Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 196 The furious All Might, the sacrificial Conan (fourth update)

Ginjiu knew that Huihara Ai was stalling for time, but he didn't care. He clearly knew the power he had now.

Tokyo police? It couldn't be more ridiculous in front of him. If he wanted to, he could use the Tindalos hounds to wipe out the entire Tokyo police force.

Believing in God is also for you, Gin said in a low voice, with fanatical eyes, God used your news as a bargaining chip! And I offered my faith... Isn't this a very clear exchange of equal value?

As for these? Gin pointed his finger at the surrounding hounds of Tindalos one by one, and the hounds of Tindalos who were pointed also shouted excitedly, These little cuties are given by God. My apostle! The one who won’t die.”

...You are really getting more and more crazy. Hui Yuan Ai's face was expressionless.

She automatically replaced God with an organization, or someone in the organization. Then, the situation became clear internally.

The organization should know her information and let Gin handle it. By the way, maybe let Gin test the organization's new biological weapons?

I'll go with you. Haihara Ai stood up with a calm voice, Don't hurt other people... you don't want to, right? If there is a killing in this school, the whole of Japan will be shocked. Even if You will not be able to leave this country at that time!

Are you telling a joke? Ginjiu tilted his head and stared at Haiyuan Ai. He was very surprised why Haiyuan Ai would say such a thing, and said in a hoarse voice, Do you think these children will see the apostle of God? Affected in the slightest? People are not qualified to gaze upon the glory of God! Even the glory of God’s pet is the same...

Also...at first I was struggling with the fact that you betrayed the organization. What should I do? But now I have a method...I can completely use the method given to me by God to integrate you with me. Here, Gin became more and more excited.

Hui Yuan Ai's body froze. She suddenly realized something. She turned her head and looked around, and found that all the children around her had fallen to the ground. Their bodies were twitching from time to time, and even some children's exposed skin had... Fine scales appeared...it seemed to be transforming into an inhuman state.

How is that possible? Hui Yuan Ai couldn't believe it, and she subconsciously took a step back.

My head hurts! Kobayashi Chengzi collapsed on the podium, her body twitching from time to time.

As she watched, Hui Yuan Ai suddenly felt severe pain in her brain. She thought of something and said in disbelief, Are you crazy? Your... organization actually carried a biochemical virus on top of these biochemical weapons. .”

crazy! Spreading the virus in Tokyo can no longer be described as crazy...it is simply seeking death.

Afterwards, the Japanese police will go completely crazy and will completely eliminate the entire organization at all costs.

When a country goes crazy, the fluctuations caused are beyond imagination.

In the past, although the organization was hostile to all countries in the world and could still exist, if Japan attacks with all its strength, the organization will be destroyed no matter how strong it is...

Not to mention, releasing a biochemical virus in the capital of a country has exceeded the bottom line of countries around the world. By that time, it will definitely not be just Japan.

He didn't use the biochemical virus! Conan's voice suddenly sounded.

Haiyuan Ai was stunned for a moment, then reluctantly turned his head and saw Conan opening his eyes at this moment, staring at Gin opposite him seriously.

There was a crisp buzzing sound and the sound of breaking through the air, and all the Tindalos hounds around exploded.

A sturdy man with blond hair suddenly appeared next to Conan. He stared at Gin closely, his expression extremely ugly.

It's too late after all... But no matter what, I can't tolerate doing anything to children!

...This guy. Gin's expression changed for the first time. He was no longer as at ease as before, but looked very fearful. The message coming from his brain told him that the person in front of him did not exist in this world.

Although he doesn't know why people from other worlds appear here, he believes in the information that appears in his brain... After all, this is the special ability he obtained by sacrificing to the gods.

Not to mention, Gin also believed that it was impossible for normal people to unleash that kind of power. Defeat all the apostles in an instant.

But you can't stop me! Gin let out a low roar. His body began to twist, and each cold tentacle suddenly extended and stabbed in the direction of All Might.

You are the one who deserves to die! All Might roared.

All Might had already discovered that even though he had smashed all the Tindalos hounds into pieces, the children around him were still alienated and howling miserably.

He felt powerless, and he felt murderous intent towards the gin that had created all this.

The terrifying fist punched out loudly, the void exploded, and Gin crashed into the playground outside like a cannonball.

Gin let out a sharp scream, and his body was completely broken, but he still did not die, and was even reorganizing, and finally turned into an indescribable huge weirdness, with tentacles flying, It's really an unexpectedly powerful force... If this is the case, then... Let me use this form to fight you.

what happened?

The earth suddenly cracked open...and then such a monster appeared?

It created a big hole... How did this kind of monster appear? Did it emerge from the ground? Or is it an alien species that fell from outer space? Do alien species really exist?

This kind of movement was so great that many people in the school were alarmed. They saw the strange Gin on the playground, and they were either frightened or frightened, or extremely excited.

All Might rushed forward, chanting the language of the sacrificial council leader loudly, swinging his fists with all his strength, and the indescribable Gin's body was torn apart, and then turned into streaks of black smoke. Gradually dedicated to Su Han.

On the other side, Conan came to Haihara Ai with a serious expression.

Kudo...it seems that you have hidden a lot of things from me. Haihara Ai stared at Conan calmly. She suppressed the pain in her brain at this moment, lowered her head and scanned her palm, and found that there were also fine lines on it. scales, However, there is no point in discussing this...after all, I am going to die.

Maybe... I should have died a long time ago! Otherwise, I wouldn't have dragged so many children to die with me... After all, I underestimated the organization's cruelty.

Haiyuan Ai was breathing heavily. She felt that her body was changing into another life...

She felt this clearly and smiled bitterly in her heart. Are you going to turn into one of those zombies in the movie?

That's not the case! Conan shook his head. He knew that this time it was not the organization's fault at all, but the evil god.

His eyes swept over the other people present one by one, including Teacher Kobayashi, Ayumi Yoshida, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, Genta Kojima...

I won't let you die. Conan looked calm on the surface, but inside he was extremely panicked. He closed his eyes and spoke the words of sacrifice in his heart.

President of the Parliament, please... Even if you follow the principle of equivalence... take it away, whatever I have, I can give it all to you... I just hope you can save these children!

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