After a minute...

Under the feet of Gao Feng and others are bullet casings all over the place.

In the bar in front of him, the floor was covered with corpses, the tables and sofas were riddled with holes, the glass was broken, and some people who were not injured were moaning in a low voice.

Looking at this picture, Gao Feng said loudly: "Remember, this is what our brothers will do!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Feng turned around and left, while Lan Rouge and others followed.

Next, Gao Feng and a group of people attacked several strongholds of Hei Ge force in this way!

It was not until midnight that Gao Feng took Lan Rouge and others to find a place to rest.

"Team leader.. Are our forces going to call the Brotherhood?"

In the foothold, Lan Rouge looked at Gao Feng with a tangled expression and asked.

"Well, yes, it's called the Brotherhood, what's wrong?"

Gao Feng nodded, looking at the expression on Lan Rouge's face and asked.

"Why is it called a fraternity? I'm a woman, why not a fraternity? Or a fraternity?"

Lan Rouge spoke out what was in her heart.

Hearing Lan Rouge's words, Gao Feng suddenly looked at Lan Rouge in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, Lan Rouge still has a little bit of x-boxing.

The name Brotherhood is just what Gao Feng thinks of when he thinks of his own system and the clothes he wears.

"It's called the Brotherhood."

Gao Feng said directly.

"Yes, Captain."

Lan Rouge nodded, turned a little unconvinced, walked to the side and sat down.


On the other side, at the headquarters of the Black Hand, Lamberton, the godfather of the Black Hand, listened to the report of the people below with a cigar in his mouth.

"Seven strongholds were attacked last night, with 320 dead and 100 injured. Thirty-nine attackers were wearing wind coats. According to the information we investigated, they came from the other side. of."

One of the leaders below said.

"Thirty-nine? Killed three hundred and twenty of us? Are you kidding me? Or maybe you had a good time with your pony last night, and now your head is full of alcohol?"

Godfather Lumberton, who was sitting at the top, said with a sneer.

"Their firepower is very strong, they use MP18 submachine guns, and their marksmanship is also very accurate. The leader is a man dressed in a strange shape. As long as someone shows up on our side, he will be killed by him. We can't organize a counterattack at all."

The leader continued.

"Have you found out their origins and power?"

The sarcasm on Lamberton's face gradually disappeared, and he narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.

"I found out that they arrived here just yesterday, and stayed at the Modern Hotel until the night. After the night, they came out and attacked us directly. In addition, they claimed to be a fraternity."

"Brotherhood? Humph! Order everyone to find them for me and kill them!"



Triad forces.

"The Black Hand was attacked last night. The attackers claimed to be a fraternity."

"Find out the origin of this fraternity!"

Jewish power..

Black gang power..

The power of the biker party..

**People power..

Gao Feng's goal was achieved. In less than a day, the name of the Brotherhood spread to the ears of all the underground forces, and they began to pay attention to this new mysterious force!


It's night time soon..

Gao Feng and others came out from the foothold.

"Leader, we're going to the stronghold of the black hand this time? They should have taken precautions compared to what happened yesterday."

Blue Rouge said.

"No more bases, we'll go directly to their headquarters."

Gao Feng shook his head and said.


Hearing Gao Feng's words, Lan Rouge looked at Gao Feng stupidly.

"I said to directly take down their headquarters."

Gao Feng repeated a sentence.

"Team leader, you are crazy!"

Lan Rouge's voice rose a little, she reached out and grabbed Gao Feng's arm and said.

"Crazy? Do you look like I'm crazy?"

Gao Feng said with a smile.


Lan Rouge was stunned.

"Let's go, go directly to their headquarters."

Gao Feng said and continued to walk forward.


On the other hand, the Black Hand is on the power side. Because this sudden appearance of the Brotherhood attacked their stronghold, the other strongholds of the Black Hand are full of people today. Besides, they have arranged eyeliners in the entire area. As long as someone finds the target, they will The operatives immediately went over to kill those fraternities. …  

In addition to the people with black hand power, other forces also sent people to patrol the streets to prevent it from happening!

Because so many members of the power were wandering on the streets, there was not a single ordinary person on the street, they were all members of the power in suits and ties!

And when Gao Feng and his group appeared on the street, they were discovered immediately!

"That's the Brotherhood!"

"God, these people are dying! Such an upright appearance!"

"Hmph, it's just a bunch of clowns, trust me, within five minutes they'll be besieged by black-handed people and then die at gunpoint."


The members of the forces on the street were discussing in a low voice.

These discussions reached the ears of Gao Feng and others, except for Lan Rouge, no one seemed to hear them! In the eyes of these thirty-six members, Gao Feng is like a god. When the four-line warehouse was fighting, they were all in Shanghai, and they had all seen the performance of the mysterious man. Among the thousands of troops, their team Long can kill seven in and seven out, what can these small underground forces be!

So they have a blind faith in Gao Feng!

As for why Lan Rouge didn't believe it, it was because she was training at the training center at the time. She had only heard of Gao Feng's deeds, which was exaggerated in her opinion!

How strong can a person be when he is strong?

"Team leader, the streets are full of power's scrutiny. Will we appear so upright and bright?"

Blue Rouge frowned and asked.

Hearing Lan Rouge's words, Gao Feng's brows also wrinkled.

Lan Rouge's repeated questioning made Gao Feng a little angry. He stopped to look at Lan Rouge and said coldly, "Lan Rouge!"


Lan Rouge hurriedly stood at attention.

"The telephone pole two hundred meters away, you are standing there now, no matter what happens here, you are not allowed to come here!"

Gao Feng pointed to a wooden pole in the distance and said.


After Lan Rouge finished speaking, she turned and ran towards the telephone pole. .

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