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Chapter 163 Is No. 10 the chairman of the parliament’s reserve? (first update)

I was discovered by you! Yuan Dagu was not surprised and nodded seriously, Although GUTS also has top experts in electronic information... But it is impossible for me to reveal my true identity as Diga to them. So we can only seek help from the parliament.”

Actually, I think it doesn't matter if you say it or not. A hint of speechlessness appeared on Sawada Tsunayoshi's face.

I think so too. Xiaozhi said carelessly, Mr. Dagu, didn't you reveal your identity at the end of Ultraman Tiga? GUTS didn't secretly kill you.

No! Xiaozhi, Sawada...you think too simply! Tony Stark suddenly spoke. He became serious, his eyes swept across the audience, and his voice was serious.

Never try to test the dark side of human nature... It is possible that the GUTS personnel will treat Dagu the same as before after learning his identity. But what about the others?

It is precisely because he is a researcher and has experienced the darkest human nature that Tony Stark has a very deep understanding of this.

He warned in the parliament, It is very likely that someone with more power than the director will take action against Dagu!

His original historical trajectory made it so easy to live a happy life. One reason is that his identity was not exposed to a large extent, and someone helped him deliberately conceal it. The other reason is that he is a hero who saves the world after all... The most important thing is that Dagu had already It’s no longer Ultraman. The research value has been greatly reduced!”

There was a long silence.

Actually, you don't need to discuss it anymore, Yuan Dagu has obviously made up his mind, Unless I have to, I will not consider exposing my identity for the time being.

Su Han stared at the group of people in front of him silently and nodded inwardly. Yuan Dagu's decision was correct. After all, there are many people who spy on Ultraman's power.

But Su Han didn't say anything. As soon as he had a thought, his figure turned into mist and disappeared.

The Speaker of the Parliament has left. Ying Zheng stared at the empty bronze chair with an incomprehensible tone.

Maybe to save the endless world, or maybe to hunt again. Tony Stark said softly. He glanced at No. 10, who also disappeared, and smiled bitterly, Sometimes I really doubt... No. 10. Will this guy be a reserve for the Speaker of Parliament?”

Sawada Tsunayoshi coughed violently. The food reserve was so... that he didn't even know what to say.

Especially when thinking of No. 10's own incredible power, his emotions became even more complicated...

It's normal, Conan said seriously after thinking for a moment, Don't humans often have the habit of raising pigs and cattle and sheep? Although they are used as backup food, it is not easy to develop feelings. Slaughter it.”

I think... the relationship between the Speaker of the Parliament and No. 10 is very likely to be like this.

No wonder I always felt that the atmosphere between No. 10 and the Speaker of Parliament was weird in the past. It's not like a god facing his own god at all! Whitebeard rubbed his chin, his expression became weird. The amount of information contained in this matter is too great. He even vaguely understood at this moment why the parliament president had so many evil gods as subordinates in the past...

Even if No. 10 is not here now, the parliament president has also left! Isn't it wrong for you to say this? Busujima Yako stared at the group of people in front of him silently.

After a brief silence, Conan looked at Tony Stark, Mr. Stark... you seem to have discovered something extraordinary before?

So be it. After a brief silence, Tony Stark did not hide anything, and pointed in the direction of the Azure Dragon constellation, Before, I discovered the Azure Dragon constellation! It has undergone tremendous changes, and its size has become even larger... …At the same time, the form has also changed slightly.”

I'm a little doubtful... whether the Azure Dragon Constellation came to life at that moment. Or rather! One day in the future, he will come to life.

Tony Stark stopped talking. He smiled bitterly and shook his head, This is also impossible. I should be overthinking it!

That's not the case. Accelerator suddenly spoke, his voice calm, I can tell you very clearly that the size of the Azure Dragon Constellation has indeed become huge! There are probably millions more tiny star particles in it... Of course, these Although the star particles look pitifully small, they most likely correspond to the stars in our world.

The powerful computing power allows Accelerator to see more things than Tony Stark. More importantly... its degree of realism is indeed much higher than before. It is more vivid than before... In one word To sum it up, is there more divinity?

After saying the word divinity, Accelerator realized it later and his expression changed several times. He just subconsciously uttered this word, but now that he thinks about it...it's terrifying to think about it.

Not only Accelerator, but also the expressions of many people present changed slightly, and some even turned their heads to look at other strange constellations.

The Azure Dragon constellation has changed, doesn't that mean that in the future... other constellations may also undergo great changes?

Wow... is this vivid dragon, as well as the weird, various, mythical beast-like beings next to it, made up of particles with the concept of stars? Xiaoyu's eyes sparkled, although there were She didn't understand many things, but she still said from the bottom of her heart, It's amazing.

That, Weber raised his hand silently and carefully looked at everyone present. His sense of existence has always been low, but at this moment he made very valuable suggestions, I have some doubts that these constellations may actually turn into life when they evolve to the end.

Even... I'm thinking, are those constellations in our real world that we name Sagittarius! Cancer... maybe they are actually living beings with their own consciousness?

And now, these constellations in the foggy space are evolving in this direction...

Weber had this idea mainly because Gaia and Alaya existed in his world.

Since the planet itself can produce consciousness, then the constellation itself composed of countless stars also has consciousness... Is this normal?

No one spoke anymore, Aizen's pupils dilated and his mind was shaken.

This incident completely subverted his three views... He recalled the vastness of the sky and stars, and suddenly felt his own insignificance. I also further realized the greatness of the Speaker...

Treat the prototype of the universe as a foggy space, put them in the perspective of gods, and hold a meeting in this situation...

And in this case, the universe is not dead, and time is not frozen... it is still alive, evolving at an unimaginable speed...

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