Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 178 Taikangzi feels like his mentality is about to explode (fourth update)

Project Ultron was thrown away. All the computing resources originally prepared for Project Ultron were allocated to Jarvis!

Tony Stark rolled his eyes and said firmly, I want to create an anti-Thanos armor that can fight Thanos! By the way... there are also anti-Infinity Stones. But now I don't have the Infinity Stones in my hand, so I can't study them if I want to. Take action. We can only wait until later!

Zhang Sanfeng stared at Tony Stark speechlessly, even wanting to rebel against the Infinity Stones? Should I say he is worthy of being Iron Man? He is a madman when it comes to technology.

Gu Xun'er remained silent, although she watched a small part of Marvel. However, we do not yet have a specific understanding of its worldview, so we will not comment on it.

Su Han glanced at the scene and found that Tang Hao and Boros, who had just joined, were not there. There was a guess in my mind that they should be busy in their own world, so they didn't say much. As soon as they thought about it, their bodies instantly turned into mist. Only the bronze king's chair remains in place.

Ying Zheng glanced at the empty bronze king's chair and said nothing. He was calm on the surface, but thinking about what was about to happen tomorrow, he was also a little nervous and confused.

On the other side, after a brief exchange with Zhang Sanfeng, Huang Rong understood what he meant.

She took a deep breath and stepped into the Month of Cultivation, preparing to practice hard during this period to make herself stronger and better able to participate in tomorrow's mission.

Opening his eyes, Su Han appeared in the real world.

He looked at the sky and realized that it was already very late. He immediately washed himself, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, after Su Han finished sorting out the Jinling Formation Map, he suddenly noticed something and looked towards the window with a serious expression.

A terrifying and unidentifiable aura penetrated, the window opened silently, and Taikangzi entered Su Han's room. When he saw Su Han for the first time, his expression changed slightly.

This was the first time Su Han's mood changed since he met Tai Kangzi. Moreover, Su Han's sense of perception was more profound, and he realized that the waves in his heart were much greater than they appeared on the surface.

I haven't seen you for a day... your changes make me almost think that we haven't seen each other for ten years! Taikangzi's expression returned to coldness, but his eyes were deep. He sensed the terrifying blood energy in Su Han's body, even surpassing him.

The current Su Han has become a semi-saint except for the way of the soul, which is his weak point...

But...wait a minute, your divine power! Taikangzi's expression changed for the second time.

He actually couldn't detect the depth of Su Han's divine power. He could only use his own divine channel to practice nature. From Su Han's body, he could vaguely feel that his divine power was much stronger than the last time they met.

Exactly how much stronger? It’s impossible to figure it out! After all, he didn't sense it, but noticed it naturally with the help of Taoism, which was more akin to an intuition.

But before, Su Han's divine power was at the semi-saint level, and he was not a weakling among them... How on earth did he achieve so much growth in one day?

Taikangzi couldn't understand it at all. After all, in this realm, even if you swallow the treasures of heaven and earth and the supreme elixir, you can't advance by leaps and bounds.

I realized something yesterday, and my strength has improved a little. It's funny! Su Han smiled slightly.

Taikangzi was silent, which cannot be explained by a little insight. Your realization this time has directly broken through the physical barrier that may have stuck with the Holy Master for a lifetime. It even made his divine power soar to unimaginable levels...

After a long time, Taikangzi spoke up, his words low, I seem to understand why you were able to become the God King at less than twenty years old.

At this speed, let alone becoming the God King before the age of twenty, he would not be surprised that Su Han would become a sage before the age of twenty.

By the way, where are you taking me today? Su Han did not discuss this topic. He casually sent the Jinling general formation map to Xu Changnan.

Let's go to heaven first! Taikangzi let out a long sigh. His body was glowing and his divine power was bursting out, but this time there was no sense of oppression at all.

He seemed to be one with heaven and earth. Just like when ordinary people see a huge mountain towering into the clouds, they will feel shocked from the bottom of their hearts, but they will not feel oppressed. This is the feeling Taikangzi brings to others now.

He turned into a bright golden light and shot straight into the sky. Su Han's eyes suddenly turned sharp, and with a shudder he followed Taikangzi and flew into the sky. The two flew higher and higher until they reached the clouds.

But here, there are actually three people standing there.

Two of them were Zhang Mingxuan and Li Hongxue, whom Su Han had met before, and the other was a relatively unfamiliar middle-aged man. However, Su Han glanced at him and realized that he should be a divine master.

Commander, King Su Shen!

Everyone saluted one by one. Then he stepped aside and said nothing.

Why did you bring me here? Su Han glanced at Tai Kangzi and frowned. He noticed that the height here was much higher than the height of the battlefield when he met Zhang Mingxuan and Xu Changnan last time.

Taikangzi said nothing, and a mark formed on his palm. The void began to tremble, and with a crisp buzzing sound, a small black ball covered with dense chains slowly emerged.

The small ball seemed to be alive. It was breathing, growing bigger and smaller. And when it expanded, it was bound by countless chains. The size of the expansion is extremely limited.

Su Han heard a lot about what he saw and heard. The small ball was filled with pure and extreme space energy, and he was even the embodiment of some kind of void energy. But the other side of his connection was filled with an evil aura that was too huge to be described in words.

Although there are many small sealed cracks in the city of Jinling! But those cracks cannot carry people of our level to go there in person.

Taikangzi sighed quietly, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes, The Holy Master can only pass through this main road if he wants to go there.

Su Han understood a huge amount of information from this sentence. In other words, are there many cultivators below the Holy Lord level going to another world through those small cracks?

The next moment, the extremely surging energy in Taikangzi's body suddenly entered.

Moreover, the three holy masters who had been silent all raised their palms, and dense seal formations appeared in their hands. These formations turned into chains and were tied outside.

The terrifying space energy spread and enveloped Taikangzi and Su Han.

Although Su Han could still leave if he wanted to break free, he didn't. He was curious about what Taikangzi wanted to do.

In a breath, Su Han and Tai Kangzi disappeared, but the dark space ball was still expanding.

Cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the three holy masters, and the divine energy in their bodies boiled more and more. Then gradually, the space ball shrank again and transformed into its original shape.

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