Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 27 The earthquake happened unexpectedly, and the people of Jiangzhou panicked

The Evil Insect Familiar let out a roar and struggled hard, but to no avail. Their bodies rushed towards Su Han at extremely fast speeds.

Then, Su Han clenched his fists, and white light spread out.

He finished charging up and punched out with a bang. Countless cracks appeared in the void, and the atmosphere was shattered into pieces. The terrifying shock wave tore apart the bodies of the evil insect's relatives.

A sharp whine echoed throughout the countryside.

Liu Qiqiang's expression changed drastically, and he growled, Don't let the evil creature's roar disturb your spirit, and don't look directly at the guy opposite.

All the monks who heard the words lowered their heads with a sharp sound. But when they heard this sound, they still felt a splitting headache and their clothes were soaked with sweat.

This is this? Lei Qianjue stood in the sky. Seeing this scene, his expression changed slightly. He recognized Su Han's identity, It turns out to be him!

But in this way...have you solved the evil god's retinue?

How could it be so fast?

An emotionless voice sounded next to Lei Qianjue, and Li Huo's figure appeared out of thin air. He paused for a moment, staring at Su Han's cheek, with a brilliant flash in his eyes, However, with the strength he has shown now, the next step is to suppress Even the possibility of getting rid of the Evil God’s Familiar is extremely high.”

The black haze was billowing, and the Evil Insect Familiar reorganized their bodies at an extremely fast speed. Even his body continued to expand, from the original length of more than ten meters to more than thirty meters. His body was covered with scales and his appearance was extremely ferocious.

Poof! Black mist sprayed out from the wounds of the Evil Insect Familiar, and at the same time, its beard was as sensitive as a tentacle, lurking in the mist, and stabbed in the direction of Su Han.

Susanohu. The rich chakra on Su Han's body spread out, and he instantly transformed into a terrifying giant that was much larger than the one facing him.

The black mist hit Susanoo's chest, a harsh corrosive sound sounded, and the fluctuations of chakra were extremely violent.

Silently, the sharp and tough beard hit Susanoo's sternum in front of Su Han, and dense cracks appeared on it.

Fortunately, it's within my expectations.

Su Han's expression did not change. The domineering power of his knowledge allowed him to hear the trajectory of his opponent's insect whiskers and the strength of his attack.

Even now, Susanoo's breastplate looks cracked and very dangerous, but it is actually under Su Han's control.

The evil thing opposite has too strong vitality. Compared with it... the tentacle monster I just passed through is as fragile as a newborn child.

The most destructive thing in Su Han's hand was the Shock Fruit, but the Evil Insect Familiar carried it head-on, and although his body was torn, it healed quickly.

Even according to Su Han's feedback, the aura of the Evil Insect Familiar's body was not much weaker.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, but Susanoo did not stop. He broke through the fog and instantly held the body of the Evil Insect Familiar with one hand. The other fist was raised high, white light lingered, and then it crashed down hard, Air Shock!

The head of the giant insect beast bloomed like a flower, and blood dripped onto the ground.

The earth shook, terrifying seismic waves spread, and rocks suddenly emerged from the earth. Teaching buildings in the huge school all collapsed and turned into ruins.

This is?!

How is this suffocating power possible?

There's an earthquake... No! It's a man-made disaster? What level of cultivator is this?

It can't be...the Holy Lord, right?

How is it possible? Are you dreaming? Most of the Holy Lords in the Jiangnan area are concentrated in the Jinling area! There are also a small number in Gusu and Liangxi. No matter how you think, there is no way we can have them here. There is no such kind Conditions attract!”

Liu Qiqiang remained silent. Others did not believe that the person in front of him was the Holy Lord, but he believed it. After all, this was not the first time he met Su Han.

But at the next moment, Liu Qiqiang sensed something, and his expression changed drastically.

Not to mention him, the expressions of other people who supported each node of the Bagua array also changed drastically. The shock wave spread, the black haze was torn into pieces, and the Bagua array also collapsed.

The cheeks of the people supporting the nodes of the array turned red, and they felt their hearts heat up and blood rush to their throats. I forced myself to hold it in so I didn't spit it out.

The shock wave is still spreading, and residents throughout Jiangzhou can clearly feel the earth shaking.

There's an earthquake! Run.

Jiangzhou is located in a plain area...how could there be an earthquake?

When has it been? How can I have free time to think about this? Come on, come on.

Many Jiangzhou residents thought there was an earthquake and ran out of their houses in panic. He even ran out onto the street wearing just his pajamas.

The eyelids of Lei Qianjue, who was hanging high in the sky, twitched. He naturally knew that the matter was getting serious and the ending would be very troublesome, but he did not have the energy to pay attention to the entire Jiangzhou now. Instead, he kept his eyes on the battlefield.

This level of destructive power. Lei Qianjue murmured. He did know that Su Han controlled the power of vibration. But he didn't expect Su Han to be able to drive the power of vibration to such an extent.

This is simply riding a natural disaster.

The Liuhe Realm is one with the heaven and the earth, and it can easily overturn mountains and seas. It goes against nature and is like a natural disaster. Li Huo suddenly spoke.

Lei Qianjue said nothing. But he understood what Li Huo meant. How similar was the scene in front of him to the description of the realm of the Holy Lord of Liuhe?

The blood of the insect beasts was scattered everywhere, and the earth was dyed pitch black. The grass on the soaked lawns also turned pitch black, and even began to grow at an unimaginable speed.

In just a few breaths, he grew several centimeters taller. Weirdly fast.

Su Han's pupils suddenly shrank, and dense tentacles spread out from the broken part of the evil insect's head. He started repairing himself again. But the speed is not as fast as the first time.

Li Huo, who was watching silently from high in the sky, frowned.

On the one hand, he was thinking about the power that shocked Su Han at this moment. On the other hand, he was also wondering why Su Han was so unfamiliar when facing the Evil Insect Familiar, as if it was the first time he saw them.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said, The Evil God's followers are extremely immune to physical attacks. Only by slowly grinding them with powerful attribute power, or by completely crushing their bodies in an instant, can we Fix it!

Of course, you can also set up a special formation to seal them. Then destroy them later!

...Is that so? Su Han was expressionless on the surface, but thoughts were flashing in his mind.

He recalled the power he possessed and knew what to do, Grind it completely.

Susanoo grabbed the palm of the Evil Insect Familiar, shrouded it in pure white light again, and fired another air shock. It directly shattered most of the bodies of the evil insect retinue.

Su Han dispersed Susanoo and stood on the soles of his feet in the center of the battlefield, surrounded by the scattered broken limbs of the evil insect retinue, and these limbs were still very active.

They are constantly twisting, and the tentacles at the wound are spreading, connecting together, constantly stretching, and trying to reunite.

It's over. Su Han put his palms together and said softly, Dark acupoint.

The darkness spread around him. The evil insect dependents still had active bodies, and all of them were swallowed into the darkness.

The dark acupoint completely obliterated the bodies of the evil insect's relatives. After all, the power of this move is basically equivalent to a weakened version of a small black hole.

When Su Han put away the darkness, the surroundings returned to silence. Seeing and hearing Se Haki listened to the sounds around him again and found that the surroundings were no longer filled with the disgusting and evil sounds.

Su Han turned his head and looked in the direction of the cafeteria. The kaleidoscope in his eyes turned, and he could no longer sense the evil and strange aura. Obviously the altar should have been destroyed.

That way there will be no problem.

Su Han nodded, then lightly stepped on the ground with the sole of his foot, and galloped away from the school like an arrow from a string.

Wait, I dare to ask... Lei Qianjue saw this scene and quickly reached out his hand. But before he could say anything to persuade him to stay, Li Huo grabbed the corner of Lei Qianjue's clothes and motioned for him to stop.

What's wrong with you? Lei Qianjue was only halfway through his words. He suddenly remembered something, and a look of shame appeared on his face. I'm sorry... I forgot that this person is still in seclusion. And he left so quickly. He probably didn't want to Meet us.

Li Huo was silent for a long time, and then he said in a low voice, That person, if you want to leave now, please leave...

However, we can visit this person tomorrow.

Huh?! Lei Qianjue suddenly felt something was wrong and looked confused, Do you know his true identity?

I don't know, but I can check.

...Didn't you say that we can't check the other party's specific situation to avoid offending an existence of this level?

Lei Qianjue was even more confused. Why are you so inconsistent in your words?

Last time, the local team leader reported that this person's face was invisible. Based on this, I judged that he did not want to see you and me. Li Huo said calmly.

But this time, he just participated in the battlefield and did not hide his face. Based on this... I judge that the other party has changed his policy.

Since the other party has no objection, then we should pay a visit and express our gratitude... it is the courtesy we should do!

Thanks to the bell ringing immeasurably, book friend 20191021102258805 for the reward... Oh my god, this number is so long...

Hehehehe, (?????) Fried Chicken, thank you, I love you.

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