Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 187 Mr. Speaker... You deserve the wheel of fortune (first update)

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a moment, his brows relaxed, and he said with some relief, Practice to make yourself stronger, which is a kind of enjoyment.

It's a bit strange, Tony Stark looked into the distance, frowning, If No. 10 faces evil things, it's more like devouring and offering sacrifices to the Speaker... How do I feel that No. 9 faces evil things? Things are not like sacrifices, but more like purifications.”

Huh? Conan's expression froze, and he turned his head to look into the distance. After careful calculation for a moment, he had to admit that Tony Stark's words made sense.

After all, Su Han's body was surrounded by pure white light, and those strange substances disappeared silently under the light... This scene was so sacred, it really seemed like purification, not sacrifice.

Mr. Stark, do you have any ideas? Huang Rong turned her head and stared at Tony Stark.

There is a guess...but I feel that it cannot be explained. The difference between No. 9 and No. 10 is at best the number...wrong. Tony Stark paused, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Huang Rong's expression also changed. Based on Tony Stark's words, she also thought of a possibility and looked into the distance.

Yes...the nature of their power is different. Number nine is the god who symbolizes light! Number ten is the evil god...more importantly, the president is suspected of feeding on the evil god...

Huang Rong suddenly felt her scalp numb. She thought of the past, when members of the parliament had speculated that No. 10 was the chairman's food reserve...

Could it be that righteous gods like No. 9 are the real servant gods of the Council President, evil gods and so on? Although the Council President also has such subordinates, he actually doesn’t value them! Of course, there may be a more complicated relationship... but they don't know it.

For example, the evil god also has a part of the responsibility of finding food for the council leader... but the good god like No. 9 does not... so he does not need to sacrifice.

No. 9, No. 10, Speaker... Tony Stark stopped talking, his expression changing.

Instead of thinking about this issue, it is better to pay attention to Mr. Ying Zheng. Conan pushed up his glasses. He felt that what several people guessed was probably the truth, but felt that this was not something they should understand in depth, so he quickly changed the topic .

Huang Rong suddenly turned her head and found that the divine brilliance on Ying Zheng's body gradually faded away.

At this time, there were still generals of Great Qin and even members of the Yin Yang family kneeling all around. But Ying Zheng suddenly opened his eyes.

So that's it! Ying Zheng looked at Su Han who was devouring huge evil insects in the distance, and he was not surprised.

Before, he seemed to be completely immersed in communicating with God, but in fact, he was communicating from a God's perspective and knew little more than the other council members present.

After Su Han swallowed all the evil insects, he let out a long breath. Then he stared at the huge crack in the sky in front of him and frowned.

There are two ways to deal with sky cracks in the real world.

One is that as time goes by, the cracks in the sky disappear naturally. The other is to use a special seal to prevent it from expanding, and then it will naturally dissipate as time goes by.

It is difficult to destroy the sky cracks artificially. This does not mean that it is absolutely impossible, but that only sages have such means.

I wonder if this kind of sky crack can be restrained in the foggy space? Su Han said to himself.

But before he could experiment, Ying Zheng appeared next to him with a swoosh, and held his hand in front of Su Han.

No. 9... thank you for your help! Ying Zheng said with emotion in his voice, If this bug really invades the sacrificial platform, the consequences will be disastrous.

Without No. 9, just Zhang Sanfeng would never be able to stop such a huge number of enemies.

This is what I should do! Although Su Han was a little surprised by Ying Zheng's sudden appearance, his voice was still gentle.

Leave it to me next, Ying Zheng waved his arm gently, and the void suddenly shattered. The cracks in the sky actually dissipated on their own.

Is this? Zhang Sanfeng, who was following closely, saw this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he stared at Ying Zheng in disbelief.

How could it be? Tony Stark, wearing Iron Man armor, stopped in mid-air and stared blankly at Ying Zheng.

Don't get me wrong, this is not the power I possess! Ying Zheng said in a calm voice, I successfully communicated with God before. He asked me many questions and made me go through many tests... And when Once I gained His approval, I became His spokesperson on earth.”

So I have a part of the power given by God, which can control the power of a part of space, such as teleportation! Or, for example, I can wipe out this huge rift in an instant. This is just what I do with the help of my spokesperson status... Of course, going to other places In this world, I don’t have this ability.”

Is this so? Conan calmed down after a brief shock, It's normal when you think about it... The parliament speaker also said before that after a successful sacrifice to heaven, you will get feedback from heaven. The name is called spirit or merit. ?”

I probably understand why it is called this name, Ying Zheng spread his palms and sighed, I just need to continue to implement reforms and let the entire human civilization develop rapidly... After reaching a certain limit, I can choose to use this name. Energy has truly become the native god of our world.

Now I can only use space abilities, and they are only limited to the world of Qin Shi! But after I truly become a god, I will not only be able to use many abilities, but more importantly, I can also use some of them in other worlds... Although in my home world, I am the strongest with the blessing of God in this world.”

Is this so? Zhang Sanfeng's face was calm, but his heart could not be calm for a long time.

Sacrifice to God! Tony Stark licked his lips, Ying Zheng's harvest made him excited. However, he imagined the situation in his own world and smiled bitterly.

Now that the mission is completed, it's time for us to go back! Su Han said calmly, Do any members want to stay?

He was also very shocked in his heart. After all, the information he had received before was limited. He did not expect that the change would be such a big one.

Of course, because of his current state of light, others would not be able to peep into his true mood swings.

Ying Zheng took a deep look at Su Han and nodded. After entering this state, he had many abilities, such as peering into people's hearts and knowing blessings and misfortunes... But he found that these abilities of his could not be used on No. 9 or even other members of the Council.

Not to mention using his abilities... If he closed his eyes and simply relied on the perception given to him by God, he would not even be able to observe the existence of Su Han and others... It was as if the members of the council were completely free from this world.

The protection of the Speaker of Parliament? Ying Zheng felt very emotional.

Judging from the current situation, the Speaker of the Parliament is definitely a being above the world...

The members of the council chosen by Him are very likely to have cut off the original shackles of fate and are truly free.

The fact that it cannot be observed by the power given by the world is proof... After all, it cannot even be observed, and its influence is impossible to talk about...

Mr. Speaker of the Parliament, Ying Zheng whispered in his heart, The wheel of fortune! You deserve it.

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