A week later, when the weapons were finished, Gao Feng put the weapons in the system backpack, and then took 30 team members on the ship to Baodao, and then from Baodao to Laomei.

On the pier, this time, they knew that Gao Feng had been away for a long time, so Junko Muto and Zhuang Xiaoman put Gao Feng on the ship and did not leave the pier until the ship disappeared into the sea.

After driving at sea for a day, then by plane, and then by ship, Gao Feng arrived at Laomei on the fourth day.

After arriving at the place, Gao Feng took the team members to the hotel that Zhuang Xiaoman told him.

At the door of a room in the hotel, Gao Feng raised his hand and knocked on the door.



Then Lan Rouge opened the door.

Gao Feng asked directly after entering the room: "Tell me about the underground forces here in detail."

"Yes, Captain."

Lan Rouge nodded and then explained the distribution, strength, and leaders of the underground forces here.

"So the biggest force here is the power of the black hand, followed by the tri-he and the black gang,"

"Well, yes, black hand power mainly controls 30% of the underground black market business. There are a large number of gangs, almost a thousand people, and their weapons are basically Thomson."

Lan Rouge nodded.

"In addition, the underground forces here are very rampant. During my stay here, I saw no less than five times the underground forces struggled. There will be shootings during the day and at night. If you describe it, this country is very... very free'."

Lan Rouge's expression was a little weird.

"Hehe freedom...shooting every day.."

Gao Feng laughed and said a stalk in the future.

"Okay, you go and arrange for the brothers I brought. They all have a good rest. Come here at 8 o'clock in the evening to pick up the weapons, and then start to move."

"Action tonight?"

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Lan Rouge was stunned for a moment.

"Well, we will act tonight. The Fenghe Chamber of Commerce is also expanding on a large scale. Some of the goods on the treasure island can't be supplied. In addition, they have increased the price, so this side will finish the processing as soon as possible and get the goods from here."

Gao Feng nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

After blue rouge finished speaking, she turned and left.

After Lan Rouge left, Gao Feng lay directly on the bed where Lan Rouge had slept and rested. He had not had a good rest during the few days' journey.

An hour later, Lan Rouge arranged accommodation for all the team members and returned to her room after conveying Gao Feng's order.

When she returned to the room, she saw Gao Feng sleeping on the bed at first sight. Lan Rouge bit her lip and finally turned to leave.

At night, Gao Feng woke up. After checking that the room was empty, he opened the system backpack with a thought, and then took out the weapons and ammunition inside and put them in the open space of the room.

Then Gao Feng left the room.

Soon Gao Feng found Lan Rouge in the next room.

"Call everyone over and prepare for action."


Lan Rouge nodded hurriedly.


Ten minutes later, thirty-six group members, plus Gao Feng and Lan Rouge, a total of thirty-eight people all arrived.

"Everyone got their weapons and ammunition, and we're ready to go in ten minutes."


The crowd started to get busy.

"Team leader, which is our goal?"

Lan Rouge asked while checking the mp18 submachine gun in her hand.

"Black hand.."

Gao Feng said.

"Ah.. Team leader, the black hand is the biggest force here. Shouldn't we start from the smallest force step by step?"

Lan Rouge asked in surprise.

"Who said you have to start with the smallest?"

Gao Feng glanced at Lan Rouge and walked directly to the bathroom next to her.

Looking at Gao Feng Lan Rouge who entered the bathroom, she opened her mouth and finally rolled her eyes.

Five minutes later, Gao Feng came out wearing a black mobile suit.

Everyone who was sorting weapons and ammunition was stunned when they saw Gao Feng's outfit! Then they stared at the incredible Gao Feng!

The big hero of the four-line warehouse! That mysterious man turned out to be their team leader!

"Team...team leader you...you are..."

Lan Rouge pointed at Gao Feng and stammered.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"It's okay for you to know, and now everyone will set off immediately!"


Everyone woke up from the surprise and then shouted excitedly.

Originally, they admired Gao Feng, but now that they know that Gao Feng is the mysterious hero of the Sixing Warehouse, they no longer worship Gao Feng, but a fanatical belief!

The group stuffed their weapons into their wind coats and left the hotel directly.

The waiters at the hotel naturally knew who Gao Feng was when they saw such a big battle, and they all hid away.

After leaving the hotel, everyone did not take a car, but walked directly to the nearest bar gathering place for Black Hand!

He has such an upright and bright past, just to let everyone know!

0 ......

Just to make a name!

Soon they arrived at the door of the bar. The black hand members at the door saw that more than 30 people were wearing windbreakers. The windbreakers were obviously bulging. They suddenly felt bad. They wanted to run into the bar, but it was too late!

I saw Gao Feng, who was walking at the front, wiped his hands from his waist, two Browning pistols appeared, and then the guns directly pulled the trigger at the black guard at the door!


Two gunshots!

The two Black Hand guards fell to the ground.

There was a lot of noise in the bar, and they didn't hear the gunshots outside. The guests were still drinking and revelling. Twos and threes of black-handed people gathered together to chat, and some held a girl in their arms and lowered their heads from time to time. ..


The door of the bar was kicked open! Make a muffled noise!

Then Gao Feng took a pistol and fired a shot at the crowd on the dance floor!

In an instant, everyone in the bar stopped.

Looking at the stunned black-handed personnel, Gao Feng said coldly: "Fight!"

next second.

37 MP18 submachine guns pulled the trigger at the same time, and the dense bullets swept over the people in the bar, making a muffled sound!

Immediately afterwards, a miserable cry sounded, and the people who were drunk and dreaming a second ago were now like entering hell!

Some quick-reacting black hands hid under the cover, then drew their weapons and prepared to fight back, but they were shot and killed by Gao Feng the moment they appeared! Small.

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