Split Sky Rider

Chapter 226 - Literary or armed fight

On the third floor of Xuejianghu Security Company, there is the general manager's office.

The high-pitched and harsh siren became the only background sound on the screen, which further highlighted the tension and chaos in the smoke-filled scene. Even the host who was broadcasting was speechless for a moment.

A tall building collapsed into a pile of ruins in full view of everyone.

Fortunately, there were only two people dead and nearly a hundred injured. The employees of Tianqi Defense Group who barely survived were crying and crying. They couldn't do this job. They were not soldiers and did not want to wander on the edge of life and death.

A guy covered in Hyakki Yakou tattoos looked away from the screen, gestured with the tactical dagger in his hand, and said in an extremely exaggerated tone: Hey! Hey! The headquarters of Apocalypse Defense actually made people proud. It's really hard to believe. Believe it.

Such a tall building! Tianqi's defense is so useless.

A guy with a mohawk and a machete brandished a machete. It seemed that the performance of the veteran military contractor had disappointed him.

Wake up, everyone! Tianqi Defense is not that weak. This is a tough situation. Wait, there will be big news in the circle soon. When a chicken dies and a chicken crows, I don't know which one will step on it. Take Tianqi’s defense to the top.”

Not all the people present are martial artists with brains and muscles, but there are still people who understand.

In the north corner of the large room, behind a high-end desk facing north and south, a bearded man in a white suit said solemnly: Maybe it was done by people from Mayman Brothers. The last corporate war almost made them... If you don’t come to Taiwan, this time it might be revenge. After all, Tianqi Defense is not a vegetarian. A small defense company like ours, Blood Jianghu, can’t beat people to the ground.”

Behind him, there is a walnut screen with a yellow silk background filled with red calligraphy, and the handwriting is as red as blood, dragons and phoenixes dancing in the air.

Soldiers are important matters of the country, the place of life and death, and the path to survival. We must observe them...

He was actually a fan of Sun Wuzi, the sage of military strategists.

Speaking of which, what's going on with Jiu Defense? If Tianqi Defense hadn't secretly taken action, we probably wouldn't have had the chance to take action. Well, I haven't heard from the female general manager for a while.

The general manager of Xuejianghu Security Company, a bearded man in a white suit suddenly showed an improper smile.

The other people in the office immediately knew what he meant, and they all laughed weirdly.

If we know where that old woman is hiding, we will kill her and capture her to make her the boss's wife. Hey, with the boss's wisdom and prowess, maybe we can get both people and wealth, and our bloody world will be reborn in no time. What do you think? Yes or no?

You can have this, it's easy to say!

Don't talk nonsense.

The bearded man in a white suit behind the executive desk pretended to be calm, but he couldn't suppress the snickering at the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps he has been caught a long time ago, and he is just about to die!

Bah, you, this guy, you have nothing nice to say and deserve to be beaten!

Maybe he has already established a relationship with a top boss and will make a high-profile comeback soon.

That's true. There is a ready-made air support base, a combat team that can fight, and there is no shortage of supplies. We do have the capital to negotiate with the big boss.

If I had known, it would have been better to strike first!

A voice suddenly sounded outside the office door.

It's not too late to make a move now, Xiaojiu, say hello!


Just as everyone's eyes turned to the door involuntarily, a dazzling light burst out instantly.

my eyes!

Flash bomb!


The office was filled with howling ghosts and wolves, and none of the heroes who had just been spared were spared.

Directly saving one incapacitating bomb.

Cuff them all, then kneel down!

A one-eyed woman wearing an eyepatch walked in casually. It was Hana Gagel, the general manager of Jiu Defense Company, who these crooked guys were talking about.

Then came Miko Takano, who was making a hand gesture, and veteran driver Claude Hughes. The latter was good at special reconnaissance and was naturally good at close combat.

Chen Fei, who was holding a general-purpose machine gun, stood guard at the door, with Xiao Jiu standing on his shoulders and jumping up and down happily.

Just now, Boss Hana, along with Miko Takano and Claude Hughes, made a surprise attack with their bare hands. As if they were in an uninhabited land, they knocked down dozens of people in one go and went straight to the general manager's office of the Blood River Security Company.

Blood Jianghu Security Company is one of several small military contractors that looks down on Peeping Chiu Defense Company. It doesn’t even have a military base. It relies on picking up small tasks and defrauding laymen to survive. If you want to make big money, you have no chance. , also does not have enough strength.

The opponent's stronghold happened to be also in Chara City. After Hana and others completed the defense of Apocalypse, after a while, they were hunting rabbits in the grass. Every time they caught one, they counted it as one, so they conveniently gave up this little minion. Done it together.

Except for the people in the general manager's office, everyone else was knocked unconscious, tied up one by one, and thrown into an empty room, unable to get out for a while.

So, when Hana Gargel showed up outside the opponent's office door, it was almost the final battle.

As a small military contractor, Xuejianghu Security Company's performance was completely unfavorable and vulnerable. It actually had the nerve to laugh at Tianqi Defense Company. It was really shameless.

It's really useless!

Takano Meiko rubbed her wrist, and she was completely unsatisfied from the strong push all the way from Apocalypse Defense to this small company, where the opponents were all weak.

The general manager of Xuejianghu Security Company, a bearded man in a white suit, closed his eyes with tears still coming from his eyes, and said with unwillingness and anger: You are winning without force!

Throw flash bombs as soon as they come up, and don't talk about martial ethics.

A row of subordinates knelt behind him. Well, we are all colleagues, so they must be neat and tidy. People who come out to hang out should be like this. They don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but they want to die at the same time, the same year, the same month, the same day, and the same day.


Old driver Claude Hughes couldn't help but laugh, what a naive guy!

Hana Gagel sat occupied behind the executive desk, crossed her legs carelessly, and said calmly: Okay then, shall I give you a fair chance to duel?

The other party was so weak that he didn't even have the qualifications to take her to heart, so he treated it as just relaxation and entertainment.

Just teasing fools!

Is this what you said?

The bearded man tried to open his eyes wide, but his vision was blurry, and he could barely see clearly.

'Rookie', play with him.

Hana Gagel shouted to the door of the office, opened the drawer of the executive desk, and poked around to see if there was anything good.

Found the best cigars, +12!

Just put it in your pocket. Even if you don't smoke it yourself, it's good to give it as a favor.


Chen Fei walked in with a universal machine gun and said doubtfully: What if I'm killed?

He was afraid that his hand would be heavy and he wouldn't be able to hold it back, so he slapped him and turned his head 360 degrees.

Good guy, I don’t know if the other party is dead or not, I will probably be scared half to death, it’s so scary.

Before Hana Gagar could speak, Bearded Man said firmly: You deserve to be beaten to death!

How can a person wander in the rivers and lakes without being stabbed? Today you will be hacked to death, and tomorrow I will be hacked to death. If you die, the bird will look up to the sky, and you will not die for tens of thousands of years.

After accumulating enough resources and contacts, starting a military contracting business is already a winner in life for the assassins who run the single gang. No matter which small military contractor, from top to bottom, from inside to outside, there will be no lack of that A fierce spirit that ties his head to his waistband.

On the contrary, large military contractors like Apocalypse Defense once put on their shoes can never take them off again. When faced with life and death situations, their performance is far inferior to those of small military contractors who are willing to risk everything for just a glass of beer or a piece of fried chicken. , starting from the roadside stall and starting all over again.

Miko Takano said with great regret: It's better to leave it to me!

Her eyes suddenly lit up, she looked up and down at Chen Fei who had put down the universal machine gun and bullet belt, and said, 'Rookie,' take a break and let's talk about it?

Behind the good wife and mother is burning the violent soul called violence.

Happy to accompany you!

Chen Fei nodded and immediately agreed.

He has an indestructible body that cannot even be hit by small weapons, let alone fists.

He also wanted to see what the opponent's Tang Shou was like.

Xiao Jiu, let's do a light healing technique!

Chen Fei pointed at the bearded man who was unshackled by Claude Hughes and was rubbing his eyes fiercely.

Since the other party wants fairness, then give it fairness.

A snow-white suit, if it is splashed with blood, hiss, such evil thoughts will go away quickly, go away, go away...


A light healing technique was thrown over, and the effect was immediate.

The discomfort in his eyes disappeared quickly. The bearded man in a white suit blinked hard and looked at the little bird that was sent to the executive desk by Chen Fei. It had black feathers, golden patterns, and a particularly impressive crest. Just now, he heard the score Ming, the other party mentioned the word light healing technique.

He couldn't help but take a breath of air immediately.

That's Warcraft! And it’s also a magical beast that can release the “Light Healing Technique”!

What a strength this is.

Are you ready? Do you plan to fight with words or force?

To untie the bell, you still need to tie the chirp. The temporary blindness caused by the light flash can naturally be restored to the original state by the light healing technique. Chen Fei casually put on an unconventional posture and waited for the bearded man to take action.

What do you mean by literary struggle, and what do you mean by martial arts?

The bearded man in a white suit looked confused.

Wen Dou is... Chen Fei took out a tactical pistol, pulled the holster, completed the loading action, and continued: You shoot me, I shoot you, whoever falls first counts.


Not only the beard, but also Takano Miko couldn't help opening her beautiful eyes.

Did you pick up the wrong gun? Should you have used the revolver?

This is a nasty literary fight. You shoot me and you shoot me. It’s basically suicide. I can’t stand even one shot, let alone more shots.

The bearded man swallowed his saliva and said guiltily: What about martial arts?

That's easier, use your fists!

Chen Fei raised his fists, shook his shoulders, and made a boxing gesture.

The hearty pleasure of fisting to the flesh is definitely addictive.

I choose martial arts!

Boom! -

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