Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 184 Number Nine, symbolizing the glorious and faceless god (fourth update)

This was naturally Su Han. This time he used the power of light to cover his face and said in a gentle voice, Hello...for some special reasons! No. 10 cannot come over, so I will take his place.

You can call me No. 9, or you can call me Light... Anyway, it's just a code name. Don't pay too much attention to such details.

The atmosphere at the scene was completely frozen.

No. 9? Ying Zheng was silent.

Conan's eyes flickered. Does the number nine mean that this person is ranked above the number ten? Maybe He is more powerful than No. 10. But He is not an evil god.

This sacred feeling, maybe it is the God of a certain world or other gods?

President of the Parliament! Conan sighed in his heart, even though he had already guessed. But actually seeing the evidence and speculating are two completely different feelings.

Indeed, the Chairman of the Council is really not an evil god, nor even a righteous god, but a higher-ranking existence that transcends both of them.

Zhao Gao calmly raised his head and glanced at Su Han, feeling that this was not human at all, and immediately fell to the ground in fear.

Wang Ben stared at Su Han closely, and after staring for a long time, he suddenly let out a muffled groan. Covering his forehead, he felt a stabbing pain in his brain and looked stunned, What's going on? Why is this happening?

Not only Wang Bi, but also many people watching Su Han at the scene also had this problem. The snare masters reacted very quickly. After all, some of them had encountered this situation before. They immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at Su Han.

Is this? Tony Stark's eyes narrowed. Is this an attribute that cannot be looked at directly? This No. 9 actually has this extremely special nature.

No! Tony Stark's eyes became serious, and he suddenly figured it out, It should be said that whether it is an evil god or a righteous god similar to this one, as long as it is a real god... there will be something similar like this. nature.

In this case, everything can be explained.

However, pure light, and the face can’t be seen clearly? This guy's real name is not the God of Glory and Formlessness. Tony Stark muttered inwardly.

So, why don't you start the sacrifice? Su Han's words were gentle and full of doubts. At this time, he and No. 10 gave others a completely different feeling.

Even if No. 10 is deliberately getting close to them, he will still show that inhuman barrier from time to time. However, regardless of No. 9's words and attitude, the light on his body made him feel very comfortable, as if he was basking in the sun outside.

Almost! Ying Zheng raised his head and glanced at the sky, At noon, the sacrifices will officially begin.

Time passed bit by bit, and the right time came. A minister who was responsible for presiding over the rituals of the ancestral temple came forward and bowed respectfully to Ying Zheng, and then guided him to offer sacrifices.

Qin Shihuang had no expression on his face. He stepped onto the sacrificial platform and first offered sacrifices to his ancestors according to the tradition of the Qin Dynasty. Then, formally following the information given by the council president in his mind, he began to communicate God's will.

There was a crisp buzzing sound, and waves rippled in the void.

Then, Ying Zheng closed his eyes, and the aura on his body became extremely sacred. Just like a god living in this world. At this time, he officially began to communicate with God.


It feels like this!

The expressions of the generals and ministers who came with Ying Zheng changed dramatically. They felt that their bodies were out of control, and they knelt on the ground with a plop, and naturally kowtowed to Ying Zheng.

Even from afar, members of the Yin and Yang family pride themselves on being relatively equal to the Qin Dynasty. Without any control, they all knelt down.

...What the hell is this! Donghuang Tai's eyes widened, with anger and disbelief in his heart. Why is this happening? Obviously he didn't have that thought in his mind, but his body moved naturally. It was not that his body was controlled by others.

Donghuang Taiyi could feel that he could still control his body, but when he wanted to stand up, it seemed that his body's instinct stopped him from doing this.

It's too scary! Tony Stark's eyelids twitched, and he murmured, So, does this happen to the priest?

Naturally, he did not kneel down, but looking at a large group of people kneeling next to him, and then looking at the sacred and transcendent Ying Zheng at this moment, he always felt a little strange.

It's normal, Su Han said in a gentle voice and explained seriously, The main thing is Ying Zheng, who is the emperor. Now that he is communicating with heaven, the majesty of the emperor has naturally expanded countless times.

As long as you are a person from the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty, no matter how high your status is...even the emperors of other huge empires in this world will still kneel down when facing Ying Zheng at this moment.

These were the information obtained when the Sacrifice Law was obtained last time, but Su Han did not inform the members of the council before.

So that's it! Conan asked suddenly, thoughtfully, In other words, if other people hold sacrifices, then people in other worlds will not kneel down.

Different worlds will have different changes due to the different identities of the sacrificers?

Indeed. Su Han said in the same tone as before.

That's great, Huang Rong glanced at Ying Zheng with some longing, then turned her head, stared at Su Han, and sighed, I feel very comfortable getting along with you! If only I could meet you earlier in the past ...I always feel that we will get along better with you than with No. 10.

That's not necessarily the case! Su Han chuckled, God... Mr. Parliament Speaker, the reason why he chose him to get along with you is because he has his own ideas! Although No. 10 looks very cold on the outside, he actually has a very cold personality. Very good. Better than me!

It's hard to tell that I'm better than you. Zhang Sanfeng couldn't laugh or cry. After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked softly, Can you reveal your identity? Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't reveal it.

It's really not possible! Su Han followed suit. He had already done a lot of filing before coming. At the moment, he seems to be at ease.

After all, there is a treaty in this regard. Just like No. 10 did not say his name... After all, for existences like us, our name alone contains our power. It is known by humans, and we can say it at will. , it might cause big trouble.

Can't you even say your name? Conan looked serious, but he was not surprised. It is common knowledge that God's name contains power. What he is thinking about now is the King in Yellow who appeared in Busujima Yako's world last time.

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