Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 192 Su Zhu: My brother can’t be so straight (the sixth chapter is the chapter of Brahma Lord

Yes, the formation map is the most important security system in the city. I remember that the formation maps of various important cities have not changed for thirty years...at most they have only been slightly repaired. Jinling's posture of basically overthrowing and rebuilding is definitely like this First time in thirty years.”

You mean...the formations of all cities will be remodeled next?

Impossible! You have no idea how much resources it will cost to rebuild the entire formation? Let me tell you, the Jinling formation... just to demolish the houses, it is estimated that tens of billions will be filled in to compensate... …Not to mention, those rare materials used to re-outline the array. Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb! The cost of reconstructing the array is not necessarily less than rebuilding a city.

Damn... I don't know if I don't know! I'm shocked when I calculate it. I finally know why the country hasn't rebuilt the city map in thirty years.

Su Han's eyes were deep and he sighed, Money.

Ninety-nine percent of the problems in this world are caused by money. The amount of money spent to rebuild the Jinling Formation is indeed an astronomical amount... Of course, looking at this astronomical amount from a civilian perspective, it may be very troublesome for Huaya to pay.

But in fact, except for the demolition compensation, basically there is no need to worry about resources...

Su Han had talked about this with Xu Changnan after he passed the formation diagram before. Huaya, or the top powers in the world, are not short of top resources...

Even if the real world is not enough, there are infinite sub-planes. The resources contained in these sub-planes are extremely huge. Of course, there are endless evil things in these sub-planes.

No problem if you want resources...take human lives to fill them, and let practitioners risk their lives.

It's just Jinling, and the Huaya Cultivation Association's general treasury... is not a big problem. But if all the important cities in Huaya are rebuilt...

Su Han was silent. At that time, we launched a large-scale attack on the sub-dimensional world, and I don’t know how many people would die...

Sighing, Su Han shook his head and threw away the messy thoughts. These things are too far away and should not be considered by him. The most important thing for him now is to complete his mission... that is to complete the pilot of the Jinling Formation Diagram properly.

As the Jinling Formation, he may even be the chief designer of the Huaya Formation in the future... He has great power, but he must also shoulder the obligations and responsibilities brought by this power.

He began to deal with the issues passed by Xu Changnan. Mostly he gives a solution and then leaves the rest to Friday to figure out.

In the afternoon, Su Zhu came to Su Han's room. Today is Sunday. In addition, Li Hongxue didn't know what she was busy with recently, so she gave Su Zhu a holiday.

When Su Han finished dealing with the last problem and entrusted it all to Friday's deduction, he turned his head and stared at Su Zhu, who was busy with dinner in his dormitory, with a helpless voice.

You shouldn't have been waiting for me in this room just now... but should have played by yourself. Didn't I just say that? I've been very busy recently!

I know... you are busy with the Jinling Formation! Su Zhu put the prepared dishes on the table, Although I don't know why you were promoted to the chief designer of the Jinling Formation in an instant, but you have achieved This achievement... really makes me happy, more than I could have ever imagined.”

My brother is working so hard, but my sister is lazy on the side. This will make her feel ashamed! Su Zhu paused for a moment and laughed, I won't talk anymore... let's eat first.

After finishing the meal, Su Zhu revealed his true purpose, I may leave Jinling in two days and go to Gusu.

Su Han paused and frowned, Li Hongxue's opinion?

Yes! Su Zhu stood up and turned around, smiling, Have you noticed any changes in your sister?

... Su Han fell into silence for a long time, looked Su Zhu up and down, and tentatively said, You have been changing the styles of your clothes more frequently recently! Do you look the same every day? By the way... Su Zhu, you are really acting like this. Beautiful. I don’t even recognize her as my sister!”

Su Zhu: ???

The clothes are so big! Su Zhu gritted his teeth angrily, It's cultivation, cultivation.

One yuan realm. Su Han finally realized and smiled awkwardly. He has seen too many Holy Lords recently, causing his sensitivity to the other party's cultivation to plummet...

Yes, Su Zhu sat across from Su Han, dragging his chin and staring at Su Han, When you reach the one-yuan realm... you can know the truth of the world. The matter of evil objects... and the cracks in the sky .”

Su Han made a move. Su Zhu laughed, Don't be so nervous! I don't mean to blame you. My brother silently protected me and the city and country we were in when I didn't know it. This is my honor. .”

I know everything. Su Zhu's voice was very gentle, The teacher told me! The school in Jiangzhou collapsed, and even the entire Dongcheng District was bombed into a mess... It was you who protected me, and The residents of Jiangzhou...

I've been protected too many times, but I didn't know anything about it in the past. I even covered up the school explosion and the explosion in Dongcheng District... It's a little embarrassing when I think about it.

Su Zhu. Su Han opened his mouth. He moved his eyes and knew what Su Zhu was going to say next.

After a brief silence, Su Han's expression turned cold, Going to Gusu Tiancrack for training? As your brother, I won't agree...I'll wait and call Li Hongxue.

I knew you would do such a thing a long time ago. Su Zhu was not angry, but stared at Su Han helplessly. After living together for such a long time, Su Zhu naturally had an extremely deep understanding of her brother, her voice was light and cheerful.

So...if I go this time, I will bring two books of Holy Lord's True Thoughts with me. One is from the teacher, and it is already on me...and the other one is from Holy Lord Murong of Yandao Holy Land. He will give it to me after I get there! It’s basically foolproof.”

But even so. Su Han frowned tightly.

I know what you mean, Su Zhu looked very serious, So... just use your ability to give me an estimate!

The teacher said that your attainments in the Way of the Soul are terrifyingly high... You are strong in the Way of the Soul, and you are also very strong in the Way of Deduction. If you think it is dangerous for me to go this time, then I won't go.

This is Su Zhu's purpose. His brother doesn't allow him to go, so he has to go even though he has a falling out? This is so silly. It hurt the relationship between the siblings for nothing, and even if he went, it would make Su Han too worried.

When Su Zhu found out about Su Han's situation... Although he knew that Su Han had become a god king now and had basically nothing to worry about, he thought that Su Han must have experienced many life and death crises... and his heart ached.

Using herself to save others, she naturally didn't want her brother to be as worried as she was before.

So, just see if there is any danger.

If there is, I won't go. It doesn't matter if I can't get stronger, at least I can't hold Su Han back.

As for it not being life-threatening... she naturally had to give it a try. Even if there is a possibility of serious injury, it doesn't matter. After all, strong men emerge from battle.

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