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Chapter 164 King Su Shen... actually had something to hide last time! (Second update)

Aizen was even thinking, among the tiny star particles that make up the constellation... are there any particles that actually gave birth to life?

What if this was a real evolving universe! The possibility of such a thing is not only possible, but also very high.

Gu Xun'er's eyes were deep, a different world... and an endless starry sky! Even when she recalled the various records in her family's library, she did not have a detailed analysis of them. After hearing the discussion of this extraordinary group of people in the parliament, she suddenly woke up.

Compared to the endless and deep starry sky, compared to the vast and unknown world... even as powerful as Dou Di is incomparably insignificant and not worth mentioning.

Gu Xun'er was quite uninterested, and she suddenly had a clear understanding in her heart, and she smiled bitterly. When you are too weak, you know and see too much... This is not a good thing.

Youyou sighed, her figure turned into mist and disappeared from where she was.

At the same time, Su Han opened his eyes in the real world. He naturally listened to the discussion of the council members and fell into thinking.

I used the power of the evil god to strengthen myself to the peak of the primary realm of the Four Symbols... This realm is to warm and nourish the spine and the big keel! The corresponding one is the Azure Dragon... so the Azure Dragon constellation in the starry sky is also evolving?

In other words, if I break through to other small realms, the constellations will undergo similar evolutions? Su Han tapped his fingers on the table. He used to think that drastic changes would occur in the foggy space when he broke through to a big realm.

But now...even if I break through the small realm, will the mist space also undergo corresponding changes?

I don't know what drastic changes will happen to the foggy space if I break through to the Five Elements realm. Su Han's eyes flashed with anticipation.

In the next moment, Su Han's expression became solemn, his pupils turned into samsara eyes, and at the same time, he pushed forward the Haki of Knowledge with all his strength. After the integration of the already advanced level of knowledge and color Haki, it became indescribably stronger.

It is not difficult for Su Han to see the future briefly, and if he thinks about it, the entire Jinling City is within the scope of his sight and color monitoring.

A very powerful guy! Su Han murmured. He felt a deep and dangerous aura.

You know, it is quite incredible that he can still feel danger with his current strength. Of course, he did not have any fighting spirit, because this dangerous aura was accompanied by an aura that he felt was somewhat familiar.

Zhang Mingxuan, Su Han stood up, he was thoughtful, So, this guy should be...

As soon as the words fell, extremely terrifying divine energy fluctuations erupted, just like a great sun rising in Jinling University. It is not an attack or oppression, but an act of announcing one's own arrival. Do it openly to show that you have no malicious intent.

Come in! Su Han said nothing, but the powerful fluctuations of his soul revealed his meaning.

The void trembled and was torn apart, and two slender figures instantly appeared in Su Han's room.

Standing in front is an old man. His waist was straight, his hair was pale, and his face was full of wrinkles, but there was a terrifying vitality in his movements. Su Han felt that this temperament looked familiar... After thinking about it for a while, he realized it.

This is an aura similar to that of Zhang Sanfeng, a kind of freedom and detachment in the state of mind, a kind of spirit that has been naturally cultivated by being invincible for a long time and can tolerate all things in the world.

King Su Shen! Zhang Mingxuan bowed slightly to Su Han, then looked at the old man beside him, a touch of admiration rose in his eyes, and he said in a trembling voice, This man may be a bit unfamiliar to you, he is...

Taikangzi! The old man suddenly spoke. He stared at Su Han closely. Although his expression was very calm, there seemed to be a trace of surprise deep in his pupils. I am Taikangzi from the Huaya Cultivation Association.

This time, I was abrupt! I didn't offer a congratulatory gift...the newly promoted Half-Saint!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly solidified. Zhang Mingxuan was just about to make the introduction when he heard Tai Kangzi's words, which was like a blow to the head. He was stiff for a long time, then tremblingly turned his head to stare at Su Han, and finally turned to stare at Taikangzi.

Chief...this is the new King Su Shen! I told you before. Zhang Mingxuan stammered.

I know, Tai Kangzi smiled and nodded. Although he was talking to Zhang Mingxuan, his eyes were fixed on Su Han from beginning to end. I also know that the technology he traded to Yanjing College is currently the Nuclear fusion technology that caused a huge sensation in the world. A scientific wizard beyond imagination.

Taikangzi seemed to have thought of something interesting, and suddenly laughed, Many people moved the hidden stakes placed in the cultivation association, wanting to know the specific information about this scientific genius...

Speaking of which, even if I don't hide anything, they really find out the information and know that this technological wizard is the new God King! They will probably think that this is a fake news created by me. At the same time, in terms of technology and cultivation Such profound attainments…unheard of.”

I don't understand what you are talking about. Su Han raised his eyebrows. He sensed danger from the person in front of him, although it didn't mean that he would fail in a fight between the two. But this was indeed the first dangerous existence he sensed since traveling through time.

He knew very well that the other party had seen part of his true identity, and his voice was calm, I am just a cultivator of the Four Symbols Realm now.

I understand too! Taikangzi nodded, with deep eyes, The realm of the Four Symbols! The body of a god king, the blood of a god king, the soul of a god king... and the divine power of a semi-saint.

Zhang Mingxuan stared at Su Han blankly, his worldview shattered once again. Taikangzi's status in his heart was too high, so he would not question what Taikangzi said.

But... Su Han is only in the Four Symbols realm?

Indeed, if it is the realm of Four Symbols, given Su Han's age, although he can still be called a genius with a natural appearance, it is still understandable. Because in the past, there have been peerless geniuses of this level who surpassed an entire era.

But what the hell is a body, blood, soul, at the level of a god king? The three of them, Jing, Qi and Shen, have climbed to the pinnacle of Liuhe together. If there is no way forward, they can be called the God King. The person in front of me actually climbed to the top in two ways? The last one... actually broke the Half-Saint!

Have you ever seen me in this situation? Su Han heard the implication of Taikangzi's words and was a little surprised.

Taikangzi still looked casual and said calmly, For us, state is not the essence of measurement!

In ancient times, there were also methods of specializing in the secret realm. For example, specializing in the one-dimensional realm led to the achievement of ancient sages. Although this kind of cultivation of the single-minded realm has great limitations... But in general, there are cases in your situation.

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