Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 190 No. 9 is the god served by the super-ancient civilization in the Tiga world (fourth upda

It's so interesting! It's really interesting beyond imagination. Poros suddenly spoke, his voice was hoarse with a hint of excitement.

I wonder what it would be like to fight against those so-called fallen gods?

Are you too arrogant? Weber stared at Boros speechlessly. After careful consideration, he spoke cautiously, If Saitama joined the parliament, he would still be qualified to say this, but you...

Saitama gives people the impression that what is standing in front of him is the so-called sky. He could punch it and completely destroy it.

But even though Boros is powerful and has the power to destroy planets... Weber still doesn't feel that the sky in his world has fallen, and he can defeat it.

This has nothing to do with being arrogant or not! Whitebeard pinched his crescent moon beard and laughed loudly, A man on the sea is not afraid of any challenge. Just take it one step at a time!

When you encounter an enemy, fight bravely. Why do you think so much?

The more I think about it, the more I fear. On the contrary, it is easy to lose confidence! Wouldn't it be better to use that time for drinking? This is what Whitebeard means.

When Whitebeard and Boros spoke, the solemn atmosphere at the scene was indeed dissipated a lot.

Helplessness appeared on Yuan Dagu's face. He looked aside casually and suddenly saw No. 10 sitting quietly on his chair. He didn't know when he appeared there, calmly watching everything that happened in the council.

Number 10? Yuan Dagu said subconsciously.

Su Han had an idea and asked No. 10 to reply, What did you call me for?

Yuan Dagu subconsciously glanced at the direction of the misty sky, which was the location where No. 9 turned into light before. He considered and asked, No. 9...are you familiar with it?

Number 9? Although Number 10 asked rhetorically, he was as emotionless as ever, I'm not familiar with him, and I'm not on the same level as him.

Conan heard the coldness in No. 10's words and knew that if he asked blindly, he probably wouldn't be able to get much out of the question. He rolled his eyes and said, By the way... No. 10, do you usually travel in the void in the past?

Except in the foggy space. No. 10 said in the same tone.

So, No. 9, who you don't have much trouble with, spends most of his time in the void? Conan Tuqiong saw the dagger.

No. 10 stopped talking, but in this case, not talking was already the best answer.

Conan looked confused. In other words, is it possible that No. 9 spends most of his time in a certain world? Or traveling between different worlds...

Su Han glanced across the audience, using the power of space to understand their thoughts, and determined that the people present had roughly figured out a reasonable plot because of No. 10's attitude. Immediately he nodded slightly, and the figure turned into mist and disappeared.

Number 10 also disappeared.

Each member of the parliament had their own thoughts. After a long time, Yuanda Gu sighed faintly, Sure enough... I had doubts before! Number nine may come from my world.

So...wait a minute, why could Number Nine originate from your world? Conan was confused.

Could it be that when he was fighting in the world of Qin just now, the chairman of the parliament revealed some key information? However, he glanced at Weber, Whitebeard and others at the scene and found that they were also surprised.

It's light, Yuan Dagu put his hand on his chest with a serious expression, I can sense that light just now... It is much more pure, powerful and sacred than my light! The two sides are not on the same level at all... But it should come from the same source.”

Conan's pupils dilated, and he suddenly remembered that No. 9 had summoned Tiga before.

Indeed, the reason why No. 9 used Tiga's power was probably because the parliament leader gave Tiga's power to No. 9. Let him use it on his behalf in that world.

But No. 9 can not only use the power of light, but also summon the true body of Tiga... This is most likely because No. 9 has a deep connection with Tiga's world.

What other guesses do you have? Aizen spoke calmly, but his heart was also stirred up.

I think...it's possible that No. 9 is the god worshiped by a super-ancient civilization! Yuan Dagu was cruel and simply threw out his previous bold guess. But to his surprise, no one at the scene questioned his guess.

Even Accelerator nodded, leaned back on the bronze chair, and said incomprehensibly, So that's it...then it can all be explained.

What do you all understand? Yako Busujima looked around, a little confused.

Known information, No. 9, is suspected to be the god of a super ancient civilization! His light has the same source as Tiga, but it has an essence far higher than it... Moreover, No. 9 may now live in a certain world for a long time. Conan summed it up, looked around at the crowd, and said meaningfully, Everyone, what did you think of?

It's possible that there are two forces under the chairman of the parliament, Aizen said calmly, the forces of evil gods and the forces of good gods...

The forces of the evil gods! It is very likely that they hunt other evil gods and use them as food for the president of the parliament... As for the forces of the good gods, they help the president of the parliament to protect the world?

Mu Shou... the world? Yuan Dagu's heart palpitated, and he felt as if the doubts he had once connected were connected. But when asked to give specific details, it was vague.

Yes! Aizen nodded seriously, Why did we join this foggy space? This shows that the power of the Speaker of Parliament can envelope our world... And with the power he has shown now, will it? …He was once the Creator? Master of our world?”

He created our world... just as He created the foggy space that is now.

Like a thunderbolt passing through their brains, most members of the foggy space froze in place, feeling their brains stiff.

Yuan Dagu felt that the clothes on his back were soaked with sweat, and his face was expressionless.

He thought at first that he already knew how to think, but he didn't expect that your imagination would be even bigger than his... and even more incredible.

There is no reason! Busujima Yako became emotional. If our world was really created by the Council Chairman, and there are even gods under the Council Chairman to guard the herds, then how could the evil gods dare to invade?

Weber thought about it for a while and felt that this made sense.

They have already speculated on the status of the Speaker of the Parliament... Although the identity of the Chairman of the Parliament is not clear yet, he is definitely above the evil god...

Instead of looking at the monk’s face, look at the Buddha’s face. Even considering the Speaker, those evil gods wouldn't dare to attack their world, right?

So I said, it was once. Aizen said in an incomprehensible tone, No. 9 used to be the god of ancient civilizations, but now he is not the god of human civilization. Even human civilization does not know the existence of No. 9...

More importantly, monsters hostile to light have also appeared in the world of Tiga.

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