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Chapter 194 Council members were shocked? The Power of the Creator (Second Update)

As the name suggests! Su Han raised his finger and gently touched it in the void.

Suddenly, a vast sun slowly emerged.

This big sun exudes endless light and heat, which is completely different from the weird atmosphere revealed by the blue moon of cultivation and the foggy space. It seems dignified.

This is it! Xiaoyu looked around after a brief silence. She suddenly thought that it seemed that the members of the Mist Space once told her that the Mist Space was a newly born universe...

In the past, she had doubts in her heart, but now, the moon and stars are there... and the sun is also shaped by the parliament president's movements. When she thinks about it... this is indeed not much different from the universe, or the starry sky.

President of the Parliament, who are you? Huang Rong was a little surprised.

You can call this great sun whatever you want... the decisive battlefield, the illusory battlefield, or anything else. Su Han's words did not waver at all, If you want to, you can enter this great sun to fight in the future. .”

After you enter, the illusory battlefield will construct a battlefield that is most suitable for you based on your own characteristics... Of course, if you don't have the idea of ​​fighting each other, you can also enter the illusory battlefield alone... and then imagine the enemy!

Characters in various plot stars...such as Six Paths Madara! Kaido! Kaguya Otsutsuki! Yamamoto Genryusai...these, as long as they are plot stars that exist in the foggy space! You can all play them after entering the virtual battlefield. Imagine that the virtual battlefield will directly construct an existence with 100% of their combat power to fight with you.

There was deathly silence in the Mist Palace. Everyone at the scene had different expressions. Either in disbelief, or very stunned, or deep in thought.

Can all strong men manifest themselves? Aizen straightened his back, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he stared at Su Han with a burning gaze, The same can be said for Yhwach?


Great! Aizen was shocked. On the one hand, he was shocked by the power displayed by the parliament president. On the other hand, I was also excited.

If he could fight with Yhwach in advance and more intuitively understand the power gap between the two sides...then the possibility of his plan's success would increase countless times.

So, Boros clenched his fists and said with excitement in his voice, Where's Saitama? Where's the hungry wolf?

Yes, Su Han said concisely, After you enter, even if you want to manifest another Boros and fight yourself! It is also feasible.

This method... this is it. Uchiha Madara clenched the armrests of the chair with both hands, veins pulsing on them.

He was naturally surprised to fight the enemy who was most suitable for him, but after calming down, he noticed the terrifying information hidden in this method.

If the council leader wants to, can he create beings of the same level as them at will? Can a terrifying existence like Saitama, who can destroy everything with one punch, also be created by a virtual battlefield... What kind of power is this?

Uchiha Madara stared at Su Han seriously. He suddenly thought of Aizen's previous guess, The... original creator of our world?

Faintly, Uchiha Madara agreed with Aizen's guess.

Su Han looked down at the members with different expressions below.

Not to mention the group of people below, he himself was shocked. The mist space absorbs the transformation of the world's original power for the first time, and the ability created is indeed terrifying.

But if you think about it carefully, it's a matter of course. Su Han said to himself in his heart, Even the misty space in its original state can embody the supreme legendary artifact like the Four Swords of Zhu Xian... It's just that You can’t just take it out.”

As for the illusory battlefield, the embodied enemy... can only be limited to the illusory battlefield! It is not even possible to bring it to the foggy space, let alone bring it to other worlds...

Su Han's heart was a little palpitating. He felt that he was really walking in the direction of the Creator step by step.

Could it be that, at a certain stage of development in the future, he will be able to create real life in the foggy space?

I'm really looking forward to it. Su Han's eyes were deep.

Uchiha Madara crossed his arms over his chest, and after a brief thought, turned his head and stared at Tony Stark. He made an invitation gesture and sneered, Mr. Stark...please. Let me see how powerful your anti-reincarnation eye armor is.

...After a while, when I finish the modification, I will fight you to the death. Tony Stark replied, but his confidence was obviously not as strong as before.

Have you not finished the modification, or do you dare not? Uchiha Madara stared at Tony Stark playfully.

Keep dancing. Do you really think that if you can't fight each other in the foggy space, you can use your words?

Tony Stark stopped talking. He was actually a little irritated, not that he had deceived Madara Uchiha. He did create the Anti-Reincarnation Eye Armor, but it was not for the purpose of fighting Uchiha Madara in the first place. After all, the Speaker of the Parliament had set an iron rule before.

The current Anti-Reincarnation Eye armor only exists as a series of high-end mechas in his hands... If he really faced off against Uchiha Madara, it would definitely be demolished, no doubt.

It is the behavior of a fool to fight even though he knows he will lose. But Uchiha Madara's ridicule stimulated the arrogant Tony Stark.

President of the Council, I want to ask a question. All Might saw Tony Stark's dilemma, and knew that if Madara Uchiha continued to speak, Tony Stark would probably bite the bullet, and immediately He opened his mouth and changed the subject.

Are there any restrictions on our access to the virtual battlefield? For example, the number of times per day. Or, for example, will you die if you fail... What will happen if two people in the council want to use the virtual battlefield alone at the same time?

Can be used at the same time. If two people enter the embodiment alone, refer to the Cultivation Moon! A relatively independent battlefield will appear. Su Han stretched out his finger and pointed at the Cultivation Moon. If you die in the virtual battlefield, you will Exit directly and you will not die directly. There is no limit on the number of times per day!

Above... Also, I only allow you to compete with each other in the virtual battlefield... In your respective worlds, or in the foggy space, the rules and regulations are as I said before. You are not allowed to hurt each other in private.

I see, I understand. Boros clenched his fists, his heart still not calming down at this moment. If he hadn't taken Su Han into consideration, he would have entered the virtual battlefield immediately.

Zhang Sanfeng remained silent. It was already an unimaginable ability to manifest such a battlefield. It could actually carry countless people and fight on parallel battlefields?

This incredible power simply cannot be described in words.

This is the power of the Creator, Zhang Sanfeng said sincerely in his heart, It's really shocking!

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