Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 191 You Lian was blamed? God King News explodes in internet popularity (fifth update)

There are two possibilities. One is that the Speaker of Parliament has let go of the world and is unwilling to restrict the future development of the world... But letting go also means that the world itself may be threatened.

Aizen paused for a moment and continued to speak, The other one is... the council president is playing games with beings of the same level in the void. His power is restrained. The power that invades us is a chess piece sent by the enemy. …And the world is just the chessboard of these two indescribable great beings.”

There was deathly silence in the Mist Palace.

Yuan Dagu sat in a trance on the bronze chair, and all the thoughts in his mind came together. Indeed, this can explain everything...

I was originally thinking, if the Speaker of Parliament is an observer, why would he save our world? I originally thought it was because he feeds on evil things and hopes that we can hunt them for him... But I thought of the Speaker of Parliament. The power he possesses feels unreasonable, after all, what he eats should be the real evil god.

Uchiha Madara looked distant. He paused and continued, Now, everything can be explained.

Because the Speaker himself has a huge relationship with their world. That's why He sent his gods to station in the misty space, and that's why He was so concerned about protecting the world they lived in.

Yuan Dagu bit his lower lip, and then spoke, I'm going back first... I'm going to look for information on super ancient civilizations.

Yuan Dagu said that the amount of information was too much and he needed to calm down and take a moment.

Watching Yuan Dagu disappear into the mist, Weber's face was expressionless. His mind was in chaos at the moment, and he whispered, Can you find it?

Nine times out of ten, you can't find it. Conan shook his head, After all, the time gap is too far... Even if there is a You Lian, is it really credible? After all, she is talking about herself in the plot of the stars. Influenced Diga.

Everyone believed this after watching the plot of Stars before. But the wise men in the council thought about the background and subsequent plot, and then thought about You Lian's explanation... No matter how they thought about it, they felt something was wrong...

Perhaps You Lian is also related to No. 9! Or he is one of No. 9's servants... However, it should be confirmed now. Conan's eyes flickered, Number 9 retired and did not become a god of human civilization. This is ironclad proof... …”

If You Lian is really pious enough, then if Da Gu asks her about the news on the 9th, even if she knows... will she still talk about it?

Conan's enthusiasm waned. This truth shocked him so much that he even felt that the death of a few people in his world from time to time was nothing.

He waved his hand and exited the foggy space directly.

The remaining people were not discussing. After looking at each other, they dispersed with different expressions.

real world.

Su Han looked very subtle while drinking the coffee that Iron Man Armor made for him. Some dumbfounded.

Friday, Su Han said with emotion as he drank the coffee in one gulp, Why do smart people always think about so many things? Sometimes, even I am shocked by what they think about.

In your head? Friday said calmly, Are you talking about the latest news?

...Is there any news related to me again? Su Han's expression became strange.

That's the news about the birth of the God King! Friday automatically projected a virtual screen for Su Han.

Friday already has its own robot production center and science and technology experiment center with the help of Yenching University...

Now its technology is in the process of continuous advancement and upgrading, which can be said to be changing every day. The virtual projection screen is what it installed for itself.

Su Han glanced at the news, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Has the chief cultivator of Huaya been released from seclusion and become the legendary sage of Huaya? The official reporter will follow up the interview for you!

The God-King surnamed Su was born! The President came to Jinling in person. The meaning behind it is thought-provoking! Let us recall that when the God-King of Hangcheng was born, the Chief did not treat him like this!

Shocked! The Huaya Cultivation Headquarters has announced the latest official news. The base array map of Jinling City will undergo major changes! And the person who modified it is none other than the new King Su Shen.

Yenjing University officially revealed that nuclear fusion technology is quite mature! Construction has now begun, and it is expected to be officially completed in three months! The current situation abroad is surging, and the diplomatic teams of the world's major powers have come to Yanjing... Their purpose is known to everyone on the road.”

It is very obvious that the heat of nuclear fusion has dissipated.

Although there is still a lot of news in this regard, the news that reaches the top now is the news about Jinling God King, especially the matter of rebuilding the formation.

The whole Internet is in a state of explosion... After all, nuclear fusion has not been built yet.

Moreover, although nuclear fusion claims to have a great impact on the world structure and symbolizes Huaya's first clarion call for counterattack in the international scientific and technological field... But to be honest, Huaya residents have not yet enjoyed the benefits that can only be brought to them after the completion of nuclear fusion. Come dividends. For example, electricity bills dropped significantly or something...

But with the new city map, this impact will be really big.

Su Han looked at the content in the comment area and couldn't laugh or cry.

Oh my god, the Jinling formation map has been greatly changed. Does anyone have any inside information? I want to know now whether the location of my home is at an important core point of the formation... I remember this important core point. Houses must be demolished! If this wave directly demolishes my old house, I will take off immediately! I will buy ten banana phones! If you buy one, you will lose nine.

It's too bloated. I want to be so bloated too! It's a pity that I'm not from Jinling.

Stop dreaming... This kind of core information! I am afraid that only a few Holy Masters who are leading this aspect know the sporadic information.

No way? Only the Holy Master knows! Do you really think that the Holy Master is a cabbage? It's all over the floor! The kind that grows again after being pulled out? Do the people upstairs really know the status of the Holy Master?

I think you don't know very well! Have you seen who the main arrester is this time? The new God King! And it was directly received by the president of the Huaya Cultivation Association in person. There are rumors that this new God King Wang is so young...I don’t know exactly how young he is. Anyway, the information I got here is absolutely reliable!

Here we go again... I see fifty times a year people say they have inside information! But no one shows me any evidence.

Amitabha! It's time to look at your face again. I'm going to the temple to worship the Bodhisattvas and ask them to bless my house, which is within the scope of demolition. In the future, whether I will be popular and drink spicy food, or drink northwest wind... it all depends on this wave!

There's no reason... Don't just think about demolition! You should think about the strategic significance behind this.

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