"Well, it worked!"

Gao Feng smiled and nodded. For him, the harvest today is not as simple as killing a regional commander! But the information!

"I will report to the superior now!"

Zhuang Xiaoman looked excited and hurried upstairs, while Gao Feng followed behind.

After the two arrived in the secret room, Zhuang Xiaoman turned on the radio and started reporting to the principal!

Now the information on Gao Feng's side is not reported to the bureau, but directly to the principal. In order to get in touch with Gao Feng as soon as possible, the principal even installed a telegraph class in the next room of his residence. It's enough to see the importance of Gao Feng on the principal's side at this moment!

Soon Zhuang Xiaoman sent the telegram to the principal!

At the same time, the principal was discussing matters with the two of them.

dong dong..

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in.."

The principal opened his mouth.

Then the door opened and a guard walked in.

"Headmaster, telegram."

The principal took a look at the telegram, and then stood up straight with excitement!

"Good! Good! Good!"

Saying hello three times in a row is enough to show how happy the headmaster is at the moment.

"Headmaster, what's the good news?"

After seeing the excited look of the principal, the seat next to him asked.

"Haha, there is a telegram from Gao Feng, look..."

The principal laughed and handed the telegram directly to the bureau, who took the telegram and glanced at it, with a look of shock on his face!

"Haha, it's a great blessing for our army to have such a talented person! Haha!"

Looking at the stunned seat, the principal continued to laugh.

"Principal, really, is this true?"

The bureau seat is still a little unbelievable at this moment. Shiro Kawashima, one of the four commanders of the Japanese army, was assassinated like this?

"You know Gao Feng best. Has there been a problem with his intelligence?"

the principal asked.

"No... no."

The bureau shook his head.

"Well, whether it's true or not, we'll know in two days."

The principal smiled.


On the other hand, after reporting the information to his superiors, Gao Feng returned to his villa.

At this time in the middle of the night, Junko Muto was already asleep, Gao Feng did not go to the bedroom, but went directly to the study, and then he found a piece of paper and a pen and started to draw.

He drew a military topographic map of the Japanese army in South China, and the map contains all the details of the Japanese army's strength!

These include airports, munitions depots, and heavy artillery deployment locations..

With this map, the national army can launch a surprise attack directly with an aircraft!

Throughout the night, Gao Feng continued to paint until after ten o'clock the next morning, until Junko Muto knocked on the door and came in, Gao Feng stopped.

"Taoqiao-kun, it's hard work, you should have some breakfast first."

Looking at Gao Feng who had not slept all night, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes, Junko Muto said with concern.

"Well, thank you Junko, you can eat it first, I'll be fine soon."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll go get the food."

Junko Muto nodded and turned to leave.

After a while, Junko Muto came in with a breakfast tray and placed it by Gao Feng's table.

Gao Feng asked while eating breakfast, "Does Junko have any plans today?"

"I made an appointment with Jinyun today to buy some clothes for the children. Summer is coming soon, and there are many children who have no clothes. I originally wanted to make clothes for the children myself, but I still learned a few times. Won't."

Speaking of this, Junko Muto pouted, with a look of frustration on his face.

Looking at Junko Muto's frustrated look, Gao Feng smiled and said, "It's okay, I believe Junko can do it."


Junko Muto nodded vigorously.

Soon Gao Feng finished his breakfast, and Junko Muto left the study with the breakfast plate.

After Junko Muto left, Gao Feng continued to draw.

Drawing a map of the distribution of troops is time-consuming and requires a lot of experience. After all, even if you write a wrong word or draw a wrong stroke on the map, it may cause misunderstandings to the viewers, resulting in errors.

After drawing until more than four o'clock, Gao Feng finally finished drawing the distribution of troops.

After painting, Gao Feng left the villa and went directly to Fenghe Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Because Shiro Kawashima was killed last night, at this time, the streets were full of patrolling soldiers of the Japanese army. Basically, there was an interception post a few hundred meters away.

After being intercepted more than a dozen times, Gao Feng finally arrived at the headquarters...  

After entering the headquarters, Gao Feng went to Zhuang Xiaoman's office.

At the moment in the office, Zhuang Xiaoman was looking down at some documents. When she saw Gao Feng come in, she was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I have an urgent mission..."

Gao Feng said that he took out the army map he had drawn and handed it to Zhuang Xiaoman.

"This is a map of all the Japanese troops stationed in South China, including distribution points in some important areas. I need you to send someone to send things to the headquarters and hand them over to the principal."

Listening to Gao Feng's words, Zhuang Xiaoman opened the paper and took a look. When she saw the detailed distribution map above, her expression changed and she nodded hurriedly: "Well, I'll arrange it now!",

"Well, remember to pass things to the headquarters safely!"

Gao Feng said again.

"Okay, I remember."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and hurriedly left.


Three days later...

The principal got the map of the Japanese army drawn by Gao Feng. He looked at the detailed deployment of troops on the map, and his eyes were full of excitement!

"Go to the bureau and call me!"

The headmaster shouted to the guards outside the door.


The guard hurried away.

An hour later, the bureau seat came to the principal's room.


"Well, take a look at this."

The principal hummed, and then handed the piece of paper to the seat.

The bureau took the paper and glanced at it, and then the whole person was completely stunned there!

"This this.."

The seat was a little stuttered.

"You see, this force map is very important. I need you to send someone to verify it immediately. After confirming that it is correct, I will order all the planes of our army to attack these special areas!"

Speaking of this, the principal's face showed excitement!

At this moment, he can already imagine that after our planes have strategically destroyed all the Japanese troops in the entire South China region, the battlefield situation in the entire South China region will be completely reversed! .

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