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Chapter 165 The truth about the innate Bagua map? The crystallization of wisdom in the past and pres

Zhang Mingxuan lowered his head and stopped talking, his body trembling. It's confirmed, Su Han is really a semi-saint...

Did this person actually hide something before? Even the God King is not his limit!

What is a semi-saint? It is a terrifying realm that is above the realm of Liuhe, with half of its foot buckled into the gate of the sage... This is the true reserve of the sage.

As long as they don't die, they will one day set foot in that mythical realm, because they already possess part of the essence of that realm.

Even in the Warring States period when strong men were like a forest and stars were shining brightly, the sages were transcendent and left their names in history as the first ancestors and supreme beings.

Su Han glanced out the window and said, Come here, there's a lot of noise.

Taikangzi's divine power was too dazzling before. If it weren't for the fact that he was just explaining his arrival to Su Han and had no hostility, I'm afraid the entire Jinling City would feel the pressure and tremble.

However, many students at Jinling University have undoubtedly attracted their attention again. After all, the God King came to the world not long ago... Naturally, they couldn't sense the difference between the breath of the God King and Taikangzi, and thought it was the reappearance of the God King.

Leave it to me! Zhang Mingxuan forced himself to calm down, retreated, and began to issue orders to prevent anyone from interfering with the communication between Su Han and Tai Kangzi.

Su Han and Tai Kangzi were the only two people left in the room.

Taking a long breath, Taikangzi stared at Su Han's cheek, without hesitation, he opened his palm, with a watch-like creation on it.

What is this? Su Han was a little confused.

Do you know the innate Bagua map of the Huaya Cultivation Association? Taikangzi asked softly.

Are you talking about the innate gossip that covers the whole country of Huaya, and as long as evil things appear, it is impossible to escape monitoring? Su Han is naturally familiar with it. After all, in the circle of practitioners, the reputation of Xiantian Bagua has been circulated for a long time, and it is almost a product like a national treasure.

Yes, Taikangzi's eyes were a little far-reaching, What do you think the innate Bagua diagram is?!

Su Han looked strange. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a glimpse of the future when he saw Se Baqi. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, The Xiantian Bagua Diagram is...wait, is it actually a supercomputer?

Huh? Taikangzi's expression changed for the first time. He looked at Su Han up and down with a frown, and finally stared closely at Su Han's eyebrows. Time... magical power? But the senses are different.

Taikangzi apparently mistook Su Han's prediction of the future at the peak of his knowledge for the magical power of time. However, this cannot be wrong. After all, after the integration, all the strange abilities can indeed be regarded as the alien magical powers of Su Han.

...When I communicated with others before! They all said that the innate Bagua Diagram was a formation diagram, or a magic weapon passed down from ancient times. Su Han was filled with emotion.

The reason why he had this misunderstanding was naturally because he was led astray by Li Huo.

Although Li Huo was far inferior to Su Han in strength, Su Han knew all about the cultivation world through Li Huo.

After all, human science and technology is also progressing now. Taikangzi looked distant, a little happy, but also a little melancholy. Although science and technology has been developed for a hundred years, it has indeed accomplished many things that cannot be accomplished through cultivation! The formation maps of the major cities in Huaya, There is also the network that covers the entire Huaya...these are the tentacles of the Tai Chi Bagua Diagram.

And the Tai Chi Bagua Diagram itself is the highest-tech product with the formation diagram engraved on it.

So! Su Han stared closely at the watch in Tai Kangzi's hand.

Yes! Taikangzi also showed off his wrist, which was also wearing a watch. This watch can directly communicate with the supercomputer codenamed Xiantian Bagua Tu... It has extremely high authority. It can even issue some commands to it. .”

Of course, the reason why I brought it here is because if you want to change the formation diagram of an entire city, you cannot do without the help of the innate Bagua Diagram. Tai Kangzi threw the watch directly into Su Han's hands, And this is the media .”

I'm really flattered that you trust me so much. Su Han sensed it through what he saw, and confirmed that it was indeed a computer watch. There were no other problems, and he immediately put it away.

My intuition tells me that you may be a good guy! Taikangzi pointed at his forehead, and then laughed, Don't think that I am a hot-tempered guy! The old man's magical power is the natural way of Taoism... …Strictly speaking, old intuition is never wrong.”

Of course, although I trust you... but now your watch only has the permission to modify the Jinling Formation! I believe you have sense. It is a good thing that the Jinling Formation has been greatly improved, but no matter how bad the situation is, I also hope that the Jinling Formation Don't let the effect diminish... Taikangzi's voice was very serious, and after a brief pause, it softened.

Of course, if it succeeds, I can hold a gathering of cultivators to discuss gathering the authority to transform the array in Huaya, and then hand it over to you.

Don't worry about this! Su Han was noncommittal. He was not surprised by Taikangzi's decision. In other words, he was surprised that Taikangzi trusted him so much.

At least if Su Han was put in Taikangzi's position, it would be impossible for him to trust a young god king who suddenly appeared... It can only be said that Taikangzi was very convinced of the results of his magical powers.

After casually chatting with Su Han for a few words, Taikangzi said goodbye, I came to Jinling this time, and I have some official business to do... After all, it is a rare time to get out of seclusion, and the problems left over these years have to be dealt with... Jinling is just First stop. We should go to other provincial capitals in two days!

Tomorrow, I hope you can spare some time! Go to a place with me. Taikangzi paused for a moment, his expression a little cold, a little melancholy, and a little sad.

Su Han saw the scene of the future and knew what Taikangzi was going to say next. A look of surprise appeared on his face, Are you going to tell me tomorrow...the truth about the cracks in the sky?

Taikangzi paused and stared at Su Han silently, The ability to predict the future! It's really exceptional. Anyway...since you know it well, I won't say more.

After cupping his hands in front of Su Han, Taikangzi flicked his Taoist robe, turned around and left in the form of a startling rainbow.

After Su Han thought briefly, he sat cross-legged on the bed and stared at the direction Taikangzi left. He could feel through what he saw and heard that the president of the Huaya Cultivation Association had no ill intentions towards him.

But this person is too mysterious. If it weren't for his strong sense of knowledge and the strong detection ability of the Samsara Eye, I am afraid that when the two parties communicated before, the rhythm of the words would have been completely grasped by the other party...

That situation would be too bad. He was completely seen through by the other party, but he couldn't see through the other party...

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