Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 197 Conan suddenly realized that he was in big trouble (5th update)

To deal with the follow-up, just tell me! You don't need to give everything. A voice without any emotion suddenly sounded.

Conan was stunned for a moment. When he opened his eyes again, he found that standing in front of him was No. 10, who was shrouded in fog. How could you?

Su Han didn't speak. He opened his palms with a calm face, and darkness spread out and wrapped around everyone present. Wisps of black energy were swallowed up, and the alienated children gradually changed into their original appearance.

Moreover, all the crushed Tindalos hounds around were swallowed up by this darkness.

So it's like this. It's a secondary evil creature born from the dead Hound of Tindalos. No wonder it's so weak...

After Su Han devoured these hounds, he got a lot of information. Only then did he realize why All Might killed these monsters so easily, but he remembered what he had said in the council before, and immediately made a patch in silence.

His words seemed to be filled with complaints, but when he tasted them carefully, he seemed to have no emotion at all. I had misunderstood before because of the speaker's words, but it's normal... Genuine products and inferior products are actually pretty much the same...

Conan's eyelids twitched, and his heart was shaken.

An evil thing born from the true Hound of Tindalos? What the hell is this... Secondary evil things can be born on top of dead bodies.

Conan felt that his knowledge of evil things had once again been refreshed...

In the past, he felt that evil gods were the truly terrifying ones... The evil creatures they had fought against in the past could only be evaluated as weak.

But now it seems...it's very likely that they didn't witness a truly powerful evil thing...

And... Conan bit his lower lip and stared at Su Han in front of him with an incomprehensible expression.

Only a genuine evil god like you, and an exceptional being like the Speaker of Parliament... would think that there is not much difference between genuine and inferior products, right?

They could all be born from corpses... It's really hard to imagine. How strong will the real original be!

Su Han remained motionless. The darkness spreading around him was not just spreading in the classroom of Grade 1 Class B. The terrifying darkness continued to expand, finally covering the entire teaching building.

Many students and teachers screamed at this moment, but soon they discovered that the darkness did not hurt them, but instead extracted black energy from them.

What's going on with all this black gas?

I don't know why...I suddenly feel so much better!

These darkness... they won't hurt me at all if I touch them! How amazing? Could it be that the world we are in is actually a fantasy world? The monster just now, and the blond man who pushed the monster to the ground and beat it violently .”

That man must be an American superhero! That must be the case. His outfit is exactly the same as the superhero comics I read.

The children were very happy, but the older head teachers and teachers looked extremely solemn.

They looked at the playground from time to time and saw the gradually dissipating weirdness and the blond man with bulging muscles. They knew that what happened today would definitely shock Japan...and even the whole world...

In fact, they themselves are muttering to themselves, are there really supernatural powers in this world? Is it just that the authorities deceived them in the past? But whether they were deceived or not, what happened today was too big. Japanese official media tried their best to deal with it, but it was difficult to suppress it.

Class B classroom of first grade.

What's going on? Hui Yuan Ai reluctantly got up after a brief silence. She found that there was nothing strange about herself except that she was physically weak.

Immediately, Haihara Ai stared at Su Han who was shrouded in fog in front of him with a stunned expression, and then turned to look at Conan, Kudo, do you know what is going on?

Conan opened his mouth and pinched his little faces together.

He didn't know where to start explaining. Explain the evil god? Let alone the fact that there is no way to explain it in a while, even if it is really explained, will Haihara Ai believe it?

The situation is clear at a glance, Su Han spoke, his voice calm, Your old acquaintance Gin Jiu sacrificed to an evil god, and then brought a group of evil objects given to him by the evil god to cause trouble for you... In the end, he was killed by me and me My friends solved it!”

Hui Yuan Ai tightly grasped the table that supported her up, her lips moved slightly, but she couldn't say anything.

She wanted to express her reasoning, for example, the Hound of Tindalos was just a biological weapon, and she should have been infected with a virus and turned into a zombie... But when the words came to her mouth, she couldn't spit them out.

The reason is very simple, because Su Han solved the problem this time. Moreover, whether Su Han was shrouded in fog or using darkness to easily cure everyone present... this did not seem to be a technological method.

After a brief silence, Conan bowed deeply to Su Han, No. 10...thank you.

He stood up, looked around at the children whose breathing had stabilized, and confirmed that they were back to safety. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, with gratitude on his face.

At this moment, Conan remembered what Nine had said about Ten when he was chatting with Nine before... Although he is an evil god, his personality is unexpectedly good?

Conan remained silent. Perhaps, he and many members of the Council did misunderstand No. 10 in the past. Deceived by His taciturn appearance.

With a sharp sound breaking through the air, All Might returned to the classroom of Grade 1 Class B. Seeing that the children at the scene had returned to their original state, he breathed a sigh of relief, and a bright smile appeared on his face, Great... After all, there were no irreparable consequences. It's really great... …”

After a short pause, All Might turned his head and stared at Conan deeply, But having said that... little Conan, you must think carefully about how to deal with today's matter.

Conan was stunned for a moment, and after he came to his senses, his expression changed drastically.

He knew he was in big trouble.

The commotion caused by Gin and All Might was so great that he could even imagine what it would look like in tomorrow's newspapers.

Under such circumstances, if he shows any signs of weakness, he may be picked out by his old acquaintances from the Tokyo Police Department... With supernatural powers, one can only imagine what kind of treatment he will receive in this country...

After pacing in place for several times, Conan gritted his teeth and looked at Su Han, Can I use the primary knowledge color and weapon color that I just cultivated, as well as my death omen... I got it from you, To calm down this incident?”

Su Han took a deep look at Conan and said softly, The value you gave the item is not worth it for me to do such a thing...

But, I can help you erase the memories of these children and teachers here.

Five updates, today’s update has come to an end... Although there are still alliance leaders who want to return, but my grandpa’s birthday is tomorrow, five updates will be the first for these two days, and the alliance leader’s updates will start again the day after tomorrow.

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