Soon it will be afternoon..

Gao Feng left the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce headquarters and drove towards the villa by car.

At this time, in the villa, Junko Muto and Cheng Jinyun were sitting on the sofa, and there were all kinds of sushi on the coffee table next to them.

"Jinyun, try it, how does it taste?"

Junko Muto picked up a piece of sushi and handed it to Cheng Jinyun in anticipation.

"Well, thank you."

Cheng Jinyun took a bite of the sushi, and then his eyes lit up!

She's not pretending, but it's really delicious!

"How about it?"

Junko next to him asked expectantly.

"Well, it's delicious, the best sushi I've ever had."

Cheng Jinyun praised.

Hearing Cheng Jinyun's praise, Junko Muto's big eyes hummed happily, and then she said happily: "Takahashi-kun always said that the sushi he makes has the taste of his hometown."

"By the way, Jin Yun, we are friends now, right?"

"Uh, yeah, what's wrong?"

Cheng Jinyun was stunned for a moment, then nodded and asked.

"Nothing, you are the first friend I met in **, I know what we are doing in **, I don't want it, but the war is not something I can stop, I just want to do my best to make up for us mistake."

Junko Muto said.

Hearing Junko Muto's words, a trace of complexity flashed in Cheng Jinyun's eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she lowered her head and continued to eat sushi.

Some things can be made up, but some things are absolutely irreparable, not even by doing anything!

"It's getting late, Junko, I'll leave first."

At this time, Cheng Jinyun saw that the sky had turned dark outside, and hurriedly stood up and said.

"Ah... ok, but it's getting dark now, Jin Yun, wait a moment, I'll call a car to take you back."

Junko nodded. After all, Cheng Jinyun came to her house for the first time. If she invited Cheng Jinyun to live here, Cheng Jinyun would not agree, so Junko Muto didn't hold back.

"No, it's so troublesome, my house is not far from here, I'll be home soon 々". "

After Cheng Jinyun finished speaking, he walked outside, while Junko Muto followed behind.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the door, they saw a car coming in the distance, and seeing the car, Junko Muto's face suddenly showed a happy expression and said to Cheng Jinyun, "My husband is back, by the way. , and let his driver take you back later."

"Well, well, that's troublesome."

Cheng Jinyun smiled and nodded in thanks.

While the two were chatting, the car drove into the courtyard of the villa, and then the car stopped, Xiao Huei got out of the car, he went to the back door to open the car door, and then Gao Feng got out of the car.

Cheng Jinyun, who was standing next to Junko Muto, looked at the person who got out of the car, and her pupils suddenly shrank!

It was like a blast of thunder appeared in my head!

It's him!

It turned out to be the officer who lived next door to him two years ago!

It's the first person to be suspected of being a mysterious person!

He turned out to be Masao Takahashi!

He is Japanese!

No.. Definitely not Japanese!

Then he is...

Cheng Jinyun's body trembled uncontrollably, and there was an urge to escape! However, her feet stopped there involuntarily! Just standing there stupidly, watching Masao Takahashi who got out of the car and saw her!

Gao Feng was also stunned at the moment!

He didn't expect Cheng Jinyun to appear here!

So kill her?

In an instant, a trace of killing intent flashed in Gao Feng's eyes, and Cheng Jinyun on the opposite side also noticed the killing intent in Gao Feng's eyes at this moment.

Her teeth suddenly bit the tip of her tongue, and sure enough, the uncontrolled legs recovered in the next second.

"Junzi, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so I left first."

Said this sentence in a trembling voice, and then Cheng Jinyun walked away quickly.

She wants to come here immediately and tell Uncle Li and the team leader the shocking news!

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, a male voice came over.

Although he speaks Japanese, the tone and tone are exactly the same as the person who lived next door to him two years ago!

She didn't stop and continued walking forward.

At this time, Xiaohubei came over and blocked the road in front of Cheng Jinyun.

Now Cheng Jinyun can only stop there.

"Ah... Takahashi-kun, what's wrong?"

Junko Muto, who didn't know anything about the situation, came over at this time and looked at Gao Feng suspiciously.

"Hehe, Junko, who is this?"

Gao Feng laughed and asked.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce. This is Miss Cheng I told you a few days ago. I invited her to be a guest today."

"Jin Yun, this is my husband Takahashi Masao, ah... Jin Yun's mouth is bleeding."

At this moment, Junko Muto noticed the blood on the corner of Cheng Jinyun's mouth, and suddenly exclaimed.

"¨"I..I'm fine.."

Cheng Jinyun hurriedly waved his hand.

"Hehe, how can you say it's okay with a bloody mouth, so let's go ahead and let Junko help you take a look."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

"Yes... Jinyun, come in with me first, and I'll show you."

Junzi nodded hurriedly, then walked in front of Cheng Jinyun, stretched out his hand, took Cheng Jinyun's arm, and walked towards the villa.

Cheng Jinyun was pulled into the villa stiffly.

After watching Junko Muto and Cheng Jinyun enter the villa, Gao Feng's brows furrowed tightly at this moment.

"damn it!"

He couldn't help but curse.

"Mr. Takahashi, what's wrong?"

Xiaohubei next to him asked in confusion after hearing Gao Feng's foul language.

"It's okay.. you go find a few people to surround the villa for me. Without my order (good money), no one is allowed to go out!"

After Gao Feng said this, he reached out and rubbed his face, then stepped into the villa.

Inside the villa.

"Jinyun, sit here first, and I'll go get the medicine box."

Junko Muto pulled Cheng Jinyun onto the sofa and sat down, then after explaining something, he hurried up to the building.

And when Junko Muto just went upstairs, Gao Feng also walked in from outside.

He walked directly to the opposite side of Cheng Jinyun and sat down, looking at Cheng Jinyun's body.

Being stared at by Gao Feng like this, Cheng Jinyun's face turned pale, she forced a smile and asked, "Mr. Gao... Mr. Gao Qiao, you look at me like this. Did we know each other before?"

At this moment, Cheng Jinyun still has a glimmer of hope, looking forward to two years later, Gao Feng has forgotten her neighbor two years ago.

But in the next second, Gao Feng's words shattered her last hope! .

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