"Go, Kojunichiro called over."

Gao Feng said to the accountant of the Chamber of Commerce.

Xiaojunichiro is Xiaohubei's external name.

"Yes, President."

The accountant nodded and hurriedly left.

After a while, Xiao Hubei walked in quickly.

"Mr. Takahashi, look for me."

"Look for a few people to keep an eye on Li Kee's store. They should be playing with some caution. After they find it, they will send it directly to No. 76. We will take over Li Kee's store."

Gao Feng said.

"Okay, I'll do it right now."

Xiaohu nodded and hurriedly left.

As soon as he walked to the door of Xiaohubei, he saw Zhuang Xiaoman walking towards him.

"Xiao... ah! Why are you back, vice president!"

Xiaohubei exclaimed in surprise.

"Well, there is something to come back, what do you want?"

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and asked.

"Oh, Mr. Takahashi asked me to do something. I'll go first. By the way, Mr. Takahashi is inside. Vice President, you can go in directly."

After Xiaohuo finished speaking, he hurried away.

And Zhuang Xiaoman stepped into the office.

In the office, Gao Feng also heard the conversation outside. He looked at Zhuang Xiaoman who walked in and asked, "Why did you come back so early, and the channels over there are all set up?"

Zhuang Xiaoman shook his head, then explained the situation over there carefully, and then expressed his own thoughts.

After listening to Zhuang Xiaoman's thoughts, Gao Feng said without thinking, "Okay! Just do it! But this time I'll go there in person, you stay at home and sit down."

"No, you are the team leader. If there is any information on it and you need to execute it, I'll just go there and deal with it."

Zhuang Xiaoman shook his head.

"Is there any order for you to implement it, our side has stabilized now, as long as we collect intelligence, screen it, and report it up, it's the same with me or not, and it won't take long if I go, With my ability, I will soon gain a firm foothold there."

Gao Feng said.

What he said is the truth. If you want to develop the old and beautiful side, you need to look at the personnel and weapons. There is no problem with the personnel. There are many members of his team. It is very troublesome for Zhuang Xiaoman to go to Laomei.

Gao Feng It's easy if you go!

He is a person with a systematic backpack, and a weapon with a 60-square backpack can fully support a medium-scale battle that is strengthened and continuously fought!

In addition, Gao Feng's assassination ability, marksmanship, etc. are the strongest!

So Gao Feng thinks it is the most suitable for him to go.

"No, I don't worry..."

Zhuang Xiaoman continued to shake his head and said.

"Are you the team leader or I am the team leader! I said I will go and I will execute the order!"

Gao Feng reprimanded directly.

Hearing Gao Feng's scolding, Zhuang Xiaoman glared at Gao Feng and said, "Every time you come here!"

"Do you want to execute the order?"

Gao Feng asked.

"I..I execute!"

Zhuang Xiaoman finally compromised.

Seeing Zhuang Xiaoman compromise, Gao Feng suddenly showed a smile on his face. He walked up to Zhuang Xiaoman, raised his hand, touched her head and said, "Don't worry."

"You bastard!"

Zhuang Xiaoman scolded Gao Feng in a low voice.

And Gao Feng is not angry but just laughed. After all, they have known him for so long. Gao Feng knows Zhuang Xiaoman's feelings for him. If someone said something like this, Gao Feng would stab him without saying a word. .

"By the way, let me tell you about the Chamber of Commerce these days."

Then Gao Feng told Zhuang Xiaoman about the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce in the past few days.

Hearing that Gao Feng had expanded so many shops and incorporated so many stores at once, she looked at Gao Feng in surprise. She was worried when she was at Laomei, but now it seems that Gao Feng has done a better job. She is all right!

"There is one more thing you need to pay attention to, this Li Ji shop, his purchases are tricky, I suspect that he secretly found other purchasers, and bought a lot of goods from there, I only bought a small amount of goods, I have already asked the small Hubei went to investigate, and if you encounter such a situation, you will directly bring those people in, so that they will never be able to come out, only in this way will others be afraid of us, and they will not dare to think about it."

Gao Feng picked up the purchase order from Li Ji's store and handed it to Zhuang Xiaoman.

"Well, okay, I see."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded.

"Also... After selecting 30 team members, prepare more weapons for me, mainly submachine guns, and prepare bullets and grenades. I will take it to Laomei."

"How many weapons are ready?"

"Sixty MP18 submachine guns, 100,000 bullets, and 300 grenades..."

"So much! It's hard to transport so much to Laomei."

Zhuang Xiaoman frowned and said.

"You just need to be ready. I'll find a way to get it over there."

Gao Feng said.


Zhuang Xiaoman nodded.


Soon it was night and Gao Feng returned to the villa.

At this time, Junko Muto was cooking in the kitchen in the villa.

Gao Feng was a little surprised to see Junko Muto cooking. You must know that Junko Muto has been busy with the orphanage during this time, and she no longer has the habit of serving Gao Feng to get up every morning. The meals are all cooked by the nanny.

"Takahashi-kun, you're back, sit down for a while, the meal will be ready soon."

Seeing Gao Feng coming back, Junko Muto said with a smile on his face.

Gao Feng walked to the kitchen and came behind Junko Muto, and reached out and hugged Junko Muto.


Junko Muto suddenly exclaimed, and her fair face turned red with the naked eye, until it reached the base of her ears.

"Junzi worked hard."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

"No.. Takahashi-kun, let go.."

Junko Muto said in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter, I have to leave Shanghai in a few days, and it may take a month to come back."

Gao Feng said.

"What? I haven't seen Takahashi-kun for so long!"

Junko Muto was stunned for a moment, with a frustrated expression on his face.

"Well, I'll try to be back as soon as possible."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

"All right."

Junko Muto nodded in a low voice.

Soon the food was ready, and the two sat at the dining table in the living room to eat. After eating, the two went to the bedroom to sleep.

The next few days..

Zhuang Xiaoman has been preparing things for Gao Feng, and Li Ji’s Xiaohubei has also checked it out. As Gao Feng guessed, the owner of Li Ji’s shop secretly contacted another smuggler and offered a price lower than Gao Feng’s goods. 60% of the stock is purchased and sold at the price set by Gao Feng.

After checking it out, Xiao Hubei made a direct call to No. 76 and conveyed Gao Feng's meaning to the other side.

On the same day, Feng Manna brought a group of people to seal Li Ji's shop, and arrested Li Ji's boss and the smuggler who traded with him into No. 76. They were tortured to death there within two days. .

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