The next day, Junko Muto left the villa early in the morning and went to the orphanage, and Gao Feng also got up from the bed after Junko Muto left.

After getting out of bed and taking a shower, Gao Feng came to the living room to eat, and Zhuang Xiaoman walked in from outside the villa halfway through the meal.

Seeing Zhuang Xiaoman come in, Gao Feng said, "Miss Liangzi has breakfast? Would you like to have some together?"

"Well, thank you Chairman."

Zhuang Xiaoman sat down and then picked up a piece of bread on the table and ate it.

After eating, Gao Feng went directly to the second floor, while Zhuang Xiaoman followed behind.

Entering the study on the second floor, after the study was closed, Zhuang Xiaoman hurriedly said, "I thought of a plan last night."

"What plan? Let's hear it."

Gao Feng said.

"The Japanese army and the old German are allies. Can we think of a way to make them conflict, or kill one person and blame the other side?",

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

"Then how to put the blame on the other party? What kind of method is used to put the blame on the other party, and let the dead party believe that the other party did it?"

Gao Feng asked a series of questions.

After hearing the question from Gao Feng, Zhuang Xiaoman opened his mouth.

"Okay, you don't care about this matter for the time being. After they arrive, you can send someone to watch and master their every move. Only after mastering their every move can we think of a way."

Gao Feng waved his hand and said.

"okay, I get it."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded helplessly.


On the other side, Junko Muto arrived at the orphanage. As soon as he entered the orphanage, Junko Muto saw Cheng Jinyun taking some cakes and giving them to the children of the orphanage.

"Miss Cheng! You're here."

Junko Muto exclaimed with a happy look on her face.

"Well, Miss Junko, there's nothing to do today, so I'll come and take a look."

Cheng Jinyun said with a smile.

Then the two chatted while taking their children in the orphanage. It was not easy for Junko Muto to know someone who had no prejudice against him. In addition, the reason for his simple personality, so he put the Many things about himself have been revealed, and when Cheng Jinyun first started, he approached Junko Muto to check the situation of the orphanage.

But after these two contacts, Cheng Jinyun found that Junko Muto was not what she thought, and the adoption of orphans was for other purposes.

"Miss Junko, what business do you do? Establishing several orphanages will cost a lot of money to adopt children."

The two of them were sitting on chairs in the yard, looking at the children laughing and playing in the distance, Cheng Jinyun asked.

"I'm not in business, but my husband is in business. He has a chamber of commerce. I told him that I want to set up an orphanage, and he only supports me, so I don't worry about money."

When Junko Muto talked about her husband, her face was full of happiness.

Hearing Junko Muto's words, Cheng Jinyun said in surprise, "I didn't expect that Miss Junko was already married."

"Yeah, got married last year."

Junko Muto nodded and said.

"Oh, who is that Junko-san's husband?"

Cheng Jinyun asked.

"My husband is Masao Takahashi."

Junko Muto said.

When the words fell, she saw that Cheng Jinyun's face changed.

"What's the matter, Miss Cheng?"

Junko Muto asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it's okay... I was just surprised. I didn't expect that Miss Junko's husband was Masao Takahashi. Miss Junko's husband is the richest man in Shanghai."

Cheng Jinyun hurriedly waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Ah, I'm not very clear about this. I rarely ask about my husband. I only know that he is very busy with his work."

Junko Muto was also a little surprised.

Looking at Junko Muto's surprised look, Cheng Jinyun felt that she was not lying.

"By the way, a few days ago, I told my husband that I met a woman who was a sexist. He was still very happy. He said that he would have the opportunity to invite you to my house. Miss Cheng, don't you have time today? Why don't you come to my house now? My sushi is still delicious, you can try it."

Junko Muto invited.

After hearing Junko Muto's invitation, Cheng Jinyun thought for a while and asked, "Will that be too disturbing?"

"It's okay, Miss Cheng, let's go."

After Junko Muto finished speaking, she excitedly took Cheng Jinyun and walked outside.

At this moment, she is like a child who has just entered a new school and can't wait to introduce her new friends to her parents.

After leaving the orphanage, Junko Muto took Cheng Jinyun directly towards the house.

Half an hour later, the two came to the villa.

"Madam is back so early."

Seeing Junko Muto coming back with a strange woman, the nanny showed surprise on her face, but she reacted and said with a smile.

"Well, I brought my friends back today, so come back earlier, where is Takahashi-kun?"

Junko Muto nodded and asked.

"There is something going on at the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Takahashi returned to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce an hour ago."

said the babysitter.

Hearing that the nanny said that Gao Feng was not there, Junko Muto's face showed a hint of disappointment. She originally wanted Gao Feng to meet the first friend she met in **.

"Miss Cheng.. you sit first."

"Call me Jin Yun."

"Really okay, then Jinyun will call me Chunzi in the future. By the way, wait a minute, I'll make tea for you."

After speaking, Junko Muto hurriedly walked towards the kitchen.


The Chamber of Commerce headquarters is here..

"Tonight is the first transaction between the National Army and the Brotherhood. When the time comes, you should send someone to notify Minglou, and immediately notify Yangguai. He is 'Gao Feng' and cannot be present."

Gao Feng said to Zhuang Xiaoman, who was sitting opposite.

"Well, I see. I have already notified all these, and I have also arranged the transportation line. The goods can be shipped out of Shanghai as soon as they are received."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said.

"Okay, and there's nothing going on at the consulate, right?"

Gao Feng asked again.

"I sent someone to see it this morning, and the consulate is now sending someone to look for Goro Matsushita."

"Remember to inform Lao Tie that Goro Matsushita disappeared from him in the end. If the consulate finds out there, it will be a little troublesome."

"Well, okay, I'll send someone to inform."

Zhuang Xiaoman hummed. .

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