Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 28 Xiaozhi felt that he was going to get cold

Lei Qianjue thought for a moment and nodded seriously, I understand.

But before that, Li Huo bit his lower lip and cast his gaze outside the school with a heavy expression, we must suppress the news quickly.

Leave this kind of matter to the local Science and Technology Network Department. Lei Qianjue's voice was calm. He looked at the school that was completely in ruins and sighed, Things are getting bigger and bigger... I don't know what we can do. How long should you hide it?

As long as the higher-ups don't fully release the news for a day, we will keep it secret for a day. Li Huo looked serious and said every word, No matter what means are used.

at the same time.

Su Han quietly followed the window he opened and entered the home. Suddenly my phone vibrated.

He frowned slightly and turned on his cell phone. He found that there were several missed calls on it, and the caller was none other than his sister Su Zhu.

...Why is she calling me? Su Han was a little confused, and after thinking about it, he called me back.

Hey, where are you now? Su Zhu's nervous voice came from the phone.

I was shopping outside before and now I'm home. What's wrong?

Are you at home now? Su Zhu's voice suddenly rose an octave, with a hint of disbelief, How could you... No matter what, you leave home as quickly as possible.

Why? Su Han was surprised.

Didn't you feel it outside just now? That kind of earthquake with huge amplitude! Maybe there will be aftershocks later. Su Zhu's voice was very impatient, Okay, stupid brother, just stay at home and don't move. , I will go back to find you now.

No need, I'm leaving now.

Su Han was silent. After hanging up the phone, he came to the window and stared at the scene outside the window. The corridor was brightly lit.

In the streets and alleys, there were many people wrapped in quilts and pajamas. They left their homes, their faces full of panic.

This time... it's a big deal. Su Han suddenly felt a headache. My previous attack... completely destroyed the school. But there was a reason for that. Even if they come to the door, there is no need to worry about them looking for me. compensation……

But the overall losses in Jiangzhou caused by the airborne earthquake...

Although the earthquake was caused by Su Han, and when the shock wave spread, he also controlled the intensity...except for the school, no buildings should have collapsed. It is even less likely to cause casualties.

However, the economic losses caused by the spread of earthquake news alone are an unimaginable amount. If someone comes to the door and wants Su Han to take responsibility...

I should have known, I would have hid my identity before, Su Han sighed, and then felt relieved, Forget it, I had a good fight anyway. And I also helped those guys solve a big trouble! Those people shouldn't be able to Such a trap.

After making the decision, Su Han jumped out of the window, landed quickly on the ground, and then contacted Su Zhu on the button.

Soon, the two met.

That night, both Su Han and Su Zhu slept on Park Avenue. At the same time, the entire park was now packed with people.

It wasn't until early the next morning that officials issued a safety notice. Su Han then returned to his home with Su Zhu.

It's okay, it's okay, Su Zhu nodded while eating breakfast and watching the news, The scale of this earthquake was not huge...it didn't cause many casualties. The biggest loss...is Massive natural gas leak caused by earthquake?”

Huh? Su Zhu's expression changed dramatically, Wait a minute! Is it in the school area? A large-scale natural gas leak caused serious damage to the school. So you are temporarily suspending school?

After reading the news several times and confirming that today was not April Fool's Day, Su Zhu was stunned and stayed there mumbling in a low voice.

Oh my god, this is too false. Why didn't I know that there was a large-scale natural gas near the school? To say the least...even if this is true, wouldn't the school have been very dangerous in the past? The people in charge of school safety are all What are you doing to eat?”

Su Han ate his meal quietly, very low-key. I'm also muttering in my heart, it's not easy for officials either. I wipe my butt from behind every day.

However... Su Han suddenly thought of the news he had watched before. The number of recent disasters and accidents across the country has been rising sharply.

He felt normal at first, but today when he compared what happened to him with the official news, he suddenly looked a little strange...

Can't these various, seemingly accidental things be caused by evil things?

Su Han's thoughts flashed in his mind, and then he shook his head. Whether it is or not, it has nothing to do with him.

After eating, Su Han returned to his room.

Su Zhu didn't say much. After all, the school was bombed, classes were on break, and there was no date to start school again...

Thinking about this news, her mood has not completely calmed down at the moment.

Su Han separated six wooden clones and asked them to go out to practice their various abilities as usual. His own body continued to refine chakra, exercise his body, and strengthen his armament and domineering energy.

Su Han's efforts in cultivation also made Su Zhu very pleased. A big meal was specially prepared for noon.

Afternoon time.

After the wood clone's chakra was exhausted and dissipated, Su Han lay lazily on the bed, closed his eyes, and put his consciousness into the foggy space in his mind.

The giant hall with rising mist is mysterious and unpredictable.

Xiaozhi sat in his seat, scanning the stars around him with some envy, and whispered, I really want to see the stars in my world... It's all my fault that I rushed back in a hurry. Got Pikachu.

Although I feel that if I had to do it over again, I would still pick up Pikachu as soon as possible.

At this point, Xiaozhi suddenly became discouraged.

Gu la la la, the problem is not that big. When the parliament president appears, you make a deal with him... and you should be able to get the plot stars of your own world. Whitebeard laughed heartily.

Is that so? Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up, but then he thought of something and his mood dropped, But... I don't have anything valuable on me. I don't have anything like you, domineering, chakra. Such extraordinary power.

I'm like this... I don't know what to give in exchange?

Xiaozhi felt that he might become the most embarrassing one among all the members of the foggy space... because he could not bring out exchangeable abilities, so that he could not exchange with Su Han and condense the plot stars.

What did Zhang Sanfeng say before? There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Whitebeard smiled hoarsely. He stared at Xiaozhi, his voice was very gentle, So don't think too much.

At this time, apart from Whitebeard and Xiaozhi, only Tony Stark was present in the space. Others are either immersed in the plot or returning to their own world.

Tony Stark has been staring at Su Han's bronze chair in a daze. The moment the fog rose, he reacted immediately and said with some surprise and surprise, Mr. Speaker.

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