Split Sky Rider

Chapter 228 -1 Star Yuan Purchase

It wasn't the first day that Hana Gagar came out to hang out, and she would be worshiped by others at first glance. How could she trust the other person without any reservation.

Having the working experience as an inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the most thoughtful department of Apocalypse Defense Group, and specializing in various complex tasks that require peeling off cocoons and identifying authenticity, I naturally understand that it is easy to gain loyalty by providing help in times of need, but in reality, there are more The ungrateful white-eyed wolf.

The people in Jianghu are sinister, and the innocent ghosts have already been graved with grass three feet high, not to mention the old Jianghu who clearly has a bloody Jianghu brand.

Everyone, my name is Claude Hughes. From now on, Blood Jianghu Security Company will suspend operations and everyone will gather for training.

Old driver Claude Hughes looked at the bewildered bearded man and the others.

These people are all wolves and cannot be kept as dogs. If the wolf is kept at home, it will only bite the owner in turn. Therefore, it must be let out to attack and attack continuously, so that there will be meat to eat.

The bearded man hesitated for a moment, and finally bowed his head honestly.

Yes, SIR!

From this moment on, the nearly insolvent Xuejianghu Security Company no longer belonged to him. Even he and a group of brothers had to rely on the one-eyed woman to make a living.

'Rookie', Claude relies on his brains and professional skills to make a living, you only need to rely on your fists. If a guy like this doesn't obey, beat him to death!

Hana Gagel directly gave Chen Fei face-to-face instructions.

Different people use different methods, and no matter what the wolf is, in the face of absolute power, shit can still be eaten.

With a small team like this, Chen Fei could kill a whole family with his bare hands.

When Hana BOSS said this, she didn't hide it at all. Most of the people from the Blood River Security Company and others on the opposite side listened attentively, feeling cold in their hearts. The boss was knocked down by one punch. If he got a few more blows, , it is estimated that his life is not guaranteed.

If it were them, they might be able to receive two less punches, and then... they would be in trouble!


The hustle and bustle of Chapala City that lasted all day finally gradually returned to peace, but the employees of Tianqi Defense Group were still in shock. The administrative office building was completely turned into a pile of ruins, becoming a shocking place in the city. scar.

Reporters from the news media are like flies that have smelled something fishy, ​​looking for valuable information everywhere. This group of people works day and night with a pervasive professionalism that puts even the most powerful agents to shame.

Although Eric Anthony, chairman of Apocalypse Defense Group, clearly issued a hush order, it is obvious that Apocalypse Defense cannot afford to lose such people.

However, there are still two shareholders who leaked their words in front of the media. They were talking about Bird Defense, and they pointed the finger at the newly established Jiu Defense Company.

Although there is no clear evidence, pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey clearly has that flavor.

However, Chairman Eric Anthony clearly denied it. He is a sensible person. If he offends the only remaining member of the Gagel family, if I do it again to you, Tianqi Defense Group, which has lost face, may really want to do it. It can't be sustained.

I don’t know which journalist with great miraculous powers, a group of well-connected people, managed to find the big courtyard where Hana Gagar temporarily stayed.

Whenever there is the first one, there are countless others.

Not even half an hour after the first light flashed outside the courtyard gate, the courtyard wall was surrounded by countless flashing lights, and at least a hundred drones were flying in the sky, buzzing with terrifying force.

There are even reporters who are brave and rely on their skills to try to climb over the wall.

As a result, as soon as he climbed in, he was surrounded by men who were already waiting there and gearing up. They took him down on the spot, pinned him to the ground and beat him violently.

If they can't beat the rookie guy, can't they still deal with these cowardly guys?

A dozen slender beams of light suddenly flashed over the yard, and the densely packed drones fell like dumplings.


A small bird with black feathers was hopping on the roof, declaring that it had control of the air and no one was allowed to enter.

After a while, he flew to the wall and flashed against those flashing lights.

A light flash hit me unexpectedly, and those cameras were also seriously injured!

Fragile and sensitive light-sensing elements are collectively killed and injured.

As expected, Jiu was on guard!

Whether it was Chen Fei or Hana BOSS, they suddenly felt that the company name did not seem to be wrong. They cut out the surveillance video later and gave it to an expert to edit, and it turned out to be another classic advertising video.

Have you memorized everything?

Claude Hughes, the deputy general manager of Jiu Defense Company, who is responsible for managing the perimeter, is randomly checking the new recruits to memorize their texts.

The Xuejianghu Security Company was just the first one to be recruited under his command. Soon after, several other small military contractors who had once criticized the defense company also took the initiative to accept the offer. It seems that life is not easy for everyone. Once they have thick thighs to hug, , naturally can’t wait to turn hostility into friendship.

Manager Hughes, don't worry, we all at least have high school diplomas. If you want to work in this field, you must understand the policies and laws. Isn't it just memorizing a copy? It's fine!

Alfred Jean Patrick, the boss of Xuejianghu Security Company, with a white suit and beard, slapped his chest vigorously, and his saliva flew everywhere.

The bosses of seven companies, including Black Wolf Defense, Blasphemy Security Company, and Indiana Crusader Security Company, are urging their subordinates to make confessions to avoid being exposed by reporters and officials.

Tianqi Defense Group has two shareholders who can't keep their mouths shut. Hana Gagel is not unprepared. She and the old fox Chairman Eric Anthony have a tacit understanding with each other.

Some things don't need to be said directly. You can naturally make accurate judgments based on changes in the situation. You understand everything you need to know, and you always understand what you don't understand.

Both sides are at odds, one step at a time, one step at a time for me, with a tacit understanding that isolates reporters and officials from the truth.

Those two shareholders received a warning that day. If they could no longer control their words, they initiated a board resolution to force other shareholders to acquire their equity and directly kick them out of Tianqi Defense Group.

This is not the worst part. Once we lose the protection and checks and balances of Tianqi Defense Group, and think about offending the ruthless Jiu Defense Company on the other hand, we really have to beat ourselves up, and we will suffer the consequences.

According to Hana Gagel's instructions, the official announcement of Jiu Defense Company was very simple and did not contact reporters and other media. It was only posted on the company's official publicity platform and expressed its support for the attack on its old employer Tianqi Defense Group between the lines. I feel regretful and hope that the murderer can be caught as soon as possible. As for the nonsense of the two shareholders, there is no evidence at all. Jiu Defense Company has been focusing on acquiring a number of small military contractors recently and has no time to distract from those that are not available. We strongly condemn those individuals and media who create and spread rumors, and reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility.

The official tone, which was almost like an eight-part essay, made the media in Chapala City and even the entire Mesoamerica feel numb. Such high-sounding words made it difficult to grasp the clues.

At the same time, the eight small military contractors who had become the peripheral subordinates of Jiu Defense Company all issued notices. After a long period of arduous negotiations, the merger and acquisition agreement was finally completed. Jiu Defense Company acquired eight companies at the cost of 1 star. Small military contractors.

Eight-star dollars is almost the same as zero-yuan purchases.

But what has the final say now is Jiu Defense, and the eight small companies are arranged in various positions, as long as Boss Hana is happy.

As soon as the announcement came out, the news media were in an uproar again.

Most of the suspicion on Jiu Defense Company was immediately cleared away.

It is impossible for a start-up small military contractor to do a sneak attack on a large military contractor while conducting business negotiations.

Some people also suspect that it was the eight small military contractors that were acquired together. After all, the eight companies joined forces and had nearly a thousand combat personnel and logistics. It is not impossible to create a wave of Tianqi Defense Group.

But if you haven't done it before, you haven't done it before. There are no flaws at all. Some people think they are smart and are misled to try in this direction. They are destined to be in vain and gain nothing.

However, Tianqi Defense Group is now really afraid of Jiu Defense Company, and it has acquired eight small military contractors as its own peripherals.

Apart from other things, it can pull up a fighting team of nearly a thousand people in one go. Such a force already has the capital to go toe-to-toe with large military contractors and use force.

Chairman Eric Anthony couldn't figure out what kind of charm Hana Gagel possessed that could make those eight small military contractors accept her without hesitation.

In fact, there is nothing to say. After beating them one by one, these killers only believe that the one with the hard fist is the boss. If you can't get it done by beating them once, then beat them twice. Two times is not enough. After all, they still have to eat. In the end, they just give in half. Got it.

Some colleagues who had heard the news but had not had time to take the initiative to seek refuge were beating their chests and regretting that it was too late!

Hana Gagel doesn't reject anyone. She only selects small military contractors with good character and brings them into her circle. On the one hand, she can be driven to do some logistics work, and on the other hand, she can accept those transferred from Tianqi Defense Group. Resources, on the other hand, are used for talent selection to fill the middle-level positions of Jiu Defense and solidify the framework of the entire defense company.

As a military contractor, there are never too few logistics support personnel. One combatant corresponds to one hundred logistics personnel. This ratio is not an exaggeration. The more detailed the work, the higher the combat effectiveness and tactical level will be.

At sovereign air bases, the ratio of combat pilots to ground crews will only be higher.

Those small military contractors are not managed well, and sometimes they have too many concurrent jobs with individuals. The so-called multi-purpose skills are related to being exhausted. Equipment maintenance is insufficient and meticulous, and personnel make frequent mistakes. This will naturally affect combat effectiveness and then affect to the evaluation of word-of-mouth and task completion, and then further deterioration, falling into an endless cycle.


Again, only one section.

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