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Chapter 185 The appearance of Tiga of Light! The shocking joy of the Qin generals (fifth update)

Why can the name of the King in Yellow be pronounced? Conan thought to himself, It's possible that Number Nine is lying to us... but this possibility is very low.

After all, Nine had no reason to deceive them. I don’t want to say it, just say it bluntly.

Another possibility is that something did go wrong when I read the name of the King in Yellow, but it was stopped by the foggy space. That's why we are intact now! Or maybe, the King in Yellow is not his real name. Conan's gaze deep.

At this moment, Su Han used his sense of sight to listen to the movement in all directions. At the same time, he also focused part of his attention on the foggy space, using the observation function of the foggy space itself.

This feeling and direction is! Su Han's eyes suddenly became serious, It's the sky.

Su Han directly summoned Diga without any hesitation. A terrifying and brilliant brilliance erupted from him, and then the shadow of Diga condensed above his head. Gradually condensed into reality. It was a giant as huge as a mountain.

The scene was completely silent, whether it was Donghuang Taiyi who was trying his best to get up at this moment, or Wang Ben, Li Si, Zhao Gao and other officials of the Qin Dynasty who were prostrating and sincerely bowed. They all stared blankly at the huge giant.

God...this must be a god! Zhao Gao suddenly spoke, his voice trembling and enthusiastic.

Compared to the last time he saw No. 10, who was shrouded in fog, the Diga that Su Han showed up at this moment was undoubtedly more beyond his understanding and more like a god.

Your Majesty! It turns out there is really divine help. Wang Ben said to himself in his heart. He subconsciously glanced at Su Han, who was surrounded by brilliance. Thinking of the previous lesson, he quickly lowered his head, but there was a look on his face. He was touched, Not only was the god who made people feel ominous last time, but he can also summon such an orthodox god.

Wang Ben clearly saw that Diga appeared from Su Han.

So he already knew that this being who was surrounded by light must not have practiced some weird and special magic to become like this... He should also be a god, possessing unfathomable power.

This means a lot to Wang Ben.

After all, after the last natural disaster of the undead was resolved, although the Qin Dynasty quickly stabilized, there were still many remnants of the Six Kingdoms who had not yet been exterminated spreading rumors in both the government and the public.

They said that Yingzheng sacrificed to evil gods. After all, Number Ten is not a normal god at first glance. The natural disasters of the undead were actually caused by the catastrophes brought down by heaven because of his sacrifice to the evil god.

Even though the officers and soldiers of Great Qin were loyal to Ying Zheng, they would inevitably feel strange after hearing such remarks too many times. After all, they all saw No. 10 last time and felt that it did not look like an orthodox god... Not to mention, before Yan Dan died, he said that No. 10 was the god he worshiped...

But now, that thought is gone.

Look at Ying Zheng's sacrifice to heaven, and God immediately gave him feedback. There is also this kind of sacred god who looks very great at first sight, protecting Ying Zheng from the side...

This shows that their Majesty must be the man of destiny! Being favored by God.

Su Han drove Diga and burst out with blazing light energy. The energy suddenly hit a small black spot on the sky, an explosion sounded, and the void was torn open.

Countless amounts of blood and debris poured down from it, some of which were still burning. Soon the wreckage piled up on a hillside, and the smell of blood filled the sky.

However, this was just the beginning, as densely packed creatures like giant bugs poured out of it.

They pushed away the dead bugs blocking their way, stepped on their corpses, and galloped crazily towards the Tarzan Altar.


Zhang Sanfeng's eyes widened. Although he couldn't understand why this glorious god could manifest Tiga, it was too late to think about it now.

He stared at the battlefield in front of him with a serious expression. Taking a deep breath, his inner energy exploded.

He punched his fist and stepped out his foot calmly, but his energy exploded, containing incredible destructive power. Everything that stood in front of him was easily wiped out.

The clouds in the sky were torn apart, and the earth was covered with dense insect corpses.

Zhang Sanfeng recited sacrificial words while fighting. He found that there were actually clouds of black smoke coming out of these bugs, and then their flesh and blood shriveled up.

Sure enough, it has something to do with the evil god! Zhang Sanfeng said with a heavy expression, But why does this happen? The life forms we faced in the past were just evil creatures that looked weird at first glance... Why did the one we encountered this time look so similar? Insects from Earth?”

It should be a bug in a certain area! By chance, I got in touch with the evil god in the form of a bug. After offering sacrifices, I got feedback from the evil god. As a result, I kept getting stronger, and finally became like this. Look!

Su Han's gentle voice sounded in Zhang Sanfeng's ears. He appeared next to Zhang Sanfeng.

Su Han stared into the distance, the sea of ​​vitality in his body shook slightly, and he used his magical power.

A Yin-Yang diagram slowly emerged. This Yin-Yang diagram had the power of light and the power of destruction intertwined.

The power of light is Tiga's power, and the power of destruction is the power obtained from Boros.

Su Han pushed gently with his palm. The terrifying Yin Yang Diagram rushed forward, crushing everything and obliterating everything.

How could it be? Zhang Sanfeng looked dull. He turned his head and looked at Su Han, his lips twitching.

He wanted to ask why Su Han could also show the Yin and Yang diagram. But then he realized that even asking this question... was actually quite meaningless.

After all, the yin and yang diagram created by Su Han is somewhat similar in format to the Tai Chi he evolved. But the power in this Tai Chi diagram is the ultimate power of light and destruction, which is completely different from the Yin and Yang diagram he understood.

Interesting! Tony Stark took out cards one by one, crushed them all, and summoned countless armors.

Tony Stark ordered them to go forward, destroy the bugs, and sacrifice the killed bugs.

Huang Rong's face was serious and she also went forward.

Conan's hands were covered with the lightest armor-colored Haki. He killed several bugs in front and sacrificed them. He was almost killed by a giant beetle due to his carelessness... In the end, he was saved by the Iron Man armor.

Mr. Stark...thank you! Conan's cheeks were a little pale and he was still a little frightened.

You are much weaker than I thought. Tony Stark stared at Conan with a strange expression and sighed, I thought that as a smart person, you would know how to protect yourself wisely.

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