Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 188 Conan: I’m so sorry for being so weak (second update)

After Tony Stark calmed down, he looked serious and said, I will stay in this world for a while. Just to see what level of development the country under my feet has reached?

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard and suddenly laughed, Mr. Ying Zheng, must the children I taught last time have not grown up yet?

Indeed! Ying Zheng nodded and said with emotion, Science can be developed in a short period of time with a complete technology tree and complete knowledge reserves. But martial arts training does not happen overnight.

No, Tony Stark complained, Science cannot be developed in a short time. The main reason is that we trade in the foggy space! During this time, I have given you machine tools, electronic computers, and even various All kinds of learning materials... You didn't just get knowledge, you also got materials.

If you are really poor, you will develop everything by yourself. How could the Qin Dynasty change so much? The main reason is that Tony Stark gave Qin Chao a blood transfusion in the real world.

So I am very grateful to you! Ying Zheng said calmly.

That's not necessary. Tony Stark laughed when he saw Ying Zheng being so frank and after a brief silence, I also received gold, silver and jewelry from you. In the final analysis, we are in exchange.

That's okay, Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while and then continued, I'll stay too! It just so happens that I have a comprehensive breakthrough in martial arts, and I can teach those children the skills again.

It would be great if you are willing to help! Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, Iron Man, Zhang Sanfeng will stay, and the others will return? Su Han confirmed.

Who is Iron Man... I am Iron Man, okay? Tony Stark was quite dissatisfied.

Su Han didn't answer. Seeing that the others had no objections, Su Han immediately had an idea.

The brilliance on his body suddenly spread around, covering Conan and Huang Rong. When the brilliance disappeared, they also disappeared.

Ying Zheng was silent for a moment, his eyes flickered, and the space changed. He, Zhang Sanfeng and Tonystat appeared on the altar instantly.

This ability of yours is really convenient. Tony Stark marveled, I even doubt whether you have obtained the space gem of your world.

It's not that exaggerated. Only places I have been to before can I reach instantly. Ying Zheng shook his head.

Isn’t it scary that Tony Stark was choked? Tony Stark paid attention, Ying Zheng said there was no distance limit.

But... as long as you have been there, you can arrive at any time.

Tony Stark suddenly realized something, and his heart shook. He suddenly understood that distance could no longer restrain Ying Zheng.

Perhaps, the day when the entire world in the Qin Dynasty was unified and turned into the land of the Qin Dynasty... is not far away.

All my dear friends, please stand up! Ying Zheng turned his head and looked at the subjects of Da Qin who were still kneeling on the ground, his voice was calm.

When many ministers heard this, they all stood up.

In the distance, Donghuang Taiyi also got up, his face under the mask was very ugly, What's going on... Ying Zheng! What on earth did he do?

Ying Zheng asked them to get up, and then they got up. And after communicating with God just now, the teleportation used...

All these made Donghuang Taiyi wonder whether Ying Zheng had become a god at this moment.

If we say that the First Emperor has really become a god. Donghuang Taiyi remained silent, his ugly face faded, replaced by silence, and his heart was throbbing.

Because he knew that it meant that their Yin Yang family's plan would completely collapse... because Ying Zheng no longer needs them...

When Su Han opened his eyes again, he was already in the palace above the mist.

The real illusions around him gradually dissipated, and no one in the hall spoke, everyone had their own thoughts.

It's really unexpected. Whitebeard was the first to speak, his eyes were a little deep, I didn't expect that after sacrificing to God... I would actually gain various abilities.

Whitebeard initially thought that offering sacrifices to heaven would only make the world shrink and avoid the invasion of evil gods. Unexpectedly, it has the effect of strengthening oneself.

If you think about it carefully, it's quite normal. Aizen's voice was gentle, and his eyes under his glasses were filled with joy. After all, the Council Chairman has long said that sacrificing to God will gain the original power of the world. And sacrificing to God has Half of the world’s original power is to be handed over to the Speaker of the Council... This shows that the sacrifice will be fruitful.

Aizen was thinking at this moment, if he sacrificed himself to the god of the death god world, how much stronger would he be by obtaining the original power of the world?

I am afraid that it is easy to set foot on the Heavenly Seat in the Death God's world... You can even transcend your own world and reach an even more incredible realm.

With the energy of God...can I become a god? Aizen's thoughts flashed in his mind. He wondered how different a god made from this source of power is from a god of death.

Conan pushed up his glasses and suddenly sighed, Strength...my strength is too weak after all. The most superficial armed-color Haki! Doesn't it have any effect at all?

While sighing, Conan added the evil power obtained from previous sacrifices to the armed color haki. The bones of his body made crackling sounds, and the armed domineering aura on his palms became even more intense.

It looks a little better now! Conan's voice was low, Although it still feels very weak.

Whitebeard stared at Conan speechlessly. Before Conan went to the world of Qin Shi, he felt that his strength was very good. But after returning from the world of Qin Shi, he fell directly into the other extreme, that is, he felt that his strength was very weak.

In fact, according to Whitebeard's opinion, Conan is pretty good now. At least he can be considered a good player at the front end of the Grand Line.

I have to find a way to enlighten him in the future. Whitebeard narrowed his eyes.

It's not okay to be too proud, but it's not okay to be too unconfident. Being too proud can easily lead to early death. And having too low self-esteem completely cuts off the possibility of becoming a truly strong person. After all, the character of a strong person is also a very important part.

President of the Council, Uchiha Madara raised his head and stared at Su Han, who was shrouded in fog, and asked in a cautious voice, I have a question... What is the so-called world consciousness, or God?

Qin Shihuang said that he communicated with God and accepted tests. What were these tests and communications?

Su Han stared at him quietly, and after a long time, he spoke, You can directly ask Ying Zheng himself about this kind of thing.

What? Uchiha Madara was stunned for a moment. He noticed something and looked at Ying Zheng's bronze chair. The mist continued to rise on that chair, and finally condensed into Ying Zheng's form.

Ying Zheng glanced at Uchiha Madara, but did not reply immediately. Instead, he opened his palm, and the gorgeous brilliance gathered in his hand, condensing into a crystal clear gem.

He threw the gem in the direction of Su Han, President of the Parliament, this is what was agreed before! Half of it is the world's origin power obtained through the successful sacrifice.

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