after an hour.

At the entrance of the consulate, Goro Matsushita came out. He moved his shoulders and walked directly to a dance hall not far away.

This ballroom is called Dryden Ballroom, and Goro Matsushita frequents it. The people in it basically know him, so after seeing him come in, several PR women in the ballroom came over with a charming look.

"Sir Matsushita, you haven't been here for a long time. You have to stay with us tonight."

"That's right, Mr. Matsushita, our sisters miss you very much."


Hearing Yingyingyanyan's voice, Matsushita Goro smiled and said in non-standard words: "Okay, okay, I will definitely accompany you tonight, I will accompany all of you!"

After he finished speaking, he directly hugged the two and walked towards a deck not far away.

Just sitting on the booth, I saw a man walking over not far away.

"Hehe, Matsushita-kun, you haven't been here for a long time. How about I treat you to a drink tonight?"

The man walked to Goro Matsushita and sat down and said with a smile.

"Haha, then thank you old Tiejun, come and drink... drink..."

The two of them picked up the wine glasses and started drinking. After drinking about a dozen glasses, the man named Lao Tie said in a low voice, "Mr. Matsushita, I just got two perfect ones during the day. do not go?"

"Oh? Perfect?"

"Yeah, just upstairs..."

"Then go together?"

"Haha, let's go together."

The two stood up with a smile, and walked upstairs, regardless of the woman they were hugging just now.

Arriving at a door upstairs, Lao Tie signaled Goro Matsushita to open the door with a smirk on his face. Goro Matsushita, who didn't notice anything wrong, opened the door and walked in.

However, before he could see what the room looked like, there was a huge pain in his neck, and then his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Looking at Goro Matsushita who fainted on the ground, Lao Tie spit on his head and cursed, "Go back and play with you! Devil!"


An hour later, when Goro Matsushita woke up, he found himself tied to a chair. The surrounding environment was dim, and he could vaguely see some torture instruments on the wall. Opposite him, sitting. a woman.

Seeing the woman, Goro Matsushita was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and hurriedly said:

"You are Miss Ryoko, the vice president of Fenghe Chamber of Commerce? What's going on? Did we have any misunderstanding? I didn't offend Mr. Takahashi, did I?"

On the other side, Zhuang Xiaoman heard Goro Matsushita's words with a mocking smile on his face and said, "Goro Matsushita, let's be direct, what is the emergency information you reported to Masao Muto the day before yesterday?"

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoman's words, Matsushita Goro's expression changed again.

He stared at Zhuang Xiaoman and asked, "Why are you asking this?"

"You said or not?"

Zhuang Xiaoman did not answer Goro Matsushita's words, but continued to ask the question just now with a blank face.

Looking at Zhuang Xiaoman's appearance at the moment, Goro Matsushita suddenly thought of a terrible thing!

"You! You are not Japanese, you are a man, you are a spy arranged by Mr. Takahashi!"

Goro Matsushita said in horror.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a ray of light not far away, a door opened, and then the Mr. Takahashi he mentioned was walking towards this side.

Seeing this scene, Matsushita Goro, whose head was not flexible, also found out that things were not what he thought!

"How was the interrogation?"

Gao Feng's voice sounded.

He spoke Chinese, not Japanese, which made Goro Matsushita open his mouth and look terrified.

"Just woke up, the trial hasn't started yet."

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

"Well, don't waste time, this kind of person has not received the training of the agents, so let's just use the torture."

"it is good."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded, then walked to the wall and came over with a few bamboo sticks.

Immediately afterwards, Goro Matsushita's shrill scream sounded.


ten minutes later..

Goro Matsushita made all the moves.

Gao Feng also learned the content of the emergency information from him...  

Three days later, that is, on New Year's Eve in 2009, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese southeastern region will secretly arrive in Shanghai. In addition, the old German side will also send a military staff to Shanghai for military consultations.

After learning the information he wanted, Gao Feng frowned and thought about it.

The screams of Goro Matsushita were still sounding next to him, which not only made Gao Feng glance at him irritably, and then said to Zhuang Xiaoman: "Let's solve it."


Zhuang Xiaoman nodded.

He didn't care how Zhuang Xiaoman dealt with Panasonic Goro Gao Feng. At this moment, he left the basement directly and answered Zhuang Xiaoman's villa living room.

Walking to the sofa and sitting down, Gao Feng continued to think about this information, how to use this information to maximize the value of the national army!

After some time, Zhuang Xiaoman also came out of the basement. She looked at Gao Feng who was sitting on the sofa and frowned, and asked, "What plans do we have?"

"I'll think about it again, by the way, what about the corpse? What if it stinks in the basement?"

Gao Feng asked with a frown.

Zhuang Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, then said, "When it's a little later, I'll let people throw them directly into the Huangpu River."

"Well, deal with it."

Gao Feng nodded.

Seeing Gao Feng nodding, Zhuang Xiaoman couldn't help but say: "Why do you care about these little things now? Now we know that the commander-in-chief of the Japanese army's southeastern region is about to arrive in Shanghai, and the people from Lao De's side are also coming over in secret. Who are we? Assassination or what?"

"I'm not thinking, okay, let me go back and think about it."

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he stood up and walked directly outside the villa.

Looking at the back of Gao Feng leaving, Zhuang Xiaoman rolled his eyes.

Back at his villa, Gao Feng saw Junko Muto walk downstairs as soon as he sat down.

"Why did you come down, Junzi?"

Gao Feng asked.

"No. I just woke up and found you're no longer. I want to take a look."

Junko Muto said.

"Well, I just thought of something, let's go and go back to rest."

Saying that, Gao Feng took Junko Muto's hand and walked upstairs. .

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