Split Sky Rider

Chapter 227 - Meet the eldest sister

Chen Fei waved his hand.

Hana BOSS covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

Mr. Tough Guy, you should be more serious and hold on for a second or two, but it doesn't matter if you punch him lightly.

Miko Takano's eyes flickered back and forth between the bearded man and Chen Fei. How could the bearded man lying on the ground, twitching, be like this?

Isn't it because of physical illness?

Veteran driver Claude Hughes shook his head. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

I thought there was a good fight between dragons and tigers to watch, but...that's it?

A little shabby military contractor like this is not worth the trip.

Hana Gagel sighed and said, Rookie, wake him up!

There are still things that the bearded man needs to do, but he can't stay fainted like this.

I poured a glass of water from the drinking machine and poured it on directly.

Hot, hot, hot...

The salted fish lay flat and turned into a carp. The beard jumped up immediately and he rubbed his face so hard that it turned red.

If it hadn't been for the big beard that couldn't block it, I would probably have been burned quite a bit.

It's obviously cold water!

Chen Fei looked at the mug in his hand and then at the drinking machine.

The bearded man said with a bitter look on his face: The drinking machine is broken!

This unlucky guy would be burned to death even if his face was poured with cold water.

It seems that the economic situation of Blood Jianghu is not optimistic!

Hana Gagel laughed, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the entire office. Many things further confirmed her guess.

Including the veneer black walnut screen behind him, he is not pretending to be cool, but he is really poor!

The bearded man held on and said: Hu, nonsense!

The subordinate with the mohawk hair handcuffed behind his back struggled to twist his body on the ground and said in disbelief: Boss, is it really that difficult?

The bearded man said firmly: No, it's nothing!

His exaggerated movements and demeanor, as well as his panicked tone, all revealed the guilty conscience of someone who is strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Even a fool can hear something is wrong.

The man with a tattoo of Hakki Yakou on his body asked with a cry: Is it really impossible?

Chen Fei looked at the BOSS in confusion. Everyone is a small military contractor. How come you are so rich?

Don't compare me to this little piece of trash!

As if she guessed what Chen Fei was thinking, Hana Gagel waved her hand contemptuously.

After all, the Gagel family participated in the founding of Tianqi Defense Group. Even if they withdraw now, the resources and connections they have are not comparable to those of these small street gangsters who maintain a bleak business by picking up leftovers.

It's very bad!

Takano Miko shook her head. It was such a failure for the other party to be the boss.

No, it's nothing!

The bearded general manager felt as if his backbone had been ripped out. He lowered his head slumped and murmured to himself in a low voice.

I can hold on for another half month at most.

If he wasn't really desperate, he wouldn't be like a scavenging vulture, targeting the Jiu Defense Company, trying to steal some small benefits from the big guys to keep the Blood Jianghu Security Company afloat.

Half a month?

All the men looked at each other with tears in their eyes, and finally became dejected in unison.

I'm tired. There's no hope. Let's finish it now!

I originally thought that although the company was in a slump, it would at least be able to sustain itself, but I didn't expect that it was already in such difficulty. It was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, and people like them would lose their jobs at any time.

Nowadays, the exams in all walks of life are very powerful. It is better to have a certain skill, but it is difficult for these fighting men. After reaching thirty, their physical strength and energy have declined significantly. Most of them have various old injuries, and some even Carrying a family, looking forward and backward in doing things, and becoming conservative and cautious. They are far less daring and courageous than the young people who have just entered the industry. Once they leave their familiar environment and want to find the same job again, they will become Extremely difficult.

It's really no fun at all, let's go!

Hana Gagel completely lost interest, shook her head, and stood up.

A group of guys who have lost their fighting spirit, they look like donkey dung eggs at best. If they had known better, they wouldn't have put in the effort.

Within half a month at most, the other party will naturally go bankrupt and dissolve and cease to exist.


The little bird flew from the desk and landed on Chen Fei's father's shoulder.

With the machine gun in his hand again, Chen Fei untied the handcuffs on the backs of the cuffed guys one by one. Those who were locked in the small room downstairs would naturally be rescued by their own people, so there was no need to worry.

Then Hana and her group prepared to evacuate.

Before, I just wanted to teach them a lesson, but now it seems that the other party is not even qualified to let them take action.


When Hana Gagel just walked out of the gate of the small courtyard of the Xuejianghu Security Company's stronghold, she heard a loud roar from behind her.

please wait a while!

Chen Fei immediately turned around, took a diagonal step, and protected Hana Gagel and others behind him.

Small weapons are ineffective against him, so he can serve as a qualified human shield.

With a general machine gun pointed at him, the bearded guy in a white suit who rushed down from the stairs quickly stopped and knelt on the ground with a plop, grabbing the ground with his head.

Miss Hana, please give us a bite of food!

Several people in the small building were looking around, and they all let out shrill screams when they saw what happened.

Ah! No, boss!

Stand up, don't kneel to that woman!

The worst case scenario is that I quit, boss, get up!

Boss, I'm moving bricks. Isn't it okay to move bricks?

Yes, if you have arms and legs, you can always survive.

The men at Xuejianghu Security Company were almost crying.

How can a man kneel to others casually when he has gold at his knees?

When did a group of talented murderers with arms that could run horses actually fall to the point where they had to beg for food from a woman? This was something that had never been imagined before.

Miss, please give us old brothers a bite to eat!

The bearded man still buried his head on the ground, his burly body trembling slightly, but he had no intention of getting up from the beginning to the end.

What he was kneeling on was not Hana Gagar, but the social reality that had been involuted to the extreme.

Hana Gagel turned to Chen Fei and smiled slightly.

The bloody men rushed out of the small building and helped their boss, the bearded man in a white suit, to his feet.

Oh Well!

Boss, boss, why are you doing this!

If I end up homeless, I'll always stutter.

Don't do this! It's not worth it!

Some of them glared at Hana Gagar and others, perhaps feeling that these defensive people forced their boss to do such a groveling act, and even if they could win their people, they might not be able to win their hearts.

Chen Fei stared at these guys expressionlessly. As long as the boss gave the order, he would pull the trigger without hesitation and kill them like rivers of blood.

The bearded man broke away from his men, bowed respectfully to Hana Gagel, and said with a smile: Thank you, miss, thank you, miss!

As soon as he turned around, his face immediately became serious.

What are you doing? You all think your wings are hardened. You are the old man with a herniated lumbar disc. Are you lifting the bricks, or are the bricks moving you? And you, Rosim, has your child gone to school? What about the tuition fees? What about the fees for interest classes? Are your whole family drinking the northwest wind? Who said you were homeless just now? Arrest you as a blind drifter and send you back to Africa. Go eat grass roots and gnaw tree barks! And you, don’t Not convinced...

The general manager of Xuejianghu Security Company returned to Beard's style. Wherever he was criticized, every one of his subordinates lowered their heads involuntarily, and some even started sobbing.

They are not afraid of bloodshed, sacrifice, or losing honor. They are afraid of starvation. Even if they are not afraid of starvation, they are still afraid of their family being deprived of food and clothing. Although very few people actually get married and have children, because once you have a family, you will have a bond. , it is difficult to adapt to the life and death battle on the front line.

But except for killing, these killers have almost nothing to do. What they hope most is to take bullets for rich people and collect insurance pensions.

...What else do you want to say?

The bearded man glared at these useless guys.

There was a lot of excitement just now, but now, like a big cock that has been strangled by the neck, every bird is silent and unable to raise its head.

The boss has made such a big sacrifice for them. If I don't understand it anymore, I will be very sorry for the boss's painstaking efforts.

Since you have nothing to say, just shout with me, hello to the eldest sister!

The bearded man turned around and smiled humbly at Hana Gargel.

A group of rough men said feebly in unison: Greetings, eldest sister!

The man with cheeks turned his head and yelled: You haven't had enough to eat, so shout again!

Greetings, eldest sister!

This time, the energy was finally deafening, and there was a little bit of atmosphere.

They are just a group of mourning soldiers who have lost their honor. It is already very good to be able to reach this level. There is really no way to ask for too much.

Hana Gagel looked at everyone and said with a smile: Please call me General Manager Hana, I like you to call me this!

Anyway, if you lose face once, you will lose it twice, and if you lose face again, you will lose it again. The big men in the bloody world roared in unison with great momentum.

Meet General Manager Hana!

Even though the name has been changed to a serious name, it still feels like the same thing as before.

It's not very credible for them to be like this, right?

Chen Fei carefully reminded BOSS that although Jiu Defense was small, it could not accept everyone.

Nowadays, people in the company have basically experienced sharing life and death, sharing joys and sorrows, and sharing wealth and wealth. It is hard to say the same thing about the new people who have joined.

Hana Gagar had already made a plan and said confidently: It doesn't matter, start from the periphery first. If you want better treatment, work hard for it. If you don't want to do it, leave as soon as possible. I will do the same. If you don’t keep it, it’s impossible to become a master.”

When Jiu Defense was first established, there was naturally a shortage of manpower, and some people were always needed to do some miscellaneous and auxiliary work.

She could totally afford the meager wages of dozens of people.

Hana Gagel turned her head, looked at the old driver, and asked: Claude, do you have any other work to do next?

The veteran driver, Claude Hughes, was startled, then realized what he was doing, caressing his chest and nodded, Anyway, I've been idle recently, and I'm very happy to serve General Manager Hana.

That's good. I'll leave this group of people in Blood Jianghu to you. Help me take care of them for at least half a year. If there are other things, please notify me one month in advance and train successors by the way. I may use them.

Hana Gagar immediately made it clear.

No problem, BOSS!

Claude Hughes immediately falls into his role.

He has already cooperated with Hana Gagoldo and has even participated in many team actions. This in-depth cooperation is completely logical.


On Saturday, there is only one update. The three meals in the morning, lunch and evening took a total of six hours. Suddenly, I had an inexplicable allergy. My whole body and scalp were itchy, and then black blood bubbles appeared on the inside of my lips. I had not rested well, and my immunity was weak. Today, the little guy knocked his head off and blood gushed out. Alas, the boy got another medal.

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