Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 183 Two Imperial Masters? Zhao Gao's panic! (Third update)

Light, Accelerator's pupils suddenly dilated, and he thought of something at this moment, No, it should be... God!

It is not an evil god that destroys the world, but closer to the gods in the myths of various worlds. Magnificent, sacred, powerful...

Uchiha Madara remained silent as countless thoughts flashed through his heart. He was surprised that he was not surprised...

But if you think about it carefully, this is a normal thing, right?

It is a bit strange for the Speaker of the Council, a being who is above the evil god, to simply have the evil god as his subordinate.

Extrapolating from this, there must be an orthodox god under the command of the parliament president who refutes the evil god.

In the past, there was no need for these gods to appear...but now it is necessary, so they appear.

But, Yuan Dagu opened his mouth, The light just now felt a bit like...

Yuan Dagu didn't say the rest of his words. He felt that the light just now was a bit like Tiga. But the sacred aura that just flashed away was so pure, even purer and more sacred than his light. It was really like the source of all light in the world.

No, it has a similar essence! But its holiness and fleeting intensity are far superior to my Diga Light... Could it be that. Yuan Dagu suddenly realized something and broke into a cold sweat. .

Could it be that the god just now came from their world? In other words, have you ever been to their world?

It might even be the source of Ultraman's original light power in their world.

Indeed...this can explain it!

After all, the fact that the Speaker of Parliament was able to pull him into the foggy space probably meant that the universe he was in was originally within the scope of the Speaker's divine authority.

Analyzing it from this perspective, then the Parliament Speaker once had his subordinates become the supreme gods of their world and even the universe... Isn't this very reasonable?

As a super ancient warrior, Tiga may believe in this god...

The darkness in Diga's body turned into light. In addition to the reason why the stars were originally shown in the plot, it is also most likely related to belief in this god... With this association, everything can be explained.


Yuan Dagu sighed inwardly. He did not obtain Diga's memory, so he could not be sure whether his judgment was correct.

At the same time, the world of Qin Dynasty.

Ying Zheng was standing on the top of Mount Tai, and in front of him was a well-cast altar. The altar is not huge, but it is engraved with a large number of various patterns and patterns, and is also inlaid with a variety of rare jewelry or strange-colored items.

The altar reveals a kind of holiness, but also a kind of evil. It's like light and darkness intertwined at the same time, giving others a very special sense.

Lord Donghuang, Moon Goddess had a veiled face and a peerless and independent grace. She stood behind Donghuang Taiyi, the helmsman of the Yin-Yang family, and her voice was filled with surprise and uncertainty, This altar was created by His Majesty the First Emperor. ?”

Taishan Fengzen! Sacrifice to God... I understand this. But why have I never heard of this formation he used to sacrifice to God?

Donghuang Taiyi did not answer Moon God's question, more like talking to himself. His body was covered tightly, and his face was not exposed. His waist was straight, and his voice was indistinguishable from male to female, and there was a hint of confusion.

He really couldn't understand this kind of thing. After all, much of the knowledge about curses in the Qin Dynasty was spread from the Yin Yang family.

Although there is a possibility that Da Qin learned about it from others. After all, the Qin Dynasty's horses conquer the world, and the number of treasured secrets is incalculable... But it doesn't mean that the Yin and Yang family can't figure out any clues, right?

No matter how you think about it, this is unusual!

Just when Donghuang Taiyi was thinking hard, his pupils suddenly shrank. Because in his sight, there was a brilliant light rising next to Ying Zheng, What is that?

Escort! Zhao Gao's expression changed dramatically, and all the snare masters beside him drew out their weapons.

Before they could actually take action, Tony Stark took the lead to step out of the light. After looking around, he suddenly laughed, Don't you even recognize me? Do you want to take action?

Zhao Gao paused, then silently stuffed the weapon back. The same is true for snare masters. Zhao Gao stepped forward and smiled, I didn't expect it to be the National Master in front of me.

I'm not a national teacher! Tony Stark curled his lips.

His Majesty calls you the teacher of science and the great talent of the country! And you have led the construction and scientific and technological progress of our Great Qin. It is natural for me to respect you!

Zhao Gao smiled and spoke. He actually didn't know what Ying Zheng meant by science. But he at least knows the changes that are currently taking place in Great Qin, and he also knows Ying Zheng's trust in Tony Stark.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng, who was left together last time, was also called a national teacher by Ying Zheng. Ying Zheng even wanted to officially seal both of them. However, neither Zhang Sanfeng nor Tony Stark refused.

Ying Zheng, to be honest, I'm still a little surprised! Zhang Sanfeng's figure also appeared. He took a deep look at Zhao Gao, with a flash of worry in his eyes, Are you really not going to consider my previous proposal?

Zhang Sanfeng's proposal was naturally to deal with people like Zhao Gaolisi who rebelled against Ying Zheng.

As long as I don't die, the world will never turn over! Those who have the ability will naturally make the best use of it. Ying Zheng did not look at Zhao Gao, his voice was calm, Before he truly betrays me, I will give him a chance... ...If he really has that thought, no one can save him.

Is this the courage of the First Emperor to eradicate him simply because of future betrayal? He won't do that. Because he knows that there are too many people in this world who want his life.

As long as he can use it now and he is confident that he can control it, then he will not do anything to them for the time being.

Zhao Gao suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He suddenly knelt on the ground and lowered his head to Ying Zheng, Your Majesty... I am loyal to you! You have to believe me. I definitely have no idea of ​​betraying you! I don't know Zhang Sanfeng Why would the Imperial Master say something like this and have such a prejudice against me... Obviously I have great respect for him.

...Shut up. Ying Zheng uttered two words coldly. Zhao Gao suddenly stopped saying anything, his body was shaking and he was as silent as a chill.

As expected of the First Emperor! Huang Rong sighed with emotion.

Conan also appeared and pushed up his glasses. His expression was a little complicated, but he did not comment on it.

Number ten? When Ying Zheng saw the last person, his expression changed.

Zhang Sanfeng also suddenly noticed something was wrong, turned his head, his pupils dilated, How could that be?

What appeared in front of them was not the incarnation of the mysterious evil god who had been shrouded in fog all year round. But it gives people a completely different existence.

His specific form and face cannot be seen clearly, because His whole body is exuding pure and extremely pure brilliance. He is like a great sun descending on the human world, sacred and transcendent.

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