the next day..

Gao Feng got up early in the morning, and after having breakfast, he deliberately drove Junko Muto to the orphanage.

At the gate of the orphanage, the car stopped and Junko Muto got out of the car.

"Junzi, I'll come pick you up tonight."

Looking at Junko who got out of the car, Gao Feng said.

"No, no need, Takahashi-kun, you have to do your own business, I don't care,"

Junko Muto hurriedly waved his hand and said.

"You're my wife. It's okay for me to pick you up. Okay, let's go in quickly."

Gao Feng smiled and waved.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Junko Muto opened his mouth and finally turned around and entered the orphanage.

After seeing Junzi's figure entering the orphanage, Gao Feng said to Xiaohubei who was driving, "Go to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters."

"Okay, Mr. Takahashi."

Xiaohu nodded and then started the car and drove to the other side.


Special high class, in Fujita Yoshimasa's office.

At this moment, Fujita Yoshimasa and Nantian Yoko were sitting opposite each other.

"Commander Kawashima was assassinated, and a special commissioner was sent to investigate the case. I have already sent someone to pick it up. It should be there soon. Nantian, you must cooperate with the commissioner who came down in this incident. do you understand?"

Fujita Yoshimasa said with a serious face.

Opposite, Yoko Nantian frowned slightly, then whispered, "Hey, I remember."

"Well, this special commissioner is a disciple of General Toi, and she is also a woman. During this period of time, I have arranged for you to work under her command. You should study hard. This is also for your own good."

Fujita Yoshimasa nodded and continued.

"General Doi's disciple? Could it be Miss Kawashima Yoshiko?"

Hearing Yoshimasa Fujita's words, Yoko Nantian raised her head and asked in surprise.

"Yes! It was originally General Toi who wanted to come in person, but because of the failure of the war in South China, Commander-in-Chief Gangcun Ning believed that there were spies planted by the National Army at our high level, so the Emperor ordered General Toi to be responsible for detecting spies. , let Miss Yoshiko Kawashima come to investigate the killing of Commander Shiro Kawashima々". "

Fujita Yoshima nodded and said.

"Hey! I must study hard with Miss Yoshiko Kawashima!"

Yoko Nantian nodded hurriedly.

As a person specializing in intelligence, she has naturally heard the name Kawashima Yoshiko, and even Nantian Yoko has always regarded Kawashima Yoshiko as her idol!

It is very rare for a Japanese woman to be like Yoshiko Kawashima!

dong dong..

At this moment there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Fujita Yoshimasa opened the mouth and said.

Then the door opened and a woman walked in.

The woman was wearing a white cherry blossom kimono, her hair was pulled up high, and there was a hosta on it. There was a smile on her beautiful face, but there was a scrutiny in her eyes.

Seeing the people coming in, Fujita Yoshimasa and Nantian Yoko hurriedly stood up.

"Miss Kawashima, it's a pleasure to meet..."

Fujita Yoshimasa hurriedly stretched out his hand and smiled.

"Haha, it's a pleasure to meet Chief Fujita. This is Nantian, the head of the Shanghai Special High School, right?"

Yoshiko Kawashima stretched out his hand with a smile, then looked at Yoko Nantian who was standing beside him and smiled.

"Hey! Miss Kawashima, I'm Yoko Nantian."

Nantian Yoko hurriedly lowered her head and said.

"Well, Head Nantian doesn't need to be so polite. This time, I gave Mr. Toi's order to come to Shanghai to investigate the killing of Commander Kawashima, and I still need the help of the two of you."

"Hey, we will definitely do our best to help Miss Kawashima."

Fujita Yoshima said hurriedly.

"Then do you have time for Nantian now? You are the teacher of the Shanghai special high school. You are most familiar with Shanghai. I would like to hear from you about things in Shanghai."

"What's going on here in Shanghai? Miss Kawashima, what are you referring to?"

Nantian Yoko asked suspiciously.

"Anything can be said."

Yoshiko Kawashima said with a smile.


Yoko Nantian nodded and then explained all the basic conditions on the Shanghai side.

After listening to Yoko Nantian's remarks, Yoshiko Kawashima nodded and said, "Thank you, Section Chief Nantian, I will be here today, and we will start the investigation tomorrow."


Yoko Nantian said hurriedly.

"Well, Miss Kawashima should take a good rest after rushing all day. Nantian, take Miss Kawashima to the place we arranged to live. Don't be rude, can you hear me clearly!"

Yoshimasa Fujita looked at Yoko Nantian seriously.

"Hey, Nantian understands!"

Yoko Nantian nodded hurriedly.

Then Yoko Nantian and Yoshiko Kawashima left the special high school.

After leaving the special high school, the two went directly to Yoko Nantian's residence. After arriving at the residence, Yoshiko Kawashima suddenly asked: "¨"Senior Nantian, have you found anything about the assassination of Commander-in-Chief Jiro Kawashima? ?"

"No, Miss Kawashima."

Nantian Yoko lowered her head and said.

"Hehe, Head Nantian, we are all women. In this man's era, we have had enough of bowing and bowing every day. It's just the two of us here, so don't be so polite. You can treat me as your friend."

Yoshiko Kawashima said with a smile.

"As friends?"

Yoko Nantian was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yoshiko Kawashima excitedly.

And Yoshiko Kawashima nodded with a smile, and then began to visit Yoko Nantian's residence.

Looking at Yoshiko Kawashima who was visiting the residence, Yoko Nantian hesitated for a moment, then walked behind Yoshiko Kawashima and said in a low voice, "Miss Kawashima, actually I have something to report to you."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Yoshiko Kawashima asked suspiciously.

"About the assassination of Commander Shiro Kawashima." (Get Zhao)

Yoko Nantian hesitated.

"Oh? What do you know?"

Kawashima Yoshiko's face also became serious, looking at Nantian Yoko and asking.

"Miss Kawashima, Commander Kawashima Shiro's coming to Shanghai is a very hidden matter. It is impossible for the underground organizations in Shanghai to know about it, but three days before Commander Kawashima came, inside the consulate..."

Then Yoko Nantian expressed his speculation.

After hearing Yoko Nantian's speculation, Yoshiko Kawashima frowned and said, "Do you think the disappearance of Goro Matsushita is related to the assassination of Commander Kawashima. Goro Matsushita knew that Commander Kawashima was coming to Shanghai..."

"Hey, yes, Miss Kawashima, this is my speculation."

Yoko Nantian nodded and said hurriedly.

"Well, your guess is correct, but what did you mean when you said you didn't know if you wanted to report to me?"

Yoshiko Kawashima nodded and asked suspiciously. .

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