Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 29 The weird god? The hearts of everyone in the mist are palpitating!

The scene fell into a brief silence. Then, Whitebeard and Xiaozhi suddenly turned their heads and looked in Su Han's direction.

The fog was billowing above the bronze chair, and there was a figure sitting there quietly, invisible and mysterious.

Mr. Council President, Xiaozhi opened his mouth. He paused for a moment, with a trace of hesitation on his face. Finally, he seemed to have made up his mind and stared at Su Han firmly, I would like to ask you a question. …But I’m afraid you’ll be angry.”

Um...please, can I ask?

Tony Stark's brows twitched and he stared at Xiaozhi. I can no longer describe my feelings in words. If you think it might offend Su Han, then don't ask.

Isn’t it good to be alive? Why do you have to commit suicide? It's business to make deals with Su Han honestly and gather the stars of our plot.

Although he was very anxious, Tony Stark did not intervene in the exchange between the two without authorization, but just stared at Su Han nervously.

Su Han's fingers gently rubbed the back of the bronze chair. He heard Xiaozhi's question, but his focus was not here, but on his own body. He felt a mysterious and strange power surging within his body at this moment.

What exactly is this?

Su Han frowned, and the power in his body felt both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

The reason why I am familiar with it is because this power is exactly the same as the evil energy of the evil insect retinue before...

But the reason why it's strange is because compared to the uncontrollable power of the Evil Insect Familiar before, the power in Su Han's body is full of order at this moment. It's completely within Su Han's control.

Is it the impact of using the dark acupoints to swallow before? Su Han's thoughts flashed in his mind, But in the real world, I didn't notice this power... I'm afraid I have to come to the foggy space to be able to sense it.

However, what makes Su Han a little curious is what exactly does this power do?

After thinking about it, he began to use it experimentally. And when Su Han integrated this energy into the chakra in his body, he found that the chakra in his body increased rapidly at this moment.


Su Han's expression changed slightly. When he controlled the evil energy, he found that the evil energy in his body was only one-tenth of its original size.

But... the amount of chakra in his body doubled. And it is extremely pure, as if he had worked hard to refine it.

This is exactly what it is.

Su Han was shocked.

Directly swallowing evil energy... He had never thought about this aspect before.

He also believed that practitioners in the real world would never dare to do such a thing, nor could they do it.

After all, almost all so-called evil gods cannot be looked at directly or thought about.

If you understand it too deeply, you may become corrupted... As for swallowing the evil god's energy? That’s not how you seek death.

But why can I swallow it? Moreover, I am not affected at all.

Su Han was very sure that his current state was normal. After a brief consideration, he felt that there were two possibilities.

One possibility is that the mist space is too powerful, perfectly purifying the energy of the evil god.

As for another possibility, Su Han is in a foggy space, with the aura of the evil god wrapped around his body. So that energy also regarded him as a member of the evil god.

Of course, the first possibility is more likely.

There is another question, that is, can this energy only enhance chakra...or is it?

Su Han suddenly had an idea, his eyes flickered, and then he directed the remaining energy three inches above his navel.

With a crisp bang, Su Han felt that his sea of ​​vitality suddenly opened at this moment, and surging spiritual energy flowed through his body.

...the realm of one yuan.

Su Han looked complicated. Before going to college, I looked at the entire Huaya, and there may not be ten people in the one-yuan realm... can it be achieved so easily?

Moreover, this is the result of one-tenth of the evil energy.

I didn't expect... in the real world, ordinary people fear the power of evil gods like tigers and scorpions. For me, it is actually a shortcut to becoming stronger quickly.

The power of the evil god can help Su Han increase chakra, and it can also help Su Han develop his psychic abilities. Does this mean that this power can do more things?

For example, enhancing the potential of the Devil Fruit...making the pupil power of the Samsara Eye even more powerful...

There are infinite possibilities. Su Han said with emotion, It seems that I will have to consider causing more trouble with the Evil God's Families in the future.

Su Han was in a very good mood at the moment, but when he looked at the members on the bronze chairs in the misty space again, he suddenly found that something was wrong with their state.

Whitebeard's body stood erect. Compared to the calm and carefree manner before, he now seemed to be in a state of preparation for war.

However, what is there in this space now that makes Whitebeard treat it carefully? Su Han was puzzled.

After all, after much deliberation, in the foggy space, the only one who can fight Whitebeard is Uchiha Madara. And Uchiha Madara is not in the foggy space now.

What's even weirder is that Tony Stark's clothes on the other side are soaked with cold sweat. Even Xiaozhi was slumped on the chair at this moment, with a little panic in his eyes.

Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament, this is really scary, Whitebeard suddenly laughed, breaking the eerie silence of the scene. Then he turned his head and stared at Xiaozhi, his voice became serious for a moment, It's so offensive, why don't you apologize quickly?

I'm sorry! Xiaozhi bit his lower lip and apologized sincerely.

Tony Stark said nothing. Before, after Xiaozhi asked a question, Su Han didn't answer.

They were still wondering if Su Han didn't want to answer Xiaozhi's question! Who would have thought that the next moment, the strange and unpredictable aura on Su Han's body increased several times in an instant...

If originally they had to use various means to forcefully break through the fog, such as Whitebeard's Haki of Seeing and Hearing, or Uchiha Madara's Samsara Eye... only then can they feel the hidden essence of Su Han that cannot be seen directly. .

So just now, even if they just looked at it, they could feel the weirdness and ominousness overflowing from Su Han's body.

Even if he lowered his head and did not look directly at Su Han, he could still feel the pain in his brain, as if he had received too much information.

Tony Stark had hallucinations just now, and he was about to transform into a monster... Fortunately, Su Han quickly restrained the strange and ominous aura.

However, he still realized one thing...

This is not a good god. Tony Stark warned himself internally.

Originally, he was much more casual about Su Han because of his approachability. But now, Tony Stark suddenly understands that no matter how easy-going God is, he is still God...and is fundamentally different from humans.

We should show reverence to God! No matter how cautious we treat it, it cannot be exaggerated.


Su Han fell into a brief silence. He was not stupid after all. Looking at the group of people in front of him who were like frightened birds, he knew that there must have been some special change when he absorbed the power of the evil god just now, which frightened these people.

Although I was a little curious about what happened just now. But Su Han was not stupid enough to ask.

Thoughts flickering, Su Han remembered Xiaozhi's previous question, and immediately spoke softly, Xiaozhi, what do you want to know?

Su Han said that he was in a good mood now and wouldn't mind helping Xiaozhi answer his questions.

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