Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 195 Changes in the world of Conan? Evil God Priest Gin! (Third update)

President of the Council, Tony Stark's eyes flickered. He suddenly thought of something, You said... characters who appear on the side of the plot stars, such as Thanos, can he appear in the virtual battlefield?

If Thanos can appear, Tony Stark can completely fight through unlimited battles and achieve the possibility of final clearance...basically locking in a winning outcome in the future.

Yes, but now is not the time. Su Han's words were as concise as ever.

Is that so? Tony Stark's expression stiffened. Wasn't it the right time?

Saitama should be stronger than Thanos without the Infinity Stones? Saitama can manifest, but Thanos can't, so it's definitely not due to strength... Hasn't the history been revealed to that point?

Because the Speaker of the Council has not revealed the future of Thanos officially appearing, he is not allowed to condense... Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be natural.

Su Han looked confused. In fact, the ability he gained this time was naturally not just a virtual battlefield. The emergence of virtual battlefields represents a further improvement in foggy space’s ability to observe major worlds.

After all, being able to perfectly simulate the strength of members of each world speaks for itself.

Wait, what does this feel like? Su Han's expression suddenly changed. He stared at Conan closely, and the observation ability of the foggy space warned him again, telling him... that there was an evil presence near Conan.

Nearby? The smell of evil...could it be said that it's not that bad?

Su Han has been vaguely aware of what happened in the world of Conan. There should be a change in Conan's world, and looking at Conan's appearance at this moment, it seems that he knows nothing about this change.

President of the Parliament, what happened? Conan noticed that Su Han's eyes fell on him and did not look away for a long time, and suddenly he had a bad premonition.

The other members present also cast their gazes over.

Conan, there is a problem in your world. Su Han spoke calmly and tapped the armrest of the chair gently with his finger. Brilliant brilliance rose from Conan's body and then spread to all sides.

The illusion of reality begins.

This is the elementary school that Conan attends. At this moment, Conan is holding his chin in one hand and closing his eyes, looking like he is sleeping.

I see, no wonder I spend a lot of time in the foggy space. Huang Rong nodded thoughtfully, clearing up a previous doubt.

The real illusion of the foggy space was still deepening, and finally they saw the monster lurking in the shadows of the school.

The shape of these monsters is very difficult to describe in words. They look a bit like hounds, but their appearance is very different from real hounds.

A man wearing a black suit and a dress hat gently stroked these weird creatures, with a wild smile on his lips.

That man is! Sawada Tsunayoshi's pupils suddenly dilated, and he instantly recognized the identity of the man in the black suit, Gin.

Conan completely stopped talking. He silently touched his forehead and found that it was covered with cold sweat.

His mind was in confusion at the moment. Why was Gin at his school? And it will bring so many weird creatures... At first glance, these creatures are not life on earth.

President of the Parliament, what is this? Tony Stark looked directly at Su Han.

He's just a guy who has acquired part of the evil god's inheritance and became a priest of the evil god. Su Han's words did not waver at all. He should have gained a lot of knowledge from his contact with the evil god... and among this knowledge happened to be Conan's. Information. As for the evil thing he summoned, it was the Hound of Tindalos.

...The Hound of Tindalos. Tony Stark repeated, with a gloom on his face.

Conan stopped talking. Does the evil god know his information? Wait, it seems that No. 10 has revealed the nature of this aspect in the past, and somehow knows a lot of information that has not been disclosed in the plot stars... In the past, he thought that this was learned by No. 10 after contact with their world.

But now... is there a possibility that the top evil god is also an omniscient being?

Although thoughts were flashing in his mind, it was too late for Conan to care about it now. He looked around, his voice trembling, Everyone...please give me a helping hand.

Of course it is! All Might replied immediately. He turned his head and stared at Su Han, President of the Council, please put me into that world... After all, it is a school.

Su Han didn't speak. As soon as his thoughts moved, a brilliant light rose up from All Might's body. Then, he fell directly into the real fantasy, and Conan's figure also disappeared.

The world of Detective Conan.

Hui Yuan Ai frowned and glanced at Conan, who had his head lowered, Are you sleeping?

After hesitating for a while, Haihara Ai finally did not awaken Conan. After all, she also knew about Conan's situation. As a high school student, attending elementary school classes is a torture.

That classmate over there! The class teacher Xiaolin Chengzi who was giving a lecture followed Haibara Ai's gaze and saw Conan, and immediately frowned, but before she could speak, the sound of breaking glass suddenly sounded.


Help, what is that?

Monster... black shadow! What is that?

Screams rose and fell one after another. Xiaolin Chengzi's pupils suddenly shrank, and she saw strange things that suddenly appeared in her classroom.

They were strange creatures that looked like dogs but not dogs, Tindalos hounds... They stared closely at the children in the classroom, opened their mouths slightly, and saliva flowed out of them. All the primary school students present were frightened and looked terrified.

Shirley! an excited, trembling voice sounded, I finally got news about you from my God! No wonder I haven't been able to find you... It turns out you have become like this. Child.

Hui Yuan Ai's body stiffened. This voice was so familiar to her that it almost became her nightmare.

After a brief silence, she turned her head and stared at the man in black suit who walked in from the broken window, ...Gin.

Fear arose in Hui Yuan Ai's heart. She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and then circled around, I didn't expect that you actually found me...even though I had expected it!

But now you actually worship God? This is really not like the Gin I know. And what are these dog-like monsters? Are they the latest biological weapons developed by the organization?

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