Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 26 Five minutes? time is enough

The battle begins.

Terrifying and blazing lightning swept in all directions, Lei Qianjue's waist straightened up, and his whole body was wrapped in thunder and lightning, as if he had turned into a thunder and lightning sun.

He pushed forward sideways, with astonishing courage, and his movements were filled with immortal chaotic thunder.

The evil insect family let out a sharp scream, and black mist spread from its body, corroding everything and destroying everything.

Bastard! Lei Qianjue suddenly clenched his hand, and the lightning turned into a bright sword in his hand, and he suddenly slashed it open. The thunder ripped apart the black mist, just like the first ray of light that created the world.

Although its offensive is indestructible, the area covered by the black mist is too large. Generally speaking, the scope of the mist's influence is still increasing.

Maintain the formation! Liu Qiqiang, as a member of the local officials and a team leader level figure, was naturally also present. He is currently holding a small array diagram in his hand, which is one of the eight nodes of the array diagram. The other seven nodes are scattered in various corners of the academy.

Wei Xuemin and a dozen monks, all behind Liu Qiqiang, forcibly extracted the spiritual energy from their bodies and gathered it into Liu Qiqiang's body.

The Bagua runes loomed in the void, binding the mist, so that no matter how they spread, they would only be within the scope of the school.

Aang! A sharp cry suddenly came from the mouth of the evil insect's family. The faces of the monks around who had not yet officially entered the One Yuan Realm all turned pale, and a large amount of cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Oops, it's mental pollution. Wei Xuemin braced herself, feeling that the world she could see was gradually blurring, and bit her lower lip forcefully. The pain and the smell of blood in her mouth made her wake up a little.

However, beside her, there were three or four monks who could not hold on and fainted on the ground. The Bagua array is crumbling.

We are in big trouble. Liu Qiqiang's voice was hoarse and his expression was extremely ugly. Because the members behind him were affected, the spiritual energy could not supply the opening of the Bagua Array. He is now trying his best to mobilize the power in his body and squeeze out every spiritual energy in his body...

But even so, it can only barely prevent the Bagua array from being completely damaged.

After all, who could have imagined that such a monster would appear here. A middle-aged man with an equally pale face spoke in a low voice.

Jiangzhou is a small place under Jinling. The equipment of monks in such a place is far inferior to that of larger areas. Liu Qiqiang, who is in the one-yuan realm, can serve as the squad leader of the local monk army, and is one of the eight nodes of the current Bagua array. This is evident.

Wait a minute, Wei Xuemin suddenly noticed something, her pupils suddenly shrank, and her voice was trembling, Captain, something is not right with Xu Qing.

Xu Qing was one of the people who fell to the ground at this moment. Those who were still awake cast their gaze on Xu Qing, and were shocked to find that his body was twitching at this moment, and his exposed skin was slowly turning black, and there were even pieces of scales slowly emerging from under his skin. out.

...Alienation. Someone's lips trembled, obviously frightened by the scene in front of him. With a trembling voice, he spoke out the knowledge he had read in the teaching book, The evil god...can't look directly at it! The relatives of the evil god have also inherited it. This part of the characteristic. If humans with a huge difference in strength visualize the descendants of evil gods, they will gradually mutate into evil things.

Damn it, Liu Qiqiang's eyes widened, with bloodshot eyes spreading, Idiot, didn't I tell you this when I was in knowledge class? When fighting, you absolutely cannot think about the living form of the evil creature on the other side. You cannot Are you afraid of them?

Everyone was silent. They did know about this kind of thing, but this was the first time they faced such evil creatures with huge differences in strength as mentioned in the textbook, and only then did some of them fall for the trick.

Wei Xuemin, Liu Qiqiang's expression changed several times. He made up his mind and said in a low voice, I order you in the name of my squad leader to evacuate with Xu Qing... It's just a preliminary infection, it's not a big problem.

But... Wei Xuemin opened her mouth. If she leaves now, what will happen if the spiritual energy supply in the Bagua Array is not available?

Follow the order! Liu Qiqiang's voice was hoarse. The muscles on his body bulged again, and the amount of spiritual energy concentrated in the interception point of the formation diagram in his palm increased by 20%.

Captain, if you squeeze yourself like this, your future cultivation path will be...

Stop talking, captain, isn't it the right time to attack at this time? Liu Qiqiang looked very calm. He had already made this realization, and...if the evil god's subordinates on the opposite side are not dealt with, we will be here today. Everyone here will die, including me.

This is really... I heard something amazing. A long sigh suddenly sounded.

...What? Wei Xuemin, who had just left a few steps away, looked blank. She suddenly felt that the voice sounded familiar.

Liu Qiqiang's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly turned his head, only to find a young man standing there quietly with red pupils and a large windmill spinning inside.

Is it you? Liu Qiqiang trembled, almost unable to maintain the formation diagram. It was too shocking. Although he didn't remember Su Han's face clearly last time, this time he intuitively saw those distinctive eyes, and he immediately confirmed the identity of the person in front of him.

But how could he be so young? Could it be the legendary old monster who has reached the extreme level of cultivation and is rejuvenated? ! Liu Qiqiang's mind was filled with thoughts.

Su Han ignored Liu Qiqiang and stared expressionlessly at the Evil Insect Families in the distance.

Today, he finally solved a doubt he had in the past, why there was no news about the evil god among ordinary people.

It is possible to be alienated by visualization... Only monks who have received special training and have extremely strong self-control can control themselves.

If the news of evil gods spreads to the people, there will definitely be people who want to die and try to visualize, and there will even be a lot of them... By that time, evil phenomena will bloom everywhere, many of them will be transformed by local residents, and the situation will definitely be dozens of times worse than now... …

How long can you hold on now? Su Han suddenly said.

Liu Qiqiang was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Su Han was asking him. After a little calculation in his mind, he gritted his teeth and replied, The minimum is five minutes, and the maximum is ten minutes.

For more than five minutes, his vitality sea will be irreversibly affected. There is no hope of promotion in this life, and if he continues for more than ten minutes...if he continues to persist, it is possible that after this battle, he will lose all his skills and be directly disabled.

Five minutes? The big windmill in his pupils slowly rotated, and Su Han said softly, That's enough time.

He took one step forward, stepped directly into the battlefield, opened his palm, pointed it in the direction of the Evil Insect Familiar, and uttered two cold words in his mouth.

Dark Water!

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