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Chapter 166 The arrival of two new members of Mist (fourth update)

The first confrontation is a draw. Su Han raised his eyebrows. He touched his eyes, thinking about the information he had seen from Taikangzi before, and whispered, What a scary old man.

Su Han had just peeked out that Taikangzi's divine energy strength and soul strength were both at the semi-saint level. Only his body is still at the peak of Liuhe realm.

In terms of hard power, Taikangzi surpassed Su Han. Of course, it's still the same sentence, hard power is hard power, but it's another matter when it comes to fighting.

After all, Su Han had too many tricks, and in the final analysis... only a small part of the power of light in his body had awakened. Only by incarnating or summoning Diga can the power of light be driven to the maximum extent.

What Su Han shows now is far from his ultimate combat power.

Friday...check this watch for me to see if there is any problem!

I have monitored it, and there is basically no problem! However, it has basic positioning functions. Do you need me to block it? Friday's voice was calm.

Then let's block it. Su Han weighed it and waited until Friday to confirm that there was no problem, then buckled it on his wrist. Immediately, he made Friday separate a sub-body and integrated it into this watch.

Originally, Su Han was still thinking about whether to take a peek at the Xiantian Bagua at the Huaya headquarters on Friday... Then, he was very embarrassed to find that the watch itself had the highest authority for the Xiantian Bagua.

The formation map is a valuable weapon of Huaya and should not be touched lightly. To change the formation diagram, I am afraid that not even ten people in Huaya may have such rights. This is the same even if it is just a formation map in Jinling.

After Su Han pondered for a moment, he nodded, Since you trust me so much! Then I can't be stingy.

He came to Friday's main computer and started typing on the keyboard and inputting a lot of information, all of which he had deduced during the Month of Cultivation.

On Friday, summarize this information! And combine it with the information about Jinling that you have peeked into, and extend it to a set of formations that are most suitable for the current Jinling. Is there no problem?

No problem! Friday's voice did not waver at all. Now I have contacted the Innate Bagua Map through my watch. I can even use the calculation power of the Innate Bagua Map to a certain extent to easily download the overall map and array layout of Jinling. ...However, based on the current situation, it will take at least three days to deduce the results.”

It's up to you! Su Han lay on the bed. Although he had previously shown Zhang Mingxuan and the others a formation diagram based on Jinling, that formation diagram was largely derived from the information Su Han sensed through seeing, hearing and coloring. The level of distortion is too high.

And now, since it is possible to download the Jinling Formation Diagram through the Xiantian Bagua Diagram and re-deduce it as a whole, then it is natural to re-deduce it again... Anyway, it is not Su Han's trouble. This kind of thing can be entrusted to Friday.

Closing his eyes, Su Han entered the misty space.

In the Mist Hall, gray fog rises, mysterious and unpredictable, as if it has never changed.

Zhang Sanfeng sat there with a calm face. After a few breaths, he suddenly raised his head and stared in the direction of the Cultivation Moon, with a touch of relief in his eyes.

Huang Rong walked out of it, sat on her seat, and complained, It's too hard... I have been practicing there for three whole months! I feel like my whole body is about to become useless due to cultivation.

During the month of cultivation, there is nothing. Although you don’t feel hungry, staying there for a long time will cause great psychological discomfort. This time Huang Rong went in and lasted three months. Even she was surprised that she had such perseverance.

You've been complaining about it for three months? Tony Stark rolled his eyes and said with some disdain, Then what should I say to someone who has been studying in it for a year or two?

Huang Rong was speechless. Conan pushed up his glasses and said coldly, I'm a little suspicious that you may have brought some electronic games or something in there! After research, use those entertainment things...

In this way, don't say you stay there for a year! Even if you stay there for ten or eight years, you don't need to worry about mental problems.

Have you ever used a similar method? Tony Stark immediately cheered up.

No, Conan shook his head very calmly, Go in and practice! It's not just physical fitness. It's also about spirit and perseverance. If you bring leisure and entertainment things in, the effect of training your spirit and toughness will be much weaker. .”

Conan is a smart man. He knows very well that Tony Stark went there to study technology. In this case, leisure is nothing, but practicing domineering is itself a battle with himself. There is no room for slackness and luck.

Amazing! Whitebeard praised, I'm afraid you're not far from the beginning of domineering.

Actually, I've already started to learn Haki with knowledge, but I'm always a little behind in Armed Haki. Conan clenched his fists and suddenly smiled bitterly, If it was Xiaolan or Kyogoku who really joined... I'm afraid they would have long ago Have you already developed your own armed color Haki?

Compared with those monster-like martial arts, Conan felt that his talent in close combat was too weak.

Actually, I personally feel, Weber said cautiously, Mr. Conan is completely unable to reach his full potential by practicing Haki! He should practice other things.

Oh? Conan's eyes suddenly lit up, Brother Weber, what do you say?

...Everyone knows everything, so you don't need to say big brother to me. Weber shuddered subconsciously.

I'm sorry... I'm used to it in the real world. Conan smiled awkwardly.

Weber didn't hesitate much and spoke in a low voice, I think, with Mr. Conan's special physique, you should practice curse-type spells. I think your talent in this area is very effective! If you really practice it, you might be able to master it. Whoever thinks of it will die.

Weber has now finished watching Conan, and when he looks at Conan now, he always feels a little in awe. Although he knew it was impossible, he had a wrong feeling... One day, serial murders would occur in the foggy space with Conan at the scene. Of course, the most important thing is that Weber is afraid that he will become a victim of a serial murder...

In his eyes, Conan was obviously a very good curse master Miaozi, so why did he have to learn melee techniques?

The expectation on Conan's face gradually solidified, and he lay on the bronze chair and said feebly, How many times do I have to say it? I was just lucky enough to come across those cases... The occurrence of those cases really had nothing to do with me. relation.

So, the mysterious death omen card extracted from your body before! Was it just an accident? Tony Stark said quietly.

Conan choked. What should I do if I can't refute it at all?

The fog rose, and Su Han's figure appeared directly on the bronze throne. He looked at the foggy space as always and nodded slightly.

But before he could speak, he suddenly discovered that there were two more free bronze chairs, and mist was rising... A new person was coming.

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