Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 179 The shocking truth, a great existence in ancient times that cannot be named or looked at

According to the original plan! Zhang Mingxuan said with a serious look, The commander's signal came from the other side, open it immediately. Then take them out... In other cases, no matter what happens, the seal will not be released at all.

We all know this kind of thing! If the space ball explodes, I don't know how many people will die in Jinling... I'm afraid the entire city will have to be completely rebuilt. Li Hongxue sighed quietly, looking melancholy.

As for the last middle-aged Holy Lord, he has been silently transmitting his divine power to the inside.

When Su Han opened his eyes again, he was already in a dense forest. Beside him stood Tai Kangzi.

Is this here? Su Han looked a little surprised. He saw and heard that the color sensor spread out around him, and then he noticed the feedback that this forest gave him. It felt exactly the same as on earth.

However, as the sensing distance continued to expand, he felt a human city appearing in the distance. But this city is very desolate, with countless strange creatures crawling and living in it.

These creatures have strange and evil properties that cannot be looked directly at and affect the spirit.

What are you doing! Taikangzi looked at Su Han. After noticing something, he frowned and seemed to be in disbelief, How dare you release your own in such a strange place... No, you were not affected. ?”

Taikangzi was very shocked. With his current level of cultivation, he tried his best to sense the essence of those evil creatures. Although he would feel uncomfortable, it was impossible to completely transform them into evil creatures.

Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that he sensed extremely powerful creatures...

That would be very difficult. Therefore, he will not launch his own soul observation.

Generally speaking, when Taikangzi or other powerful people come to a strange place, they will use their own eyes to see the surrounding situation instead of using their own soul.

After all, the amount of information seen by the eyes and sensed by the soul are different.

The more you know about evil creatures, the more likely you are to be infected.

Before that, you have to tell me what is going on in this world. Su Han put away his perception and stared at Taikangzi with a cold face.

He had sensed the layout of that human city before. From the internal structure, it was clearly... Jinling.

To be honest, Su Han was trembling when he realized this. I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing was real.

How could Jinling be completely destroyed so easily? If it weren't for the fact that he knew this was another world, he might have killed it.

After all... the human city he had perceived before had completely lost all traces of human life. It has become a nest of evil things.

It seems you know! Taikangzi understood something and sighed faintly. His eyes were a little far-reaching. How should I put it... Of course this is not the real earth. This is the sub-plane of the main plane of reality.

Second plane? Su Han muttered again, his expression becoming strange.

Yes, you may not believe it. The earth or even the entire solar system... may be covered by an array that is so large that it is beyond imagination.

Taikangzi's face was full of memories. If Su Han was just a god king, then the news he told would be extremely limited.

But now that he has become a semi-saint, Su Han can even become the backbone of mankind. In this case, he has the qualification to know everything.

This huge array is used to resist evil objects. Of course, it cannot be said that it is impossible to directly use the array to resist evil objects, but as time goes by, one day there will be flaws in the array... Then it will be a disaster. disaster.

There was a hint of longing in Taikangzi's words, The wisdom of the sages is infinite. They created a special formation that enveloped the earth and even the entire solar system, and evolved infinite sub-planes.

Infinite... sub-dimensional? Su Han felt his scalp explode.

A possibility suddenly occurred to him, but he couldn't believe it. If that's really the case, it would be too terrifying.

Yes, Taikangzi nodded and smiled, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, Shocked, right? I was also shocked when I first heard about it!

The array that enveloped the earth, he copied the entire earth! He even copied more than one, but I don't know how many... These earths symbolize the possibility of destruction of the earth in our real world. For example, it is destroyed by mechanical civilization. The earth is destroyed by biochemical viruses, or the earth is destroyed by the resurgence of demon gods...

The destroyed earth? Su Han didn't know what to say.

Taikangzi nodded and continued to speak with a deep look, Of course, these are just possibilities! Because there are no real human beings on these earths, they are more like ruins that have experienced catastrophes...

Of course, there may still be powerful machines sweeping through the ruins in these worlds, or there may be some kind of world-destroying virus that remains... or there may be living demon gods.

They are hostile to humans, Taikangzi rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, but there is nothing we can do... We don't know the thoughts of the one who created all this.

Is that so? Su Han looked serious.

Yes... but these destroyed worlds are only used to protect the real earth. Most of these replicas' secondary planes have evil creatures of all sizes dormant... Taikangzi shrugged.

Theoretically, these evil things should have invaded the earth! If there were no resistance from these sub-dimensions, I am afraid that the earth is now full of evil things and cannot be controlled at all. Humanity has been destroyed!

Su Han no longer knew how to evaluate.

How powerful would someone who could do all this be?

In order to protect the earth, countless parallel earths were simply copied and evolved, and then the real earth was hidden in them... so that evil things could not distinguish the real target and invade the parallel earth?

This is the real divine means...the means of creation! Shocking.

Not to mention... the Jinling City that Su Han sensed before was not an illusion, but real.

In other words, even though they have evolved, these substances still exist... This is the real creation.

What kind of cultivation is the person who has done all this? Su Han couldn't calm down, his eyes flashed and his voice was low, Don't tell me he is a sage!

Of course that's impossible. How about a sage creating and evolving a sub-plane on his own? How many of them are there? Above the sages, even the ancient sage emperors like Bagua couldn't do it. Taikangzi shook his head, with a serious look on his face, As for who it is…I don’t know.”

What? Su Han was stunned for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he almost suspected that Taikangzi was playing tricks on him.

I'm serious. Taikangzi lowered his eyes, his voice complicated.

When he first learned about it, he had gone through such a mental process, so he understood Su Han's thoughts, and his words seemed to be palpitating and confused.

Because the documents handed down from ancient times say that the person who created this formation to protect the earth... is a great being whose name cannot be described and cannot be looked at directly.

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