Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 177 The Qin Dynasty in an era of great development (third update)

I have no objection! Uchiha Madara agreed expressionlessly.

Anyway, last time he had used the power of the evil god to complete the evolution of the Ten-Tails in his body, and the next step was the development period. It’s good to stop and take some time to settle.

Not to mention, the ninja world had just been unified and was in chaos. Uchiha Madara also needs to sit down and personally issue orders one by one.

But it's a safety issue! Ying Zheng said in a low voice, tapping the armrest with his fingers.

So, it's not an absolute prohibition. It can be done on a voluntary basis.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, For example, Mr. Ying Zheng, you trust me very much. You extended an invitation to me, and I also thought it was feasible and agreed to you. Then I can participate in this mission regardless of my strength. .”

Ying Zheng thought silently, deduced in his mind, and felt that there was no big problem, so he nodded.

Ying Zheng felt that if he really started the mission, No. 10 would come over. With such a fuse, no matter how bad the situation was, the whole world would not be completely occupied by evil things...

Of course, even though he had such thoughts in his mind, Ying Zheng did not put all his hope in Evil God No. 10... What he said before was not false. He did prepare for the worst. All over the country, preparations have been made for a comprehensive invasion of evil creatures.

So, don't you ask the Council Speaker for his opinion? Aizen suddenly said with a smile.

Ying Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng's pupils shrank, and they suddenly realized that there was actually no point in discussing this among themselves. After all, Su Han is the only one who really calls the shots in the foggy space. Immediately everyone looked at Su Han, who was shrouded in fog.

You can make your own decisions on this kind of thing! Su Han said in a calm voice.

Aizen was not surprised. This was also an experiment for him, confirming the extremely high degree of autonomy given to them by the Parliament Speaker.

On the other side, Ying Zheng glanced at Lan Ran coldly and sighed inwardly, I was almost tricked by Lan Ran.

He was indeed careless this time and actually ignored the existence of the Speaker. Even if the Speaker rarely expresses his opinions, as long as he expresses his opinions, his will will be absolute in the foggy space.

Wait a minute! Weber suddenly thought something was wrong and stared at Ying Zheng seriously, Mr. Ying Zheng, you said you can reach Mount Tai tomorrow? This is a bit unreasonable. After all, the transportation conditions in ancient times where you live are limited. I’ll stay with you.”

Considering the traffic conditions during the Qin Dynasty, it was normal to walk for several months from Xianyang to Mount Tai.

Don't worry! Tony Stark spoke first, I have done many transactions with Ying Zheng before, helping them complete the most basic industrialization. At the same time, I also gave them some high-level technology!

Yes... I have already built a train here! And I have laid tracks on the road. Ying Zheng paused for a moment and continued, Of course, my trip to Mount Tai this time has nothing to do with the train. After all, the tracks are not there yet. To get there...the method I used was to fly in an autopilot that was traded directly from Mr. Tony Stark.”

Perhaps it will take three to five years before our world can independently develop the passenger aircraft he mentioned.

Ying Zheng obviously disliked his slow speed, but everyone else in the council was choked.

Conan hesitated to speak. Isn't your speed too slow? In a few years, even passenger planes will be built! You know, being able to manufacture passenger aircraft symbolizes an industrial level. This is close to modernity.

It took a hundred years for the modern world to develop to its current level. Are you preparing to leapfrog the industrialization process of the next hundred years in three to five years? Even with Tony Stark's assistance, it's too exaggerated.

Don't think too much. Tony Stark saw the doubts in other people's minds at a glance and said with a wry smile, In two or three years, Xianyang City may be able to reach a level close to modern times! But it's hard to say for other cities. ...Now he is just using all the power of the world to transform Xianyang.

Even this is terrifying. Whitebeard's eyes were deep.

But speaking of development, Yako Busujima looked at Whitebeard, Dad, how is the manufacturing of the shipyard you were mumbling about before?

It's not bad! Whitebeard laughed. Due to some special reasons, the Capital of Seven Waters has now been directly transferred to my command. The craftsmen inside digest the ship information! The digestion speed is very fast. Hurry, the first fleet has been delivered now.

I feel that in a month or two, I can make a deal with Tony Stark! Ask him for the next more advanced battleship.

The world government was destroyed, and the navy was afraid of Whitebeard's full expansion of power. Before Whitebeard made it clear and opened his face to them, it was not a big problem to get a capital of seven waters.

After all, it seems that Uchiha Madara and others are standing behind Whitebeard. Regardless of Whitebeard, we have to consider this power...

The power of No. 10 Uchiha Madara and others is too strong. It is really possible to reenact the scene of Marie Joa and even Cake Island... Let this power gather together and push down the entire Navy Headquarters. It will not be a big problem.

I'm looking forward to it! Tony Stark said softly, remembering the characteristics of the Devil Fruit, his eyes sparkled with an inexplicable luster.

By the way, Yuan Dagu suddenly thought of something and asked with concern, Mr. Stark, what are the many disasters in your world?

Everything that needs to be solved has been solved! I have already torn down the chessboard. Tony Stark smiled hoarsely, That guy Nick Fury knows that his home has become a Hydra bureau, so I have a wonderful expression. I still can’t forget it.”

By the way... I was planning to get the Space Stone, but Nick Fury was too defensive... Alas, I can only arrange it in advance! To prevent future New York wars.

Tony Stark looked a little melancholy. The saddest thing is that you clearly know how things will develop in the future, but you are unable to deal with it due to various restrictions.

Even if everything develops according to the original historical trajectory, you can definitely arrest Loki in advance! Conan pushed up his glasses and said in a serious voice, Without Loki causing trouble, a full-scale invasion of the alien fleet should be impossible. .”

Without Loki, there would be others. Tony Stark shook his head. He saw clearly, In the final analysis, Thanos wants the Space Stone! He will create everything to his advantage in order to get the Space Stone. conditions of.

Okay, let's not talk about these heavy topics. Yuan Dagu felt a little embarrassed and touched his nose, I just want to ask, how did you finalize your previous robot project?

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