Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 189 Speaker: God has fallen? It is indeed possible (third update)

Su Han took the gem and couldn't calm down. But he tried his best to suppress his excitement. After sensing it for a while, he found that he really couldn't digest this energy. He sighed inwardly and then tossed it away.

He was not surprised because he had expected it.

The gem fell to the ground with a clang, and then gradually melted, turning into pure and extreme power and blending into the earth.

Then, a vast and gorgeous scene emerged. Those are real illusions.

There are scenes of primitive people smelting the first fire, farming, weaving, and raising edible beasts... From the most primitive hunting, they slowly turned into the most primitive slave civilization, then to feudal civilization, and even ancient immortals God appears...

There are too many images, and they move too fast. Together they form a tragic song that belongs to human history.

After a few breaths, all the images disappeared... and the foggy space returned to its original solemn silence.

No one spoke in the foggy space. Uchiha Madara's waist was straight and his expression was solemn. Even though he was aloof and arrogant, he was shocked by the previous scene.

The...development process of human civilization? Whitebeard murmured.

He glanced at Ying Zheng and suddenly realized that that should be what the ancient ancestors of the world experienced during the Qin Dynasty.

After all, he seemed to see the scene of the First Emperor ascending the throne at the end of the scene... But the speed passed too fast, and the scene just passed by in a flash.

Ying Zheng was shocked in his heart. He had seen the struggle of the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty before. And the history of his Qin Dynasty only accounts for a very small part of the picture that was just reversed...

Ying Zheng looked deeply and said to himself, The history of mankind... is so magnificent.

But! Ying Zheng raised his head and took a deep look at Su Han, then looked away, Is it true that the power of the origin of the world has no effect on the parliament president?

If it were useful, would it be thrown aside so casually?

Ying Zheng sighed inwardly. For him, the origin of the world can be used as the foundation of merit to become a god. For the Speaker of the Parliament, the origin of the world may be just a toy... It is precisely because he fully realized the power of merit just now that Ying Zheng is more aware of it at this moment. Feeling shocked...

Su Han frowned. He found that the mist space did not evolve functions immediately and was still in the process of transformation. He immediately couldn't calm down. But when I think about it carefully, I feel that this is a matter of course.

It doesn't matter... after all, this is the first time to absorb merit. It doesn't matter if you wait a little longer!

By the way, Uchiha Madara spoke. Although he was agitated, his voice was as calm as ever, Ying Zheng, can you answer a few questions for me?

Uchiha Madara explained his previous doubts one by one.

God's words should have no will. Ying Zheng's words were very certain. The communication between Him and me is very stereotyped. This also includes tests... As for the specific tests, it is difficult to describe them because they change a lot. . And according to the information I have received, to a large extent everyone's test should be different.

I can only say that...these tests are used to test your will, talent and awareness.

That's it! Uchiha Madara nodded clearly.

He was relieved, if it was more than his will, talent and awareness. He didn't think he was weaker than anyone else in the council. In addition, he has already convinced the residents of the ninja world that he is the strongest, and he only needs to wait for him to collect all the sacrificial supplies before he can start sacrificing to heaven.

Is there no self-aware world will? Aizen suddenly asked after a brief silence, Mr. Parliament Speaker, I take the liberty of asking.

Is it possible that world consciousness is like real life?

Aizen just asked casually, it was something he, as a smart man, had overthought. But what he didn't expect was that Su Han's eyes moved to him.

It is indeed possible! Su Han said concisely and concisely, Moreover, this kind of world will is very likely to be the enemy of the world! It has been completely contaminated.

Su Han thought of the way of heaven in the world of Tomb of Gods. The way of heaven definitely conformed to the concept of heaven he mentioned before.

But He already has his own selfish desires, and regards all living beings as his own sheep. He continues to destroy one era after another, absorbing the power of all living beings to allow himself to grow.

Aizen was completely silent, his mind was shaken. Aizen never expected that he would get such an answer to his previous casual question.

Isn't this very bad? Huang Rong was a little panicked, The God we sacrifice to may be our enemy or something.

You don't need to worry about this problem for the time being. Su Han said this and stopped talking. It didn't say why there was no need to worry.

But the smart people in the parliament have already gotten enough information from Su Han's words.

It's because our world level is relatively low, and it is impossible for world consciousness to evolve to that point. Conan pushed up his glasses, with countless thoughts in his mind, There is also a possibility that there may be problems in the world, and the Speaker of Parliament will It may be shown in the plot stars.”

Since there is no such problem in the plot of Stars! Then there should be no problem in the world itself.

Conan felt that this was most likely the truth.

Of course, in order to truly confirm this matter, we must wait until someone who has problems with the way of heaven in the future joins the foggy space and has an in-depth understanding.

President of the Parliament. Ying Zheng's thoughts were wandering. He took two deep breaths and calmed down. No matter what, at least there was no problem in his world. Now he has successfully sacrificed.

He stared at Su Han seriously, The transaction is completed, but there are still many problems in my world! I will retreat first.

After nodding slightly, Ying Zheng's figure disappeared from the foggy space.

Tang Hao watched this scene silently, his fingers gently rubbing the back of the chair with a complicated expression.

Originally, he thought that seeing the future was the greatest effect of this foggy space, but before he saw sacrifices to God, communication with God... and even the past of Ying Zheng's world, the development of mankind... He suddenly felt that he had guessed in the past. Too shallow.

A strange parliamentary place beyond all the heavens and worlds! Above the mist. There are secrets that are too big to be described here! Above the world... It may even be possible that the gods of our world, despite their high status, , but it is essentially incomparable to the foggy space.”

Tang Hao was silent. Some things become more terrifying the more you think about them.

For example, he has finished watching Douluo Dalu for the second time and has come to a conclusion. That is, at the end of Douluo Continent, the Shura God and Poseidon that his son achieved should be the top gods in his world.

However, Tang San's future of becoming a top god was easily realized by the Council Chairman... This not only meant that Tang San and the Council Chairman were not at the same level at all, the essential difference was so huge that it was indescribable. At the same time, it also means that the so-called God Realm may not be anything in front of the foggy space...

Even if the foggy space is just a meeting place casually created by the Speaker of Parliament...

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