five minutes later.

Feng Manna and Wang Manchun, as well as the leaders of each group, all arrived in the detention room.

At this time, the bodies of the Red Party personnel had been neatly placed on the ground, while the guards were standing on the other side uneasy.

"Senior, all dead, caused by poisoning,~"

Wang Manchun walked over to Feng Manna and whispered.

The former Feng Manna is also the same as her now, but now she has become the low-pitched one! Sometimes Wang Manchun also thinks, if she does it all over again, will she accept Takahashi-Masao's invitation?

She's not sure either!

"Poisoned? How?"

Feng Manna frowned and asked.

Hearing Feng Manna's words, Wang Manchun walked to one of the corpses and exposed the neck on one side of the corpse, and then a small red dot appeared in everyone's sight.

"Killed by direct injection of poison by a syringe, the perpetrator should be the Red Party's own, in order to prevent information leakage."

Wang Manchun stood up and said.

She has caught a lot of red parties before, and she naturally understands this set of red parties.

"Well, have you found the suspect?"

Feng Manna continued to ask.

"Well, the suspect is a traitor, named Zhao Si, who has disappeared, and I am searching the whole city."

Wang Manchun replied.

Hearing Wang Manchun's answer, Feng Manna nodded and said, "Okay, pay close attention to the docks and train stations."


Wang Manchun nodded hurriedly.


On the other side, Fenghe Chamber of Commerce headquarters, inside Gao Feng's office.

dong dong.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

When the voice fell, Zhuang Xiaoman opened the door and walked in quickly.

"The Commander-in-Chief of South China, Shiro Kawashima is leaving!"

After coming in, Zhuang Xiaoman said in a low voice.

"When? Where to leave?"

Gao Feng asked.

"Our team found that they were packing things in the villa. The exact time of departure is unknown. The place of departure should be at the East Sichuan Wharf, because only that place was stationed with a Japanese warship."

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

"Okay, I'll carry out the assassination this time. You send people to keep an eye on the other piers. I'll be waiting at the Chuandong pier. If there is anything unusual at the other piers, please notify me immediately. I'm afraid the Japanese army is using a trick."

Gao Feng thought for a moment and then said.

"You assassinated yourself? Wouldn't that be too bold?"

Zhuang Xiaoman frowned and asked.

"The mission is important. If the assassination is successful, this will be the highest Japanese officer killed by our army!"

Gao Feng said.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and left.

After Zhuang Xiaoman left, Gao Feng left the headquarters without staying in the office for too long.

In fact, the reason why he wanted to assassinate Shiro Kawashima himself was not entirely to ensure the successful completion of the mission, but also for the memory of Shiro Kawashima!

His skill memory absorption can absorb the memory of his killing!

So how much top-secret information is hidden in the memory of a Japanese commander-in-chief in South China?

Only by killing him will you know!

An hour later, I came to the window on the second floor of a room 500 meters away from Dongchuan Wharf.

Although I can't say that he has a wide field of vision, I can just see the location of the pier! As long as the target reaches the dock, Gao Feng is confident that he can kill 100%!

After arriving at the ambush point, Gao Feng began to wait quietly.

Until three in the morning..

Suddenly the sound of a car came faintly from a distance.

After hearing the sound, Gao Feng looked over and saw a few cars in the distance slowly approaching the pier. Gao Feng's heart moved when he saw that car!

eagle eyes open,

The people in the car appeared in Gao Feng's sight with shadows and shadows. Almost all of these lights and shadows were red, and only one was shining with golden light!

Seeing that golden figure, the corner of Gao Feng's mouth Wei Yang!

Target found!

Soon the convoy arrived at the dock, and then the car stopped and all the lights were turned off! The pier is plunged into darkness!

Seeing this, I secretly thought that the Japanese army was really cautious!

Not only did he leave in the middle of the night, he even turned off the lights under such a heavy guard! Fortunately, I came by myself. If it was the rest of the group, it would be impossible to complete the assassination!

Whether you can find the target is a big question!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

I was secretly grateful, and at the same time, Gao Feng picked up the mid-formal rifle with the sniper scope installed next to it and aimed it at the golden figure!

After aiming at the target, Gao Feng pulled the trigger without hesitation!


The muzzle of the gun burst out in the dark night, and the bullets roared towards the target!

In less than a second, the bullet went straight through the target's head!

"Ah! Attack! Attack!"

"Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief!"

"Quick! Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief was shot!"

"The enemy is there!"

Frightened and angry screams sounded from the pier. Because it was late at night, the fire from the muzzle was extremely conspicuous, so someone discovered the location of Gao Feng as soon as Gao Feng shot and killed the target! The Japanese soldiers are approaching here!

. 0 ......

After Gao Feng killed the target, countless memories replayed in his mind! The speed is extremely fast, but the magic is that Gao Feng can remember every minute and every second of his memory!

Along with the replay of the memory, a smile gradually appeared on Gao Feng's face!

intelligence! A lot of top secret information!

The deployment of Japanese troops throughout South China, the location of artillery, the location of the quarters, the location of the general headquarters, etc..

After digesting these memories, Gao Feng glanced out the window. At this moment, the Japanese soldiers had arrived within 100 meters of the building where Gao Feng was located.

With a thought, he directly retracted the Zhongguang in his hand into the system backpack, and then Gao Feng walked directly to the window behind him and jumped down!

after an hour.

Gao Feng came to Zhuang Xiaoman's villa.

At this time, there was no one in Zhuang Xiaoman's villa. Gao Feng waited in the villa for more than half an hour before Zhuang Xiaoman returned to the villa.

"Now the whole of Shanghai is filled with Japanese soldiers, the whole city is in chaos, and I almost can't come back."

After entering the villa, Zhuang Xiaoman said directly.

"Hehe, their commander-in-chief in South China was killed, so it's no wonder that they didn't mess around."

Gao Feng smiled and said.


Although Zhuang Xiaoman saw that Shanghai was under martial law on the way back, he was already sure that Gao Feng's assassination was successful, but when he heard Gao Feng say it himself, Zhuang Xiaoman was really relieved! Small.

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