Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 176 Ying Zheng’s decision, the road to Zen in Mount Tai (second update)

In the ninja world, words and money have something in common, right? Sawada Tsunayoshi said cautiously.

However, the culture of each country in the world is different. And the will they uphold is also different! Tony Stark said thoughtfully, For example, things like the will of stone and the will of fire.

Uchiha Madara fell into a brief silence. He recalled what Ying Zheng did, and then he looked enlightened and nodded slightly, I understand.

What needs to be planned most in the future is actually the ninja schools in each ninja village. Is there still a regular school education?

Uchiha Madara murmured to himself. Indeed, the children of each ninja village are the future. After their concepts are determined, they will grow up and regard other ninja villages as people of their own country... Coupled with the stability of Uchiha Madara as the center of the future ninja country, The battle between Ninja Village and Ninja Village can no longer be started.

Unify the world and confirm the strongest person in the world! Aizen said with a smile, Congratulations on successfully obtaining the qualifications for sacrifice.

Uchiha Madara ignored Aizen. The next moment, a heavy fog suddenly rose, and Ying Zheng's figure emerged from the fog.

Ying Zheng raised his head, stared at Su Han, and said in a steady voice, Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament, my world has collected all the sacrificial objects.

Now, I have basically determined the place of sacrifice! I will probably perform sacrifices at Mount Tai and communicate with heaven... The time is tomorrow. Excuse me, is there anything else I need to prepare?

No one spoke in the foggy space. Tony Stark stared at Ying Zheng in astonishment. Uchiha Madara frowned tightly, lowered his head, and said nothing.

Huang Rong turned her head thoughtfully and stared at the Parliament Speaker. He was as mysterious as ever, as if he had expected it.

He is truly worthy of being the Speaker of the Parliament. Huang Rong admired in her heart, maybe the progress of Ying Zheng's plan had always been within Su Han's control.

In fact, Su Han was a little surprised at this moment.

He confirmed that Ying Zheng's side was indeed ready through the divine power of the mist space. After careful consideration in his mind, and feeling that there was no problem, he said, The content of the sacrifice has always been like that! Just follow the steps.

Later, Su Han controlled No. 10 to speak for him, Ying Zheng, don't think that the sacrifice will definitely succeed! In other words, the possibility of failure of the sacrifice is greater... You must be prepared to deal with the follow-up!

After all, once the sacrifice fails, countless evil things may appear throughout the Qin Dynasty...just like the world of Codename Academy Apocalypse. It will be very troublesome to deal with the aftermath and restore peace.

The consequences Su Han mentioned were actually recorded in the sacrificial information Su Han gave them. Now it's just a matter of drawing it out and emphasizing it again.

The worst possible outcome of the sacrifice is the destruction of the world, and the sacrifice is unsuccessful, but after expelling the most powerful evil things, it does not mean that the world will be peaceful. There will be a large number of evil things scattered around the world, and it will be very difficult to eradicate...

The best example is the world of Academy Apocalypse. Although he has not gone through the sacrifice, the situation is very similar to the situation after the sacrifice failed. Evil things are everywhere...

Even after being purged by the members of the council, there are still a small number of evil things in the Academy Apocalypse world. It can only be said that the current Academy Apocalypse world is not such that you may die at any time while walking on the road.

I understand what you mean! So I have already made all preparations...prepared for the worst. Ying Zheng took a deep look at No. 10.

He took No. 10's words very seriously. After all, Number 10 is most likely the original evil god. Who would understand this kind of world invasion better than the evil god himself?

Taishan Fengchan! One of the emperor's highest achievements...huh? Huang Rong's pupils suddenly dilated as she thought of something extremely terrifying.

The world she was in seemed to have historical records of Mount Tai's enshrinement of Zen in ancient times... Does this mean that their ancient emperors actually launched a counterattack against the invasion of evil gods?

The reason why evil things are still invading their world now is because the counterattack failed.

Huang Rong's mind was shaken, and she suddenly felt that the very familiar history had now become unfamiliar. The world in her own family has become a bit incomprehensible to her.

Unable to think clearly, Huang Rong made a decision, In that case, we should become stronger as soon as possible! And then popularize the new martial arts.

The overall strength of the Chinese residents in the entire world is stronger. Even if there is a large-scale evil invasion in the future, and evil things bloom everywhere, they will eventually have a stronger counterattack against those powerful enemies.

Yes, Huang Rong has realized that the invasion of evil things is not her problem alone, but the whole world's problem.

After a brief deliberation, she took a deep look at Zhang Sanfeng. Could it be that Zhang Sanfeng's promotion of the new martial arts not only considered the issue of achievement, but also the issue of enhancing the self-protection ability of the people in the world.

It makes sense, after all, Zhang Sanfeng is the best player in the world, and he has already met the hard requirements. Promoting the new way of martial arts is indeed a bit unnecessary...and from this perspective, everything can be explained...

Then tomorrow, please give me a helping hand! Ying Zheng looked at the people present with a sincere voice. Without the help of the council members, he had no chance of resisting the strange invasion.

It's my job! Tony Stark said with a smile.

I'm not interested in participating in this mission! Aizen suddenly said.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and many people stared at Aizen with strange expressions, wondering why he made such a decision.

Strength! Aizen's voice continued as always, The more powerful you are, the more evil power you need to spend to make yourself stronger!

And the higher the world, the higher the level of the evil things that invade. The greater the progress gained by devouring them... But in the lower world, haha.

Aizen didn't say much, but his meaning couldn't be more obvious.

In fact, the reason why he came up with this idea was because the amount of evil power he obtained in Busujima Yako's world last time was too rare. It brought him little help.

What's more important is that the evil objects in the lower world bring back low-quality evil powers. This even negated his desire to add up to a small sum.

And in the case of no profit, Aizen was naturally not interested in it.

Is that so? Uchiha Madara looked strange and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

That might as well be like this, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly said, If the enemy you are facing is powerful and dangerous, then those in the council who feel they have the strength to complete the task will go up! If the enemy you are facing is of a lower level, then let the weaker members of the council go up.

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Huang Rong calmly and sighed inwardly. In this way, Huang Rong will have many opportunities to participate in missions in the future, right? This was the best he could do.

Of course, he didn't just propose it for Huang Rong... but also for other weak people in the council.

He wanted to use this to give them the opportunity to become stronger faster, instead of letting the possibility of becoming stronger be monopolized by the strong.

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