko Muto's words.


"Takahashi-kun, I...I don't really mind. It's all my fault. I haven't had any children until now. I don't blame Takahashi-kun for looking for Miss Ryoko."

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